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  1. Anyone know what the diamond plate boxes are for under the ground ladders? Standpipe hose?
  2. So it's pretty common elsewhere in the country to have teams made up of volunteers to handle the rescues of lost hikers and the other tech rescues that present themselves in the parks that have become more common. These teams exist in places where all the fire departments are fully career and they work together on responses. An example. http://www.malibusar.org/Home.aspx
  3. When I first got on and worked in South Queens where there was lots of private dwelling fires and a fair share of vacant buildings this was very common. The vacants then had the plywood HUD windows which the the chauffeur would take out. The outside teams were very aggressive and operated independently. So the ladder chauffeurs (who were very experienced firefighters from very busy trucks) would routinely take the attic window for VES. SOP at time was to place the tip against the top of the window or wood and lower the stick. It really wasn't that long ago but I feel as if we know a lot more. First of all most people have embraced two in two out to the point that VES is done as a team. As a firefighter in the Bronx we teamed up for VES (Roof and OV) and I thought it was better. Most importantly hopefully we think a lot more about coordinating ventilation and it's effects on the overall operation. The fact is ventilation without water being applied to the seat of the fire is going to make the fire bigger and create flow paths. So we need to think about why we do it. If we're going to search for life we will need to isolate the area we are going to search or the fire is coming for us. If we are going to VEIS we want to minimize the amount of air we are feeding the fire so we should not vent until we are fully geared up and in position. To me this means facepiece on hood on on the tip of the aerial with your haligan. This way you break the window, enter, find the door to the room, close it and search. If you break it with the aerial and then climb up you have given the fire air for probably another minute minimum that will have a high potential of growing the fire. I will be honest and say this is not how we used to do it but in the past 10 years we have been given some good information that we should use to refine our tactics and work smarter and safer. Many say we are not thinking about potential victims when we refine these tactics but it's not true. If you're venting for fire then we need to have water on the fire and I'd argue it's not so critical that we need to use the tip of the aerial. I guess my point is that I'd rethink the tactic more based on our better understanding of fire dynamics (behavior) over concerns for the health of the aerial ladder.
  4. FLSA only requires OT for over 53 hours per week. Some states in the north east NY included have a 40 hour work week for firefighters.
  5. I still maintain that no fire department in NYS works a 3 platoon system. All work a 4. The hours of their shifts get them to 40 or somewhere near. So no I don't know any departments doing 24 on/48 off in NYS.
  6. No one to my knowledge in New York does that schedule. Firefighters in NYS work a 40 hour week. With OT for anything more.
  7. The Major Injury call type is a BLS call in NYC as is Ped Struck and MVAs without more info. I think this is based on the fact that the vast majority turn out to be BLS and there are limited ALS resources. There are probably too many call types so and amputation and a long fall would get ALS. They're moving to a new triaging system and they're attempting to work on the miss-classification. As to the IV interventions in trauma patients study after study shows this does not help and may actually harm the patient. It really bugs me when I see transport delayed for it. Anecdotally I find the experienced medics that I see and who I would like treating me if I was hurt bad never delay transport. It's the same as the young guy on the roof who's going to cut the hole no matter what compared with the experienced firefighter who knows when it's time to leave or a lost cause.
  8. While these statements were true a few years ago. Engine Companies are increasingly being dispatched BLS calls. The Major Injury calls are a good example. They have added to the CFRD matrix a few years ago. While the non-FDNY people on here will think yeah they should go on major injury calls, major injury calls are anything but major injuries and that's why they only send BLS. Engine Companies have been increasingly sent on runs when the BLS unit reports responding with a delay. In the grand scheme of things, this is nothing new the LAFD has used a matrix based on response times for a while. The issue is the workload on some FDNY engines is pretty high. My company has done well over 5K runs for quite a few years. While it sounds great to work in a busy place and we do enjoy it, a company that is that busy as mine is is out of service over 20% of the time. When people have real emergencies they have a 1 in 5 chance of the first due engine being unavailable.
  9. Mike was a nice, humble, very intelligent, professional fire officer. Services Announced for Battalion Chief Michael J. Fahy Wake Thursday, September 29, 2016 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Friday, September 30, 2016 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Flower Funeral Home 714 Yonkers Avenue Yonkers, New York 10704 914-963-4137 Mass of Christian Burial Saturday, October 1, 2016 11 a.m. Annunciation Church 470 Westchester Avenue Yonkers, New York 10707 914-779-7345
  10. "All hands" or signal 7-5 (not to be confused with 10-75 are most frequently used when referring to structural fires. But not necessarily. You can transmit a 10-75 for a fire or emergency. Gas leaks, manhole fires, brush fires, and other incident can and do result in the transmission of a 10-75. As for the all hands when 3 and 2 are being used you are using all hands. A reported structural fire gets an assignment of 3 engines, 2 trucks, and a battalion chief. If the chief uses 2 and 2 and holds the 3rd engine fast it's not an all hands. The scenarios with using 2 and 2 on the highway box don't constitute an all hands. As for the SOC unit response The transmission of a 10-75 results in the dispatch of the normally assigned rescue and squad if available. If the fire/incident escalates to an all hands doubtful a rescue and squad will be assigned regardless. If a chief advises he used all hands and is under control they will not receive the SOC units and other specialized units. I'm sure this is still confusing and I'm not sure I'm doing it justice but I'll use and example of a working fire to show the units assigned and timing. Phone call reporting a fire in a building. 3 Engines, 2 Ladders, and 1 Battalion Chief are dispatched. First engine arrives and finds a working fire and transmits a 10-75. 4th Engine is assigned, 3 truck(FAST), additional Battalion Chief, and the Deputy Chief is notified Usually at the first progress report the chief notes what he is using. This is usually when the all hands is transmitted with the status of the fire Doubtful, probably will hold, under control. In the outer boroughs the vast majority of "All Hands" are transmitted for fires.
  11. https://www.amr.net/ruralmetro
  12. Why do we need to change it legally. Any lay person who hears the title firefighter expects the person to fight fires. The NFPA does not define exterior firefighters. With the exception of a few states (NY in that few) these members/personnel are defined as what they are drivers, support ect.
  13. I think it's a beautiful piece of apparatus and I'm sure it will serve the citizens of Stony Point well. I really don't want to detract from the nice apparatus but there's one thing that bothers me and I see this all the time. It's the combi tool in the bumper. Let me be clear it's not a swipe at the idea of a tool in the front bumper. I personally have little use for the combi tool. It's a spreader and a cutter that doesn't do either nearly as good as the spreaders and cutters. I'd either put a spreader and cutters in the front bumper or a cutter.
  14. Apparently the officer knew the Mayor had a suspended licence. He was working in the adjoining Village and thought he saw him driving the ambulance. He subsequently wrote out the tickets and served them. The mayor said he wasn't driving it that day and the ambulance crew backed him up. Maybe they listened to the dispatch tapes?