There was no delay. This is a combination of residents affected by the fire, where time of a three minutes can seem like a hour, being exploited by the media and the band of people who are hell bent on consolidation and reorganization. Another aspect not mentioned is that sheer amount of calls received from the incident by the jurisdictions and 60 control had to have had a negative effect on phone lines, software, radio transmissions, and personnel. Although this impact was negligible, tons of calls within seconds of each other will tax any system, and all the consolidation in the world can't help that. Yes, the area does have a lot of first response emergency agencies for its size, but this job showed that all three agencies, the two villages and the town, can effectively work together. Politicians say "Never let a crisis go to waste", and it seems like some are going to try and stretch a great job (no injuries, fire limited) into a crisis.