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Everything posted by helicopper

  1. Just to focus on this point for a second... The donations were likely made to a charitable organization (IRS 501c3) for the purpose of meeting their fire suppression mission. Were the people donating informed that a percentage of their donation was going to be used to supply employees (that's what the chiefs are in the simplest terms) with vehicles? Are they paying retail value for the vehicle at the end of their term? Are they claiming this "income" on their taxes. Many, many "charitable organizations" have run afoul of the IRS and other authorities for misuse of funds - even the Red Cross. Remember the outcry after 9/11 when the Red Cross said millions of dollars were going to be put in the Red Cross general fund and not given to victims as the fundraising had indicated. Now, many organizations actually put in their literature the percentage of donations that is used for the management of the organization (such as 9 cents out of every dollar received). Fire Departments are not exempt from the rules of the IRS and other governing entities. They're just fortunate that they haven't been the target of their scrutiny.
  2. Hey all, I'm just curious about EMS line officer/field supervisor training. I was just involved in a discussion that centered on the problem of poor attendance at classes. This led me to wonder why we don't fill some classes, hence this poll. If you're not a current or former EMS line officer/supervisor please don't take the poll - but feel free to post your comments! Thanks in advance.
  3. Interestingly enough, there is no typing of airplanes in the FEMA stuff thus far. In the fireline handbook, they are described as "air tankers" so I think the distinction would be "heli", "air", and either "water tender" or simply "tanker".
  4. Whatever they're called they should be consistent with National or State resource typing guidelines so everyone knows what the capabilities are and we advance our NIMS compliance.
  5. That's exactly what I was referring to. So stretching an additional line is a FAST operation so they're still performing their FAST responsibilities. Wouldn't it make sense that once that line is stretched and the immediate hazard is alleviated, the FAST members rotate out to another firefighting company so they can resume their FAST duties? Aren't these supposed to be the "ESU" of the fire service (when a cop is in trouble they call ESU, when a FF is in trouble they call FAST)? Why is it that we so rarely see staging areas established let alone have an additional resource or two in staging? Hey Barry, woof!
  6. This while the IC is managing a wild span of control and wearing all the other hats mentioned (Safety, Staging Area Manager, OPS, Liaison, Logistics). I don't understand the resistance to put some of these extra people to work in positions commensurate with their experience (Chief, for example) and help alleviate some of the workload on the IC. FDNY uses a resource unit leader at every multiple alarm fire (alright maybe not 2nds, but every 3rd and higher). Was there a resource unit leader at this fire - there were certainly enough officers to staff it (we won't even start the discussion that you don't even need to be an officer to be a resource unit leader)? As much as ICS is preached, I don't think the vast majority of people fully understand it or its benefits!
  7. Hey all, I'm just curious about fire officer training. I was just involved in a discussion that centered on the problem of poor attendance at classes. This led me to wonder why we don't fill some classes, hence this poll. If you're not a current or former fire officer please don't take the poll - but feel free to post your comments! Thanks in advance.
  8. Your job requires 300 and 400 for all line firefighters?
  9. They're not fire specific but there are good courses offered by SEMO on Leadership, Decision Making, Effective Communications and ICS. Here's a link to their calendar: http://www.semo.state.ny.us/programs/training/calendar.cfm The non-ICS courses are part of the Professional Development Series and can be used toward higher level certificates from FEMA. Hope this helps!
  10. They're not EMS specific but there are good courses offered by SEMO on Leadership, Decision Making, Effective Communications and ICS. Here's a link to their calendar: http://www.semo.state.ny.us/programs/training/calendar.cfm The non-ICS courses are part of the Professional Development Series and can be used toward higher level certificates from FEMA. Hope this helps!
  11. I like this one!!! You know you're a buff when you go down this thread and go yup, yup, yup as a personal checklist!
  12. Since "time" is coming up as a major obstacle to completing higher level training, what schedule would enable you to attend?
  13. I'm glad to see that someone other than me or ALS mentioned position training. And of course, now that you've got it, you are retired. Figures, doesn't it? Enjoy the good life!
  14. What kind of cookies? Got Milk?
  15. Great article! And if you read the article he wrote 32 years ago, it is still (unfortunately) true. One especially interesting passage... Why is there so little accountability in this industry?
  16. They may very well be responsible for some of it. If they had any "assets" in the transfer, I'd go after them for sure!
  17. Regardless of who may or not be at fault in the Village of Irvington, the Attorney General should go after the company that failed to meet its contractual obligation!
  18. Great thread! I'm almost certain that there is a correlation between volume in an ALS system and success at intubation but regardless of where you operate, a major consideration is patient movement after the tube is placed. This speaks volumes about the need to frequently assess tube placement during and after patient movement/transport/transfer to the ED. I like the policy STAT mentioned so the tube is verified by the ED doc before the patient is bounced from stretcher to stretcher.
  19. Did he explain why they paid 75% up front?
  20. Well said. Where were the accountants and lawyers when that contract got signed! Frankly, I'd prefer my tax dollars buy my home agency a new fire truck than an agency 30 miles away. Why is apparatus an allowable grant expense anyway? Shouldn't that be the responsibility of the department? Not all agencies that receive grants are able to buy a new truck after all. Can anyone explain that process?
  21. As a matter of fact, I do. This applies to the GOVERNMENT imposing restrictions on the citizenry. It does not apply to users of a privately-owned website who agreed to a set of terms and conditions as a condition of their use. This is not the case in many other countries where the government routinely censors and controls what is broadcast by the media and what is available on the internet.
  22. Not in my humble estimation!
  23. Thanks but I'll be missing our meetings now!!!
  24. Yes the County does as do agencies within the County. We have <classified> and they are located at <classified>. They would be distributed pursuant to regional and local plans and in accordance with medical control or standing orders. <classified> has them too.