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Everything posted by ailc307

  1. First Alarm - Structure - 2 Engines, 1-2 Ladders, 1 BC I have found now in the book where it list 10-75 and show a total response 4 engines, 2 + Fast Ladders, 2 BC, & First Due Rescue & Squad if available and not previously assigned, I guess that means if not assigned on first alarm. 7-5 all hands gets above + division chief and rac if 3 or more are in service I am shooting from the hip here. Someone jump in and touch on this...
  2. Not a big difference, but a lot of updated material, and some new pictures. My one question is on transmission of a 10-75 call. All is says now that its a notification of fire, and doesn't list the responses. Does anyone know if anything has changed on this.
  3. Received my copy on Friday! - 7th edition is great.
  4. I agree 100%. I think it is very disrespectful as well. If one of our units goes to the dpw we personally stripe it of all lights, decals & radio's.
  5. Can you imagine how much their equipment has been updated since this photo was taken. it appears to be in the early 90's. I doubt now we will ever see a pic like that of new equipment post 9-11.
  6. Still kinda sad, I hate to see any truck end up like that. But In the name of training I guess its ok.