Hope they catch the A$$HOLE!
From Firehouse.com:
Investigators are dusting a fire truck for fingerprints to try to find out who stole it from the Casa Loma Volunteer Fire Department garage and drove it into a nearby creek.
The culprits took the truck some time after 9:30 p.m. Friday, said Sgt. Dalia Rodriquez of the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office. And just before 6 a.m. Saturday, local police got a call that there was a fire truck upside down in Llagas Creek on Casa Loma Road near Twin Falls Road.
"The fire truck is in pretty bad shape. ... It's a total loss," Rodriquez said.
Casa Loma Fire Chief Kylee Vicha said the engine was the largest of the department's four trucks, which serve about 175 residents in an isolated 5,500-acre area of the Santa Cruz Mountains in southern Santa Clara County. The 15-person, all-volunteer fire department relies primarily on community donations for its equipment.
"This is devastating," Vicha said. "This area is remote, with really bad roads, and it takes trucks from other stations up to two hours to get out here."
It took a tow truck with a massive winch seven hours to pull the fire truck out of the creek. It was towed to a California Highway Patrol yard.