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Posts posted by RescueKujo

  1. Next to MVAs involving an ambulance, RMAs are the second most common reason you may find yourself jockeying the witness bench in a courtroom. Sure it's easy for you to say "sign here" but does the patient really know what it is they are signing? How many people EXPLAIN to a patient what it is they are really doing and what the possible repercussions are?

    At my primary place of employment, the RMA protocol is rather extensive - so much so that it's actually EASIER to talk the patient into going to the hospital. Average RMA can take more than 20 minutes!

    To those of you who are quick to say things like "we would get them to RMA and move onto the next call...if they really needed to go...we'd be back soon enough" I offer you this. Wait until a patient dies and you have to deal with the pissed off family and their lawyers. Then you might change your way of thinking. People will suit you for looking at them wrong. Cover your asses.

    9 times out of 10 if you tell a patient "YOU MAY DIE IF YOU DON'T GO", they will go. For the other 10%, well, they must be suicidal, so they can't refuse anyway. :P

    This post is right on. I have been on the witness stand with my name being numero uno on the lawsuit. No fault of mine, the patient lied to her mother about what I said/did right after I left the scene and she died the next day.

    What saved my bacon?? Documentation. I documented in at least 4 locations on my paperwork the patient's refusal and what I did in my attempt to get her to reconsider. As a matter of fact, 10 years after the fact I'm sitting in a class regarding legal issues and the lawyer (who represented me and the company at the time) starts talking about how documentation saved this EMTs butt a few years ago.

    So as I used to say to the new hires that were on my unit when I was in the field, it is much easier in the long run to take a patient to the hospital. Document all refusals well, do a thorough assessment and pray nothing happens to that patient. While it is their decision, if something happens to that patient your company and you just got a big target painted on your back. And if you don't follow policy, your company will leave you swinging in the breeze by yourself....

  2. :lol:

    I guess in a few weeks ( or sooner) we will see the holiday ads as well.

    No Tuna, the stores have probably decided to bypass Labor Day, Halloween, Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving and you'll see the Christmas Trees and ornaments arriving in your local stores very soon. :blink::blink::rolleyes:

  3. Thoughts, prayers and condolences to Detective Sgt. First Class Dwayne Kelley's family, friends, fellow Soldiers and his Brothers and Sisters of the New Jersey State Police. May God watch over all during this tragic time.

    Sgt Kelley, thank you for your service to your country. Your death is not in vain.

    Duane Kuhlow, Jr.

    USAF 1981-1987

  4. Date: 06/26/08

    Time: 2:30 p.m. PDT

    Location: 600 W. Market St

    Departments: San Diego Fire Department

    Description: A Downtown restaurant was destroyed this afternoon by a fire. It took about 25 minutes to control the fire. the restaurant, The Kansas City Barbeque, use used for the film "Top Gun" for the piano scene where Maverick takes Goose and his family and belts out "Great Balls of Fire" . The Kansas City Barbecue was made famous by the movie "Top Gun." According to the restaurant's Web site, the location director for Paramount Studios was driving through downtown San Diego. After stopping in for a beer, he brought back the film's director, Tony Scott, who approached the bar for use in the film. And over the years, hundreds of tourists have flocked to see where Maverick, played by Tom Cruise and Goose, played by Anthony Edwards, belted out the lyrics to "Great Balls of Fire."

    Links: Restaurant Used in Top Gun Destroyed

    Writer: RescueKujo

  5. Date: 06/23/2008

    Time: 2:15 p.m.

    Location: Los Angeles International Airport

    Departments: LAFD, FAA

    Description: An American Airlines 757 flight from San Francisco to Miami diverted to LAX after an episode of smoke in the cockpit. Upon examination, a container of hydrochloric acid was found intact in the cargo hold. Maintenance crews recently worked on a hydraulic unit aboard the airliner, which sometimes causes excess fluid to spill in flight. But, It's still unclear what caused the smoke in the cockpit and the fuel smell.

    Links:American Airlines Jet Lands Safely After Smoke in the Cockpit

    Writer: RescueKujo

  6. Date: 06/22/2008

    Time: 7:30 p.m.

    Location: Knotts Berry Farm Amusement Park

    Departments: Orange County Fire Authority, Anaheim Fire Department

    Description: 24 people were rescued when the "Sky Cabin" observation deck stopped about 50 feet off the ground. Most of the stranded people were rescued by the Orange County Fire Authority, but a few were reluctant to go down the aerial aldder. Anaheim FD Truck 3, a Bronto Skylift, was special called for the remaining people.

    Links: Knotts Berry Farm Rescue

    Writer: RescueKujo

  7. Date: 06/23/2008

    Time: 5:00 p.m.

    Location: Quartz Hill area of Los Angeles County

    Departments: Los Angeles County FD, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

    Description: LA County Firefighters discovered 4 persons in a home where they had just extinguished a fire which gutted the home. It is reported that the fire was "suspicious". The LA County Sheriff's Department along with the Coroner's Office is still investigating the circumstances surrounding these e deaths.

    Links: 4 Dead in Los Angeles County Fire

    Writer: RescueKujo

  8. The Newport Beach Fire Department is saddened to announce the loss of one of its own.

    Firefighter Kevin Pryor passed away Tuesday, June 17 due to a massive inter-cerebral hemorrhage. He was thirty-one years old. Kevin Pryor began his career with the Newport Beach Fire Department in 2005 and served as a dedicated firefighter for the department.

    FF Pryor had returned on Sunday (June 15th) from a Strike Team assignment to the Northern California fires. He was found at home by a friend on Monday, and rushed to the hospital. He was placed on life support and passed at 0700 PDT Tuesday morning. In keeping with Kevin's wishes, the Pryor family donated his organs to an organ procurement program. Kevin will live on as his heart, both lungs, both kidneys, liver and pancreas were used to sustain another's life.

    Memorial Services will be this week in the Westlake Village community of Los Angeles County.

    Webites used for this post:

    Newport Beach Firefighter's Association The Line of Duty

  9. Date: 06/20/2008

    Time: unknown Time

    Location: Industrial Blvd Oakland

    Departments: Okaland Fire Department

    Description: A fire broke out in Oakland on Friday, damaging commercial and residential buildings before being brought under control.

    The blaze damaged two churches, a market, a liquor store, several apartments and a metal spring manufacturer. Witnesses reported 30-foot flames and dark plumes of smoke.

    Links:Okaland California 6 Alarm Fire

    Writer: RescueKujo

  10. Date: 06/20/08

    Time: 0700

    Location: Throughout Northern California

    Departments: Multiple Agencies with Mutual Aid from throughout the State

    Description: Dry thunderstorms throughout Northern California sparks up to 400 fires on Friday. Multiple agencies are fighting these fires with massive mutual aid responding from Southern California. See The California Department of Forestry Homepage for further details.

    Links: California Firefighters Battle Dozens of Forest Fires

    Writer: RescueKujo

  11. Kris,

    My condolences, thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family on the loss of your Grandfather. By your post, it sounds like he touched many lives and made those he touched better. May God watch over all of you during this trying time.


  12. More photos...

    While out and about in the Laughlin area on the Arizona side, I saw a black plume of smoke and some rigs responding. It turned out to be a junkyard fire. Better photos later in the week.

