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Everything posted by Scottyk107

  1. I understand what the officer was saying but why did he just put up a couple of cones or flares to warn of the lane closure and let the fire department work?
  2. With-out more information its hard to say or make a decision. Here in Florida you can Baker-Act a patient who may do harm to themselves or others and PD must be present and agree with the medics/emts that is it the best choice.
  3. Thank you guys for you info but I already attend The University of Central Florida. I dont live up north anymore. I was looking for something not in fire science or ems such as business or public adminstration that would help me persue a fire career. Most high positions require managment rather then fire degrees now and thats what I was aiming for. I love my school and want to stay here for the remainder of my degree. I want the fire and ems degrees one day but not until I am hired and have a job in the field. I was looking for a common BS/BA degree that is looked upon as premiere in the fire service. Any suggestions on something more towards managment or business adminstration? thanks already for your responses
  4. I am about to finish up my AA and was looking to see what the best major would be that would set me up for advancement in the fire service. I have already taken fire science and emergency medicine out of my choices because they are too narrow in what I can do with it. I am looking into business management and heard some about public adminstration but was also told by a current fire chief that it is also too narrow. I want the degree that will help me the most and will look to add fire and ems degrees after getting hired. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Being one of the young members I agree but sometimes find it necessary to add in order to get more information added to a post. We may just touch on a topic and hopefully create a snow-ball effect to let the experience come out and be heard. I think sometimes we all speak over our heads and need to be put back in out place by the experienced guys with their knowldge. We want to learn so please share
  6. Liked fire first but department was combination fire rescue and the ambulance always got more calls so now about even
  7. MPO on engine Chauffeur on Ladder And Driver on the bus/ambulance or rescue Aide on DC or chief cars
  8. people with systems will just think it is their bass haha
  9. What about a system where repeat offenders pay for the false alarms. What every room is activated will get the warning and then a fire there after. I bet after a few rooms start paying all of the students straighten up
  10. And the voters who shot down the tax increase are the first ones to cry law suit and say that the city was responisble for the death. The vote may have not been directed on the fire department but once more money is denied then all public agencies start to get buckled down and rung out for more funds. Its tragic that it takes a life for people to see this
  11. I think it all depends on what the department lingo is. If the guys on your job know the diffrence between a "truck" meaning an aerial or a truck as in something with wheels that moves. I think it is more common to know that a truck is an aerial in a department that is more urban and uses the more slang. Over the radio I think they should be called what is on the side of the truck ie: Tower 1, Ladder 2, Engine 6 so that there is no confusion and in the event of mutual aid there are no mix-ups
  12. i say we over look double jeapordy just for Oj
  13. I have never heard or seen the boston tool anyone have a link to a pic?
  14. We thank you again for all that you have done!!
  15. als I agree with you and the point that when people are given something like that they all of a sudden become superman and their little can of mase is a m-16. Never thought of it that way till now it would cause more harm then good. thanks for helping me see that
  16. to start I think on the job experience is ranked #1. as a chief you need to know every position and know it well enough to know whats best for the men not only the check book. I think too much financial responsibility is placed on chiefs and how much money they can save rather then worrying about what kind of service they can provide and how to make them better as a department. In the fire service you can only gain so much by taking classes and getting a degree; real world experience is what matters the most when you basically hold so much in your hands. Im not down playing having an education background because that is also an important part but a teacher can only teach you so much. Character is also a big factor. Are they the type of person to stand behind their men and decisions or place blame down the ladder to try to keep their name clean. These are just a few of the many im sure qualifications to make a good chief....
  17. thanks truck4 u keep me informed down here in fla of whats going on in the vern
  18. Think of all of the things in the back of a bus that someone could use on you. Needles, o2 tanks, iv poles, anything can really become a weapon used against you. Its true about not having extrodinary number about hom many ems providers are killed/ hurt because I wouldnt even know where to look but I think that one life is worth the 15$ of mase.
  19. als has to do with all of the meds and as it is in its name the advance techniques like air ways and iv's bls is you more basic vitals, trama, and stabalizing patients
  20. Someone mentioned it in the post about the young emt getting the dog attacking a woman to stop. What about instances like this? He thought on his feet but if he wasnt so lucky that it would be a diffrent story. A taser surely could have been of help im guessing it would have the same effects on an animal. I dont think ems should have holsters with desert eagles but i think that some sort of protection should be there. Most departments have policies in place where the scene has to be safe but there are always those surprise calls.
  21. yea thats the roof hook I am talking about with no point. yea that is true with all of the pike poles being wood, fiberglass, or a composite it seem much eaiser to get leverage on an all steel shaft. thanks for the info
  22. Whats the diffrence in function between a roof hook pike pole and all pourpose hook? They all look the same but have really only seen pike poles used. What are the diffrences in their functions?
  23. been here for a few months now. Names Scott have been invlolved in the fire service all of my life. From Mt. Vernon but move to florida when I was young. My dad has been on the job for 30+'s years in the vern along with my Grandfather who was the volunteer chief many years ago. My dad moved back to florida to get back on the job but i stayed in florida where in 2003 became involved with the explorers. Rose through the ranks to chief in 2005 but moved out here to Orlando in june to attend the University of Central florida to get a degree before getting into the fire service. I am a certified nursing assistant and a First Responder. Also took the firefighter I class but was too young to get the certificate. I spend my summers in Mt Vernon riding out with the department and rest of the time in fla. I cant wait for school to be over and finally do the job I have been wanting since i could talk!! Hopefully moving back to New York to get on the job up there in a few years.
  24. I saw that someone mentioned the diffrence on pre piped ladders or tower's using a fog or smooth bore. From what it seems smooth bore is the choice on interior firefighting but what about on master streams? The pre piped ladders and towers seem to be split 50/50 on what kind of nozzle they carry. Seeing as I live in florida most of the year we dont have many aerial's here so never hear to much about it. All of our ground monitors are also split between fog and smooth bore any reasoning for it?how about exposure lines? Our deck guns and monitors are rarely used so dont know much about them. thanks for the info in advanced guys