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Everything posted by Danger

  1. the L in Dutchess usually signifies Fire Lieutenant
  2. Unless the college squad transports, they probably won't be easing the call load too much. Majority of colleges around here rely on taxpayer ambulances for intox, leg pain, etc.
  3. The ambulances we had before the current line were remounts on the F-450. Heavy use, but excellent in house maintenance. The apparatus replacement schedule points towards doing another remount on our new mods. The 2006 E-450 has been pretty awful, spending a lot of time at the dealership.
  4. When I worked at a commercial: somewhere between McDonald's burger flipper and Stop and Shop cashier. Then when I didn't cross an "I" or dot a "T" my EMS "family company" HR Department said sorry, you screwed up, filled out the 1243 form instead of the 1234, no benefits for you!!! Not gonna say any names but coughOMALAcough. Unbelievable. The only way I'd do commercial is if my other choice to live on the street. Well, I'd still live on the street, can't pay a mortgage on $9!
  5. Correct, City Fire dispatches Alamo and ends up with Arlington and Town of Wappinger responding! Good luck Alamo and NDP, got some great people on the street, too bad the suits can't get anything together. Maybe NDP's management can use HQ's checkbook without their micromanaging.
  6. Last year I saw that Expedition (with the LED) hauling up Rt. 9. First I even heard of a ground organ transplant vehicle with red lights.
  7. Good for them, 71 was getting up there in years.
  8. Crosslays: 200' 1 3/4" w/ smoothbore 200' 1 3/4" w/ TFT Combo 200' 2" w/ TFT Combo Rear: 200’ 2 ½” smooth bore preconnected 400’ 3” blitzfire deadload 1000' 5" 200’ 3” to water thief to 150’ 2” w/ TFT
  9. That is pretty funny, but I agree that a lot of people probably think it's so simple to walk in to a building and simply put water on the fire.
  10. It says in the article that he is the chief of one particular station, not the whole district. And I do think it's way too young.
  11. Favor the Morning Pride over the Gxtreme. Just feels a lot more comfortable on me, it weighs a little more but fits me better than the GX7 which fit more like MC Hammer pants. I'd pretty much wear anything over the FireDex or Lion or whatever it is we have at work. Basically a Carhartt coat lined with tin foil.
  12. I've been looking for more dexterous gloves for a while now, are there any dealers around here? I'd like to try them on before dropping money like that.
  13. The bill is federal, everyone would see a benefit, what are you getting at?
  14. http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/11/27/obit.taylor.ap/index.html
  15. Dutchess does this. There are plenty of agencies that dispatch a BLS ambulance to low priority calls. Coincidently, these same agencies often cancel their Medic en route.
  16. Correction: my job has the ladders as described below by RES20CUE. Never realized that fiberglass met NFPA.
  17. Browsing through that gallery I see some truly dreadful pictures. Hunter green, teal, etc. I guess Cadillac Cream isn't so bad after all!
  18. In the first picture in that gallery, what is that old GMC apparatus to the far left? Is that EFFD's?
  19. Grapeville and Erie are about 2 and a half hours apart
  20. So it was the dog that died?
  21. oh and http://www.afd.org/CPAT/CPAT.htm
  22. Great post, if you want to find out about the ESA LODD, use lohud.com, if you want to see apparatus photos, fdnytrucks.com, whatever you do, do not ask questions or look for content here!
  23. I agree, especially when VACs start having paid personnel
  24. There's a lot of rumors going around which I hope are just that, hoping for the best for all involved