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Everything posted by Ex-2114

  1. So they should stop showing any and all video of the 9/11 attacks on the WTC for the same reason???? Everyone has the option to change the channel, turn the page, or close their eyes. The Olympics are a public spectacle being viewed and broadcast around the world. The accident on the Taconic was not.
  2. Here's a question: was that dude in the last photo using a torch??? Isn't the ground covered in diesel fuel?? There doesn't appear to be a charged line in the image, so I'm assuming that it was there but out of the shot???
  3. http://www.liveoakeng.com/LO%20Addition.htm
  4. The HFD alarm went out just after I left the bullpen at the Elmsford parade, so I headed to Hartsdale to see if I could buff some shots... Well, after living in Wappingers Falls for 9 years, I kind of forgot how bad traffic is down 'south'. I got to the scene after the wet stuff was put on the red stuff.... Here are some pics though...
  5. I have over 400 pictures from todays 100th Anniversary Parade for Live Oak Engine Company in Elmsford.... I'll do what I can to get many posted, but will be travelling next week, so it'll be tough. Here's one of the better ones though --
  6. Why a 2000GPM pump??? Here's one for you: prepare for the worst, hope for the best!!! It's far better to have and not need rather to need and not have. For the cost differential, it's truly a no-brainer. If there's a $5000 increase, scale back on some of the light show, that's all.
  7. This gives a new definition to "Dial 911 for Taxi"!!!!!
  8. I love the name patch -- RENT THIS SPACE Not exactly something to give the warm and fuzzies to those that are watching, but funny none the less.
  9. I recently bought a Nikon D5000 (replaced my Nikon D50)... it's a 12.3MP DSLR, reviewed well, takes amazing shots...... and is under $1000... Worth a looking at if you ask me.
  10. IT'S OFFICIAL - WHITE CASTLE IS NOT A RUMOR!!! About 2 years ago, I went to White Castle's website and sent them a 'note' asking for them to evaluate the Poughkeepsie area for a WC... I never heard back - UNTIL YESTERDAY!!! I got a letter in the mail from White Castle's corporate offices thanking me for my correspondance and to let me know that they are indeed going to open a Castle in Poughkeepsie. The letter said that they couldn't give me specifics as they are still negotiating the exact location, but did state that construction will begin in late 2009/early 2010. I will scan and post the letter as soon as I get the scanner hooked up.
  11. #6 was just announced -- Comedian Fred Travalena died http://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/article...29/ENT/90629004 Good thing June is almost over!!!!!
  12. How about red and blue??? And not on an engine...?????????
  13. http://westcoast911.com/wp/2008/08/21/phil...overhead-lines/
  14. Thanks!! As a matter of fact, I was using the new Nikon... Trying different settings (had the book with me), different filters, and different lenses.
  15. I remember that fire like it was yesterday.... Roger Girling used Quint 2 to supply several other trucks including Yonkers....
  16. It's a rush... an incredible rush. You're going through every snigle thing you learned - step by step. You're counting compressions out loud... getting the defib pads in place.... bagging (or breathing through a mask) praying the person doesn't puke.... hearing things crack on each compression (mostly on older patients).... Then after the medics get there and the patient is on the bus.... your hands are shaking, sweat is dripping from your forehead.... maybe you need to hit the bathroom quick because a code always comes in right after you realize that you need to go to the bathroom..... And this isn't after only the first CPR call... it's after pretty much all of them.... Let your training be your guide.... If the patient survives - congratulations. If the patient doesn't survive, remember that you too are human - don't beat yourself up. And PRAY that you never have the need to perform CPR on an infant. Been there, done that - still have the memories. Congratulations on your first save.
  17. All volunteers, fire and ems, are considered employees of the jurisdiction that they 'represent' when operating in and on-duty capacity. That means that they are required to abide by all policies, etc... set forth by their employer. This is also how volunteer fire and ems workers are covered under NYS Workers Compensation laws. EEOC, FLSA, and other acronyms are all applicable. At least this is how it was when I became an Exempt member of my department a few years ago.
  18. And if they're working a car fire or MVA, and get rear-ended by a large car/suv/truck, the MPO is not gonna have a chance as compared to a side or top-mount pump panel.
  19. Check here: http://groups.msn.com/AntiqueFireExtinguis...amp;ID_Last=205
  20. Try this one... http://www.csbsju.edu/sjfiredepartment/
  21. Let me preface my response with this: I have to agree with Chief JFLYNN... It doesn't happen much, but he is 100% correct about the age thing. Now I'll explain..... I started in the officer's ranks between 21 and 24 years old... I had my training - ICS, Officer's Training, EMT, CPR, and all that makes for a great firefighter and officer - with one thing missing.... EXPERIENCE. You can never gain enough experience in how to manage many people with varrying skills and personalities while trying to manage a constantly changing incident. It took me several years to learn about experience thing... you can learn tactics from a book and a class... you can learn about other's experiences from books, classes, and shooting the crap at the firehouse... but you have to live it to get the experience. 20 years ago, when I first got into the FD, someone told me something that I despised at the time but look back at the brilliance now: "watch, learn, and keep your mouth shut. You're way too new to have an opinion." Unfortunately I can't remember who specifically told me that, but it was dead on balls accurate. That all being said... If you ARE in the 21-24 age group, AND you find yourself to be the IC of an incident... be careful with what you say, what you do, and who you may piss off. Take a deep breath, size up the situation completely, and do what needs to be done. If there are some 'senior' members on scene (I don't mean elderly) that have been around the block once or twice, pull one of them by your side for the duration of the incident - don't be afraid to ask for advice. Most importantly.... DON'T LET THE RANK GO TO YOUR HEAD. It's a pain in the neck to be a Chief (or other officer) without any Indians. Who sees more MVAs than anyone??? COPS!!! If you're not 110% comfortable in making your command decisions, talk to the cop - be it local or SP - and see what he/she wants to do... a simple "I'm concerned about the safety of my crew - can we............?"...... this will go a lot farther that "I need you to close the entire roadway completely until further notice!!". Take this all for what it's worth.
  22. "It's good to be the King!!!" "Good morrow, Abbott... Hello Abbott... HEY ABBOTT!!!!! I hate that guy."
  23. So does a PAYcheck give you the right to get out of a ticket by saying "I'm on da job"?? Aren't you already being compensated for what you do?? Isn't the volunteer, who does not receive a PAYcheck more obliged (not obligated) to get a warning rather than a ticket???? Just go ahead and start a new thread on this one --- oh wait!! this was discussed ad nauseaum recently. And I have NEVER tried the "I'm on da job" line in the one single time that I have been pulled over.... it was a seatbelt ticket and I was wrong. Perhaps others do... but they are likely following the lead of the others that do it... for pay. I'm done with this crap... continue thinking that you are above the law... it's really OK... honest. Just bear in mind that I am not the only one thinking that it's BS.... Have a nice life.
  24. As a matter of fact, yes. That is what my manager's job is. And there are laws that say that you can't drive while speaking on a phone without a hands-free device. I work with people who's vehicles are their office for 8 hours a day - they have to abide by the law... whether they are doing business or calling their wife. Why can't cops use a hands-free device??? The difference to me is that there are laws enacted for a purpose... and they are designed to be a general rule, and not ones that exempt people based on the car that they are driving. it's on them??? So do they get a ticket??? Do they get fined??? Unless there is damage, harm, or gross negligence witnessed by their boss, what really happens??? As a matter of fact, I do... Does the phrase "...elected By the People, For the People" mean anything??? So... it's OK for the gang to assault Vollie FF's and EMS workers on this board.... but when the PD is addressed......................... What a farce.