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Everything posted by E64PCFD2044

  1. als - I thought I pissed you off or something. the reason for my post was to just say that I personally feel safer that if I need a bus at 3AM PC EMS is already there in their quarters...maybe thats just what I'm used to..who knows. Thanks for the constructive critism. BTW, i'm not saying the fire based EMS do a bad job!!! anyone in these fields are to be looked up to, I think.
  2. als - im not bashing anyone or their system, i'm just saying how I feel about it. and the tv comment is because of a little situation around here from what i'm told. again, i'm just saying how I feel.
  3. mike- everyone's got their own view on stuff and where ever you go things are done differently...that was just my opinion..i was a little ticked off when iI wrote that anyways..needed a place to vent
  4. all news 12 is that they are a bunch of "news casters" that think they work for Westchester County and are intitled to something 'higher up'. All of them on that channel think their $h!t doesn't stink and they can get away with mindless talk and crappy segways...it's horrible..really really horrible. I wish some entity would hire someone just to observe how $h!tty of a job they do! They should recommend to some council voted on by all Westchester residents and hold a meeting and have News 12 dropped off the air and have Brian Conybear and the stupid weather guy publicly humiliated
  5. Listen...Firefighters are Firefighters. Why hold up an Engine for an EMS call when the PD is there and the bus is there and a medic is there... Why deprive the municipality of fire protection?? EMS should not be a part of the fire department unless it gets the paid guys up and out doing something better than watching TV all day. Port Chester VAC is now Port Chester EMS. There's people there all the time and they do a hell of a job!! I think that if EMS was run solely by the PD where your property tax just covers it or something than everything would be run better... The EMS personnel work for the 'town', they slack off and make money..it's all good..and they're doing their job. Does anyone complain about police not getting to a call?? Not where I live. Most of the time the desk sarg. calls one car and three show up..why can't EMS be run like this? Too many times I hear (NOT BASHING...JUST MAKING AN EXAMPLE) KEC625 Somers, an EMT for the ambulance and a driver is still needed for E183 to respond...or 60-Control to Hawthorn 3rd and final dispatch...I know when I call for an ambulace, the people are there and ready to respond and not holding any other agency up. Port Chester, Rye, & Rye Brook all use one EMS provider and for the extremely high volume of calls, the bus always gets there on time...dispathced by PD. Remember this is only my opinion.
  6. does this include when you cross the double yellows and come back across the road to back the rig in. I know people who chased after cars in the firetruck that didn't yield to the truck when it was trying to back in.
  7. EMTBravo Muster 2005 Valhalla, NY
  8. I'm WAY too young to even think about these fires but the old timers still talk about them... Gulivers Night Club - Mulitple Fatal Fire R B & W Plant - "We drafted out of the Byram River for 2 days!" Both in Port Chester
  9. This has to be the most professional, most serious, and most truthful thread on EMTBravo...besides IA's JBE's the man
  10. old style leather front pieces..like the one that came stock with my late '70s early '80s New Yorker... Good Luck =D> =D> =D>
  11. Anyone ever watch Family Guy?... You know their news channel Quahog News 5...its all adult humor and jokes but they do a better job than News 12!!!!!!!!! Like someone said in another thread...it might have been RWC130, you have to watch channel 12 with the mute on. My bad if it wasn't RWC.
  12. nice site...good luck =D> =D> =D>
  13. automated announcements?? i like when the conductor announces the stop...they make you laugh sometimes...get's you out of the just waitin to get home routine
  14. i haven't seen DPW remove snow at my firehouse since the blizzard of 1996
  15. thats the word around here, WAS
  16. GreenwichHospital is supposed to be buying it out because they dont want the influx of poor people going up there and transforming the place
  17. United Hospital is being turned into a truama center and an outpatient/ambulatory type deal
  18. Orangeburg(Rockland Co.) Date: 12-30-04 Time: 00:39 Frequency: 46.18 Location: 8 Cedar Ave. Units Operating: 11-2, Orangeburg EMS, others unclear Discription: Originally Dryer Fire, then retoned out for Basement fire 00:46 - 44-Control confirming structure fire and advising all Orangeburg units to switch to Freq. #3
  19. im down...i'm sure everyone would appreciate an exclusive Westchester audio channel online.
  20. bring on the Bravo Gear!!
  21. Date: 12-28-04 Time: 02:00 - Location: 33 Purdy St. X Halstead Ave. Frequency: 46.26 Units Operating: E12, E13, TL24, 2163, E38, 2243 Description: Structure fire in 4 story brick - apartment Writer: E64PCFD2044 02:05 - E12 o/s reporting smoke condition and retransmit tones 02:10 - E12 Confirming 10-75, (1) Engine from Mamaroneck to scene-pick up a hydrant. E13 o/s laying in. 02:25 - 2163 requesting Red cross to scene 02:28 - 2163 reporting a Signal 10-30 requesting (1) & (1) to Harrison HQ to stand by 02:30 - 2163 cancelling m/a engine to HQ 02:30 - 2163 requesting C & O to scene 02:33 - '648' dispatching L20 to Harrison HQ 02:54 - Releasing E38, holding Truck in quarters 03:48 - TL24 is 10-2, 10-8, requesting the release of L20
  22. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all!! DFFD227 - Don't leave the camera in the car! LOL Congrats to all new Chiefs and Officers out there!
  23. Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich with a BK Angus Burger with Micky D's fries...yes I've done it LoL 1) Hubba's - Port Chester 2) Rocky's Deli - Millwood(OPEN 24HRS) 3) Mirabello Pizza - Port Chester
  24. I like our E-61 and TL-2 here in Port Chester Croton Tanker-10 is nice as well as Bedford Hills TL-57 And the new Somers Engine...i forget which #