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Everything posted by efd184

  1. Once again my things are erased! Its all keep your ******* site and & ***** it up your **** your a ****!
  2. Ruptured abandoned fuel oil tank in the basement with 2" of product in the subflooring.
  3. all he needs now is a cigar in his mouth!
  4. Nothing will happen to this dip s**t!!
  5. as for the "Enough is Enough" tell me were you work and i will come be a volunteer at your job starting Monday!
  6. nice truck with PURAIR miles! first sleepy hollow and now this jerk!
  7. They should start by finding out why these departments are constantly getting new cars!
  8. moron comment! this tops any stupid thing i have said!
  9. I posted this questions months ago are received a bunch of negative emails from cry babies. I'm pretty sure it was closed and this will end up the same way once it becomes negative to the volunteers!!!
  10. i commend the guys of the local that came threw for the brothers!!!!!!! i think we all would have done the same thing!
  11. Great job by everyone last night!
  12. Now you all can have a piece of your very own! on a serious note sorry to hear it BUT that the risk when you try to move a building!
  13. Is i illegal to pass a responding emergency vehicle doing the speed limit with lights a sirens by another emergency vehicle into on coming traffic? Domenick
  14. and when you kill someone you go to jail!
  15. going to the same call doing the speed limit
  16. they should all be executed in public by hanging!
  17. you get more smoke from a cigar!!!