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About mpm5

  • Birthday 09/23/1988

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  • Location Greenburgh

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  1. Congratulations deputy you earned it
  2. I am looking to get volunteers to help with the Ultimate Firefighter event at the FDNY Fire Academy on Saturday, 8/27 - Monday, 8/29. This is a variation of the SCOTT Combat Challenge with the obstacle course and tower. We need A LOT of volunteers to help any or all 3 days. There will be two shifts of roughly 6 hours per day, 0630-1230 hours and 1230-1830 hours each day. I will take what I can get. It will be a great event to be a part of as all of the competitiors are firefighters from around the world! We do also need volunteers for the Opening Ceremony at Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Friday, August 26. I do not know what the time frame is but the gates open at 11 AM and the ceremony goes from 1 PM - 4 PM. I would assume volunteers will be asked to arrive aound 8-9 AM. Please Email or Message me ASAP FF Michael Murray Fairview Fire Department Email P.S. The Games are going to be an amazing event the FDNY and the city of New York have put allot of time and effort to put these games together. Even if you can't help out but want to see some amazing athletes and performances you can here is their website with a list of events and dates
  3. The new ladder 50 is in ct right now getting its final touches put on in regards to radios and compartment shelves and mounts for tools. the truck should be at ardsley's fire house this thursday feb 3, 2011 where it will begin having the tools placed on the truck as well as all member training on the new rig. will post pictures of the rig hopefully thursday night as long as we dont get hammered with the storm and no other problems come up. pictures and a full spec of the truck will be posted
  4. Date:12/27/10 Time: Location: 182 N Belmont Frequency:Bronx Units Operating: 88 first due Most of the Bronx (brooklyn relocating to the bx) Weather Conditions: Snow on the ground Description Of Incident:3rd ALarm Reporters/Writer: Engine 88 transmitting 2nd alarm on arrival fire on 2 out of 3 floors of a ordinary construction, Fire spread to second structure collapse of original fire buildings roof and collapse of wall in exposure 4 Water problems and snow blocking access to areas. Staging area changed 2 different times do to not enough room on the streets for rigs. Fire is right up the street from 88 and 38's quarters 38 was not on scene do to relocate to 61 up in co op city (ouch) PM me with more info
  5. Date:7/19/10 Time:0856 Location:10 lincoln pl Frequency: fire 114 and fire ops 8 Units Operating:ffd 2121, r-3, e-176, e-175, u-7 hfd 2171 e-170, efd 2113, tl-21, gfd l-4 in ffd hqs Weather Conditions:thunderstorm Description Of Incident: Working Fire Reporters: FFD received a 911 call for a structure fire at 0856 hrs 0900hrs units onlocation heavy smoke pushing out the eves transmit working fire level 1 0901 hrs command reports 2 elderly occupants still inside the house 0904 hrs command reports both victims have been removed needs gpd medics to the scene (i male eventually transported to wmc) 0910 hrs have all incoming mutual aid stage on north road 0911 hrs have con ed gas and electric to scene 0914 hrs fire is knocked down checking for extensions Writer:
  6. Nice job YPD on getting this guy!!! Nice job EMTBRAVO you did the right thing
  7. very confussed
  8. This hospital is an amazing place and they treat their patients in the childrens section so well. You will never know or understand on how cool of a place it is for a kid to be since they make it so that you don;t even feel like you are in a hospital at all just a really neat Hotel room. I have been in there as a patient and it was the best hospital ever to be in cause how many can say they have a fire truck in it, a train in it, computer rooms and a mini golf course and so much more Nice Job everyone involved with the project you will make kids stay in a hospital alot better.
  9. is that the light bar u were talking about?