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Everything posted by DaRock98

  1. I agree with the blue light bringing attention to your car. I will never understand the people who sit at red lights with the blue light going to me it makes no sense what so ever! I also found myself driving much faster with the blue light on. I decided to take my light off my car for that reason and for the fact the no one gets out of my way anyway! During the day its hard for other drivers to even see it. Now that I don't have it on my car I find I still get to the firehouse in the same amount of time I was and I am driving much slower and realized that if God forbid I do get into an accident it's even more of a reason for people to blame the fire department. If I miss the truck OH WELL Ill make the second one the is no reason to be driving like a maniac to a call you get 5 times a week for people smoking in the bathroom.
  2. Has anyone ever heard of an emergency vehicle being ticketed for this?
  3. I wish my officer meetings were that short and easy!
  4. A true hero! May he rest in peace!
  5. I have a question to if the FD was to call them in would they respond if for some reason the county is unavailable?
  6. Photounit the quality of these photos are great. What kind of camera do you use if you don't mind me asking? Also do you use any type of program to get this quality? Sorry for the 20 questions but I am amazed! Keep em coming!
  7. Does anyone have the answers to these questions I am interested myself?
  8. Well I can't translate it for you b/c I dont understand it myself but I think your problem is that you try to please everyone. I think thats great BUT you need to start thinking about yourself and not what everyone else thinks. This is YOUR site you have over 7,500 members and there is no way you are going to please everyone. Do what you got to do and people just have to deal with it like it or leave it. Thank you for bringing the .com back I love seeing the main photo and active topics as soon as I log on. Keep up the good work and don't let a few people bring you down.
  9. Does gasoline really go "bad" if you leave it unused for a period of time? Some people are convinced this is just another urban legend, and that people who worry about "old gas" and spend money on fuel stabilizer are wasting psychic energy as well as cash. http://autos.aol.com/article/general/v2/_a...703144909990001
  10. What kind of HDMI cable do you recommend I went to Radio Shack, and they have 2 different cords one was like $60 and the other is like $100. I believe the 1st one is the radio shack brand and the 2nd was monster?
  11. You may not NEED 2 ambulances at a working fire but if you have the manpower and the coverage I say why not, it can't hurt. Personally I would like to have 2 of them at the scene but thats just my opinion. I agree that rehab should be away from the scene but not to far away just in case the stuff really hits the fan you don't want your ff's running back to the scene if they need to get back quickly. The one thing I have witnessed at a fire is the EMS being a block and a half away and not right up next to the IC, if they are not carring a radio how do they know if they are needed? I know a lot of ff's who never go to rehab I guess they feel they don't need it but if EMS is right there as you walk out I would like to see them approach members and make them sit down for a set of vitals and a quick drink of water. I know its not a perfect world but that would be some of the things I would like to see being done by EMS.
  12. When I was in Cancun a few years ago for spring break the police would patrol with ALL of the lights on didn't make much sense to me how do people know when they are getting pulled over?!?!
  13. MOUNT VERNON -The hiring of five firefighters has been put on hold by new Mayor Clinton Young pending a look at the city's finances. http://lohud.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID...18/NEWS02closer
  14. 2008 Yankees world series champs!
  15. WOW! That can not be a real 911 call. How dumb could one person be?!?! I do have to give it to the dispatcher for keeping her cool, I think I would have laughed in her face.
  16. I don't think I agree with that. People with there $10,000 radio systems who you can hear coming from a mile away probably won't hear you. I had one back in the day and a lot of kids in my town still have them and sometimes I feel I can hear them better then a siren, try being in a car with 3 12 inch JL audio sub woofers and let me know if you can hear a siren coming.
  17. It's a good show but TERRIBLE actors! I like the concepts and I do plan on watching it but the actors kind of kill the show.
  18. I am actually one of the lucky ones as well. My boss allows me to come into work late/leave work early if an alarm comes in as long as I call him on my way to the call to let him know I will be late. The only day I am not aloud to leave is Saturday's because I am the only one in the office. As long as we are not busy and it's not during holiday time he has no problem letting me leave to answer a fire call b/c 9 times out of 10 I will be back within 30-45 mins the most. He however would prefer me not to leave for ems calls b/c they happen more often and take a lot longer for me to return back to work, if they are requesting a driver on ems calls he will let me go. I do still get paid for time out of the office and it does not count toward any vacation/sick time.
  19. I can't get the link to work but was it the press that snapped the pic and put it in the paper? Was that the reason for the investigation? If so it goes to show you that someone is ALWAYS watching!
  20. I've tried setting up crews to pick up shifts but nobody signs up! I get the same 3 or 4 people every week. I asked if it could be mandatory for emt's and drivers to pick up at least 1 shift a MONTH and I was told "we are a vollie dept and can't force people to sign up" I can see there point on that but seriously 1 shift a month give me a break thats nothing. It's not like we get hammered with calls either we are Lucky if we do 1 or 2 calls in a 24 hour period. (Don't get me wrong we do have theses days of 6-7 calls a day but that is extremely rare) Going paid 24/7 isn't what I want to do I feel it's the only thing we can do. Believe me I've tried to get people to open there eyes and see that we are not doing good I've brought it up at company meetings and I am told sorry that is a district issue and it can't be discussed here. Another member asked if the company could write a letter to the district stating that we do not want to provide that service anymore and we were told do even bother it won't help at all and will probably just be ignored. How could you say something like that?!?!? I've heard my CHIEF even say he wants to get rid of the service and the district refuses to listen! I feel like I'm just spinning my tires with this topic in my dept and I am almost ready to give up I just don't know what else to do. I feel like the best shot I have is to just wait until some of these people are no longer in office and try it again with some new blood.
  21. With out a doubt that will raise our response times and that is also the point I am trying to make! Our vollies just don't want to do the job anymore and thats a HUGE problem. I think the WHOLE ambulance crew should be a paid crew 24/7 365 but it's close to impossible to see that happening anytime soon. I just wish that the decision makers saw it the same way I did instead of running the way we do. Sorry for the rant but I will try to bring this back to the topic at hand. Does any other vollie vacs or depts have any solid numbers on response times? I'm talking from the time the job comes in to the time they call responding?
  22. I wish I had exact times but during the day out dept has outstanding response times I would say we are out the door within 2-3 mins and we either pull up the same time as the PO or just as he/she is walking in the door. At night well thats a totally different story b/c we don't have our paid emt in quarters so I would say it takes us about 6-10 mins pending who is on call, a few of our members live on the opposite side of town and it takes a good 4-5 mins just to drive to the station and that doesn't include getting out of bed getting dressed and getting to the car hence the TERRIBLE 6-10 mins to get out the door. I know our ems agency has problems I just wish the higher up's realized that as well. I feel my dept. should not be TRYING to provide a service that we can not provide. Sad to say but what is going to happen when there is a medical emergency right outside our door and our amb. can't get out the door!?!?! Talk about getting caught with you pants down! So not to drag this thread off topic but my question is how do I get theses people to realize we have problems and they need to be fixed?
  23. I would like to hear the numbers that you have. I feel as long as you don't name the agency/agencies no one can claim that you are picking on them right? I would also like to hear how you came up with these numbers if you don't mind.
  24. On average how long does it take to assemble a dive team and get them on the road?
  25. I couldn't say it any better myself, and no I am not crying b/c I'm a vollie and I can't take the bashing anyone who knows me can vouch for that. I am a vollie and I am damn proud of it. I love what I do and thats why I do it, isn't that the reason that all of us do what we do? Can't we all just get along??