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Everything posted by DaRock98

  1. I agree I think it's time to move on. The person that started the other thread likes to stir the pot and then run away and hide. I've seen numerous posts from him and more then one time he had claimed he would no longer post on this site. Don't let the door hit you on your way out! I really don't know why he is still here. Sorry for the rant but I really think the admins and mods are doing a great job but you will always have a few bad seeds no matter how good of a job you do. Back to the topic at hand I think that this LT. is 110% wrong. I would never refuse the help of anyone as long as they are properly trained,staffed and prepared to do the task at hand. Not only is this LT. putting the public he was sworn to protect at danger but everyone else that is on scene. I would hope one of the police officers on scene did exactly what OntheWheel said he would do.
  2. I believe it means "quit taking it personal" correct me if Im wrong chief.
  3. Tell me about it! My season tickets went up $500.00 from last year! I have a friend who works for the Yankees and he tells me they went up so much this year to prepare the fans for a BIGGER increase next year when the new stadium opens.
  4. Great show I watched it for the first time last night because of this thread and I now have my DVR set to record every Sunday at 10pm. Thanks for the heads up on the show!
  5. I got mine the other day(white) and I love it so far! Well worth the money!
  6. 80% here
  7. Nice rig good luck with it!
  8. In my dept once the chief or any other rig gets on scene of a working fire they have the job re toned to update all other incoming rigs of what they have.
  9. Wow thats a pretty bad situation Im sorry I don't have any advice for you but I do wish you luck! Let us know if you have any luck Im interested to hear the outcome.
  10. Thanks Jack! My dept. uses the same blue stretcher that is on the bottom of the page and I cant stand them! They may work for other dept. but not mine. First reason I hate them is it takes 2 people at ALL times to raise or drop them and secondly they don't fit properly in the rigs that we have so when we arrive at the hospital the legs don't drop all the way down and lock in to place so as you are pulling the stretcher out you have to tilt the stretcher up and kick out the legs to lock it into place WITH the pt on it! Talk about dangerous to the pt and the crew! We are now trying to fight the commissioners and talk them into letting us put the old ones we had back into service.
  11. Getting FD on every EMS call must be nice I would love to have a rig on every EMS call but unfortunately my town doesn't do that. My dept. sends 1 engine to EVERY MVA we get regardless if PD requests it or not. Our engine NEVER clears before the ambulance starts it's transport we use it as protection on any road way but yet we don't send it out on the parkway for an aided call!?!?! Doesn't make much sense to me!
  12. Do you have another link to the website? It's not working on my computer it keeps saying web site not found.
  13. Question for people lilke me who only get a bus on the parkway for aided calls. Do any of you request an engine out to the parkway for traffic control or do you just load and go?
  14. Nice pic I would love to see more if you have any. I think looking at the old pics is one of my favorite things to do on this site. Keep em coming!
  15. Ours are on only during the day from 8am- 8pm and only for fire calls not ems calls. Our neighbors around the firehouse hate them and wished they never went off.
  16. Happy birthday hfd219 hope it's a good one!
  17. Question for those of you who have shifts or on call times for your EMS agencies. I have noticed that some of the local VAC's in my town have shifts or on call times, during this time SOME of the agencies are aloud to ride with a full crew around town. I have noticed a lot more lately that these VACs are "joy riding" (for lack of a better term) out of district. So I guess my real question is, isn't there some form of liability issue if god forbid they got into an accident out of their jurisdiction just riding around not responding to a call?? I feel like, if you are on call in district A) you should not be riding around in district Not only does it delay response time but it puts the public you serve and your crew at a much higher risk responding lights and siren from one town to another.
  18. Thank you that was the answer I was looking for!
  19. I ended mine about 2 weeks ago when I wrote the topic
  20. I agree you need to know about your neighboring districts BUT if you go there frequently and you are living in the town Im pretty sure you already know a lot about it. I was just asking because in my dept. it's not the "norm" to do driver training out of town/district or at 2 or 3am.
  21. Ordered mine today!
  22. Also what is the status of the new addition to the house?