FDNY EMS not having enough medics is it own fault. They treat their EMS employees like second class citizens. Lousy stations and equipment, poor working conditions, five day work weeks, and constant mandations. This plus lousy pay. Many EMS supervisors run around like little dictators writing crews up for mundane offenses, and general making life miserable. In general anyone who can leaves for PD, FD, or a Hospital based system. Most hospitals pay starting a medic more than a senior ems Captain!! The only remotely apealing benefit is the 25 and out pension, but even that is based on a lousy salary with high employee contributions, and not many people can physically last 25 years working in the system. That having been said, a patient is better off receiving ALS care from one medic sooner than having to wait or not receive any als care at all. Anyone with experience in NYC can tell you that the call triage is pretty bad and BLS tends to get more ALS jobs than the medics anyway. The rantings of the EMS union are just their ussual attempt to complain about everything in hopes of someday doing something for their members.