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Everything posted by yfd910

  1. ........but Chief, will they have Roto-Rays????
  2. Mack61, I just saw what a Roto-Ray is. Don't you ever mention Roto-Ray or Yonkers Fire in the same sentence again... ......and please, please don't start "assuming, presuming" or be "led to believe" about what we're doing with our rigs again......
  3. Not mention it? You just did! Yes, while it does happen and is looked down upon, like I said in my post, it's in a combo dept. that the problem arises. If career guys volunteer in a combo dept., they should give up their IAFF card and benefits. That's taking a job from someone.
  4. I like to think this whole "Career vs. Volunteer" thing can be summed up in June 2007 and every four years afterwards: Drive by White Plains HS the day of the Towns & Villages Fire Test. See how many "Chief's" cars you see parked outside taking the test. See how many guys wearing their Department t-shirt's walk in and out. I've been taking these tests for years and there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of men grasping at the chance to get paid to be a firefighter. Judging from all the stupid taglines most members have on here, I think there are too many young members who have no idea what's going on and have only heard one side of an ongoing dilema from the wrong people to have a real grasp on this whole situation. I think volunteers have their place in areas that can't quite justify having full time FF's (1 or 2 runs a day), and there are areas that need full time FF's, but the problem of "vs." really only applies to combo departments, like when volunteers are used to supplement staffing during storms and recalls instead of calling in off duty members. That's when the problem arises. Just because I get paid for what I do doesn't mean I don't love what I do.
  5. True story......... Yes I do!! 2 of them. What are you gonna do for them??? HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! ITALIAN BATTALION?? I think you should stick with "SHIFT COMMANDER"!!! Who's idea was that???
  6. No he wasn't. Keith's father was a commissioner when Keith was in Fire Prevention.
  7. Final Vote for yesterday's Fire Commissioner's Election: Keith Fennelly - 883 Paul Chyrstal - 450. Good Luck to Chief Keith!! I'm sure things will start looking up for my old job!!!
  8. that's crazy............... they need to work on legislation in California to reduce the 53 hour work week thats allowed out there, and get down to a 40 hour week like we have here in N.Y., rather than how to stay in the firehouse longer.
  9. Don't you guys think some of these percentage figures are a little high?? I mean, 40-60% above an induvidual's salary??? At an average salary of $70,000, you think it costs $25-40,000/year in benefits??? Medical Insurance, Pension, 207-A Disibility Insurance, what else is there?? If you go by the Municipality alone, one Dept. I know of claims 85% of their budget is for personnel. There are too many people out there who feel paid FF's "cost" too much, and this will only add to it.... This is worth looking into.
  10. The next County test is (should be) in June 2007. The Towns and Villages in Westchester, plus the cities of Rye and Peekskill use the same written test, scored with block grading. Scores are based in groups of 5 starting at 100, 95, 90 etc. down to 70. When the scores come out, each Department gets a list from West. County Civil Service office with the scores of their residents. The handful mentioned above, along with Lake Mohegan I believe, do sometimes get a County list also, which has everyone and their score who took and passed the test from throughout the County, as these towns don't require residency. To be considered a resident in most places, you need to establish residency before the applications come out, which is usually 3 months prior to the test date. When a Dept. needs men, most first conduct an interview, then send the candidates to the County physical. After passing the physical, the Dept. makes it's selection, and off to the academy you go...... That's just my basic idea from past experience. The 4 cities; Yonkers, Mt. Vernon, New Rochelle, and White Plains do their own testing and physicals, scored to the hundreth of a point, and they're pretty serious about residency. Only Yonkers runs it's own academy, the other cities send their men to a County academy class. Did I miss anything??? Hope I helped. Joe
  11. OK. Here we go: The last class hired was in July of 2003 - 39 were hired. The last test was given in June 2004. Physicals were conducted in the Fall of 2004. Now, there haven't been enough vacancies on the job to justify hiring a class.............yet. Also, certain criteria must be met pertaining to the list that was established in 2003 (and is still the current list) which I will not discuss to anyone off the job (YFD). You all know the rumors. Now, no municiplaity, under Civil Service law, can release or establish a new list while there is still a current list in effect. No, Yonkers does not reveal their scoring system, but I would think, like the other cities in Westchester, that it's a combination of the written score and the physical scores. Also, remember that Yonkers is held to the Consent Decree, which does effect scoring, like it or not. When YFD is ready to hire a new class, and certain criteria are met for the current list, the new list will be established, take effect, letters sent out to all who passed with your score and your placement / number on the list, and, shortly afterward, applications sent to those that are being considered for the job. Just be patient.................
  12. Yes, he is a resident. I'll let him know the good news. Thanks.
  13. My friend called me today to let me know he passed the written part of the NRFD exam with an 88%. My question is: What's the next step? There was no invite to any practice physical in this letter. Can/Should he be expecting one soon? Thanks Joe.
  14. very funny Lt.....................
  15. Just got back from going over Engine 314 & 303 and they are very impressive. Very well thought out with a lot of nice features. Chief Fitzpatrick did an excellent job. Body wise they are the same as the other ALF's we've received in the past, and well planned, like using the wheel wells for spare bottles and extinguishers which opens up compartment space, and the pump panel is very uncluttered. The cab, which is about 14 inches longer, has an extra compartment behind the rear doors, with the bottom part going through from one side to the other side, and they got rid of the front suction that 308, 309 & 313 have. Very roomy inside the cab. Sorry, but I didn't get any pictures today. They are supposed to be in service on Wednesday, and hopefully they will. Everyone seemed very impressed, and I'm sure the men of 303 and I know us at 314 can't wait to get them in. Engines 307, 310 & 312 should be replaced in the near future. I would presume, based on a past post, that the citizens of Yonkers (and Rhode Island!) and members of EMTBravo will be very proud of this rig and appreciate my professional and courteous update to the status of our new rigs.
  16. I would presume, based on the last few posts, that you guys are looking way too into these rigs. They're basically the same as the previous ones, a little bigger with an extra compartment, and a much less cluttered pump panel. The deck guns are on them, and I know 314 should be ready for service Wednesday. I haven't heard anything about when the others will be ready. Go to another web site with pictures of the other ALF's we have in Yonkers and compare them. I thought this site used to have pictures of all the departments. I'll try to take some pictures on Tuesday or Wednesday of 314. And if you stop "presuming", maybe I'll post them!! Then maybe your presumptions will be answered.
  17. My best guess would be either make it a spare or junk. Why, you want it?
  18. I would presume that Yonkers' new rigs (and Squad 11) were spec'd out based on what Yonkers needs and what the Chief's wanted. Captain told me tonight that E314 is scheduled to be in service Wednesday. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm hearing a lot of poistive feedback and we can't wait to get it going and get rid of the Sutphen.
  19. Thanks for your replies men. I don't know how they do things in Yonkers and wasn't sure how they do things in the other cities, but it sounds pretty much the same. Do you know how they score the physical? Do they add up the times, each induvidual agility, and then combine them?? Thanks again Joe
  20. One of my good friends took the NRFD test on Saturday. I know from past experience that if you pass the written, you're invited to take the physical in September (plus, the proctors all said "see you in Sept" as testtakers left the room). My question is: Does anyone know, accurately, (not I think, or maybe) how they grade and make their list?? Is it a combo of written and physical, just physical, or some other crazy way of doing things?? Thanks. Joe
  21. Right now, we're replacing 4 engines: 303, 304, Squad 311 and 314. They're pictured at the top of the main page. Squad 311 will be getting the Rescue-Pumper (3rd from the left). These will replace the older Mack's, Sutphen and one Smeal.
  22. As someone stated earlier, any Borders, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon is going to carry a number of entrance test prep books. Unfortunately, most are based on big city tests, espescially NYC. These tests are not the same New York State exams. I remember Towns and villages tests being 60 questions, with the cities (NR, WP, MV, & Yonkers) being 75. Just brush up on math (mutiplication and division), mechanical reasoning, and reading comprehension. Try not to erase any answers, try skipping the first 15 questions which are usually the reading comp. questions, meant to rattle your brain for the rest of the test, and go back to them later on, and most importantly, take your time. Also, take every test that comes out, resident or not, just to "get used to them".
  23. If I'm not mistaken, and I'm not looking to challenge anyone here, NFPA 1710 doesn't necessarily state that there has to be 4 men on a rig, only first responding, but leans more towards having 15 - 17 men showing up at an incident within 8 minutes. It also allows for mutual aid to satisfy this standard to get as many men on scene as quickly as possible. As far as other departments here in Westchester, I'm sure someone from each department can better clarify what is done to meet this standard. My questions for anyone from Greenville, Fairview and Hartsdale, is do you three dept's work together to meet this being you're all in the same union? and what are your staffing levels? Just curious. Thanks.
  24. June 2007, 4 years after the last one in June 2003.
  25. Just wondering if anyone has their department's year end totals for 2005. How many runs total and which engine/truck company was their busiest. I don't know Yonkers totals yet but I'm sure we'll have them soon. Thanks. Joe