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Everything posted by mfkap

  1. For those of you brave souls that would like to read the county mutual aid plan, it is online at In appendix F, it says that your agency code is first, than 0 for command unit, than 1,2,3, etc for rank order, with 1 being the ranking officer. I don't know why county would have you change over to 11, 12, 13 when they were updating their CAD system. But again, we don't know why county does a lot of what they do.
  2. According to the latest copy of the Westchester County Mutual Aid agreement, line officers are assigned to -01, -02, -03. Any reason that they didn't follow this?
  3. You have to remember that this stuff is going to the general public. And if articles like this can help convince people to learn/perform CPR or use an AED instead of waiting for EMS, it is a good thing. The core of the article is decent and makes sense, it is just the usual media exploitation that makes the article stupid. We all know they don't care about the 1000 patients you get to in under 5 minutes if they can get a good story out of the one that it took 15 mins to get to.