
Answered Final Alarm
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About dc2t

  • Birthday 02/24/1953

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  • Location Greenburgh

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  1. Hello Journal News here is some more misinformation from Greengurg.
  2. Funny how this article was released days before the vote on replacing the ladder. Seems like there is a supervisor stiring the pot again.
  3. County to issue new safety helmets! Just a joke . Will someone get the proper info before screaming the sky is falling. From experts claiming consolidation is the answer to all the problems to speculation by hysterical buffs and the status of a piece of equipment.
  4. Photos from Fairview FD
  5. Do you put your helmet in the oven for that 1000 job look?
  6. The brothers from HFD did a good save. Maybe some the the keyboard commanders should keep their comments to themselves. Everybody goes doesn't knows sounds like a buff to me.
  7. So why not compose a district that covers the unincorporated Town just like PD. Take over all three districts and all fire protection districts. A shoot from the hip approach will not work. Too bad the town owes 5.5 million lawsuit against the A church. The money could be well spent on a in depth study. Too many non experts think they know the answer. Why does a single person who has no idea how to run a fire dept thinks he has the answer.