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Everything posted by nwpfd390

  1. im pretty sure being an officer is not only knowing your capabilities but mutual aid capabilities you cant just starting calling everyone in the world because you have a fire, secondly if you do need a fast team instead of calling specific depts how about you just call for A fast team and let the CAD system work for you i understand its volunteer and the middle of the day and it gets hectic but people need to take a breathe and size up the situation, if you call for a ladder from one dept and try to get a fast team from them as well, i think thats a little much and you are depleting the resources for that town whether the manpower is there or not, and im pretty sure that the grasslands brigade does not leave the reservation that is the point of their existence.....
  2. thats why they have collapse zones
  3. RIP brother, you are in gods graces now
  4. get well brother, good luck hope its a speedy recovery
  5. I've been seeing a lot of their retired cars gutted out at the garage that sells former cop cars in north white plains on virginia road.
  6. http://www.chiefmontagna.com/Articles/Gas%20Hazards.htm
  7. Outside gas investigations can be very dangerous, the fact of the matter is that the majority of the utilities we use are underground, and can easily be effected by another utility. This can be seen a lot when there are water main breaks. Im sure there are a lot of people who can say that they've been on water main break calls and it turns out there was also some kind of gas leak. This is especially important, because water main breaks can cause sink holes. Furthermore, these can easily damage gas mains or electric wires underground. So the water could be electrically charged, as well. Natural gas also could leak through the ground. Natural gas is an odorless gas, however is given a chemical called Mercaptan, that can easily be be abosrbed into the ground, so be careful and dont rely on the "rotten egg" smell. With reagards to ventilating a house with natural gas, keep in mind that you should turn the valve closest to the appliance first, and cut off the electricity to the house. However, sometimes the leak may not be in the residence, but could be entering through an outside leak. Ventilating, may not be the best choice because of the UEL, however I believe that would be Con Ed's call.
  8. I'd go with horizontal ventilation first then prob go with x129k's idea with prying it off or just cutting it. For me the ariel would be one of the last things to do just because of those wires. I would put up an extension ladder and a roof ladder. Unless the C side was open to get the ariel in but other wise I would not mess with wires hanging as low as they are.
  9. Nice rig. But whats the red light for on the bottom of the pump panal for ?
  10. its great like you said they could not have picked a better person to do it to and he got his 15 minutes of fame too
  11. cool
  12. yea i forgot the comma i have bad grammar
  13. That's what she said, no but seriously he should be wearing a helmet life preserver and have a rope attached to him.
  14. yes i passed by their firehouse responding to the first mva with north white plains it was a FF but it did not look too bad and the FF was ok but the MVA was called in a mutual response area with Valhalla and North White Plains in front of the Kensico Dam Plaza but it actually turned out to be on Rt. 22 where the dam's overpass meets with Rt. 22
  15. all im saying is that i think the new stadium will not be able to match the original stadium the house that ruth built between the memories the championships and they way the yankees are going there not going to get off to a great start with the new stadium but who knows i hope it brings home another 26 champioships
  16. i think the new stadium is BS because tickets are going to be through the roof next season "If it aint broke don't fix it" there is nothing wrong with that stadium and personally i think its all about revenues now and the idea of enjoying a ball game is lost
  17. It is North White's old 75 it was sold not too long ago to some guy in armonk
  18. well i got a genesis for about a hundred and got a couple of bomb cars for like 50 a piece but that was like 5 or 6 years ago i guess there really getting popular
  19. looks good man i used to have one a little while back with a full yard roads n everything but i know theres a hobby store in the white plains mall that sells metro north engines and cars i still ahve a couple but yea like i said looks good
  20. happy birthday tom have a good one -tracer
  21. RIP Brother you made the ultimate sacrifice and for that I thank you. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.
  22. RIP Brother you will be missed
  23. i am trying to buy this rig but the shipping alone is from 9500-18000 the bid ends tomarrow i need someone to help me out here, and if any one has any other information about shipping this thing let me know thanks
  24. well accually we have 3 in our district but they are all located in the stop and shop parking lot as far as who put them on we did, but i agree we should put more storz connections on hydrants