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Everything posted by OoO

  1. This same exact topic was addressed a while ago:
  2. Actually there is a provision that allows you to seek exception for carrying certain equipment if you can show that it is unnecessary:
  3. I can't see that working. What nonmember would want to buy a tshirt?
  4. Interesting that it has a red light bar.
  5. You missed YFDs thread here:
  6. Beginning on your 2007 tax return, volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers will be eligible for a $200 tax credit provided that they: 1. Were active in their department for a the full year 2. Do not receive a real property tax exemption Details This site says it is expected to pass but to my knowledge (and research) it did in fact pass.
  7. FiOs shold be completely compatible with your TiVo. I haven't used the TV service yet but I've been using the FiOs internet service for over a year and I am very happy with it. Its much faster than optimum online and its cheaper too.
  8. I don't think scan60 lists the tones, but I imagine the site's author would let you know if you contact him/her.
  9. Until that feature is implemented on the forum, you could always upload the audio onto a file hosting site, like LocalHostr and then post the file's URL with the IA.
  10. It looks pretty sick but I'm partial to the old style police cars. Is this already in service?
  11. I can see the street signs now:
  12. I'm looking for a EMT course to take over the summer, preferably one that starts no earlier than 7:30 PM on week nights in the Westchester Area. I know it is a little early for exact schedules but I was wondering if anyone knew from past experience. I know WCC's classes start at 6:30, which is a bit too early for me.
  13. I believe Dobbs Ferry VAC has one as well.
  14. I'm also kind of puzzled as to why it is private.
  15. The only legal music download service compatible with an iPod will be iTunes and emusic.
  16. Well I know WMAs can be infected by viruses and play the audio file.
  17. It is my understanding that mp3 files cannot be infected by viruses, so therefore when you use Limewire, just be sure to check the file extension to ensure it is an mp3. You could have gotten the virus from anywhere, be it using IE or reading email. I think people like to blame file sharing too quickly.
  18. I'm not a fire fighter so I don't really know what I am talking about, but perhaps these could be useful if you are trapped and need to use the hose in order to clear your way to an exit?
  19. Has anyone ever see these flashing white strobe lights in red traffic lights? I know there is one at the Executive Blvd exit on the Saw Mill Parkway and I have seen them scattered throughout White Plains. Are these red light cameras? If not what exactly is their purpose?
  20. Yea, thats what I thought but a friend of mine insisted that they were cameras. I thought maybe they were tying to trick people, as the red light cameras I have seen are big boxes on the side of the road. But increased visibility certainly makes sense.
  21. I know Dobbs Ferry Hospital is currently notification by phone only, which can be a hassle.
  22. I think the addition of an RSS feed to this forum would be great and would allow members to more easily monitor new topics.
  23. Does anyone know exactly what authority the state has to close a private hospital?