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Everything posted by SpartanML

  1. You got a problem with jersey bub?
  3. GO GIANTS! Giants and Pats... Pats lose just because. I also think it's safe to say that 95% of people hate the Patriots... the fewer things for beantown to brag about the better!
  4. I just paid what I could... whatever it takes to keep this site alive!
  5. We use the term "on" the backboard very, very lightly... . Jeez!
  6. So close yet so far.... UGH.... I hope the Pats lose in the playoffs! (But congrats to them on a perfect regular season)
  7. It's loading significantly faster here as well! Nice!
  8. Are you kidding me?!?! They're getting disbanded for THAT?! Someone has a personal vendetta goin on over there.... pathetic excuse to disband a critical element of an urban department. I hope it costs the public safety guy his job over such a stupid move like disbanding a swat team.
  9. I don't think so much of "The Beast" as I do TANK.... and I mean it... that it is undoubetly one of the most impressive Rescues I have seen in a long time. The layout is excellent, the equipment top notch, and the quality is incredible. Regardless of what the nay sayers have to say about this monster... I say congrats! Best of luck luck with that tank and I hope it far exceeds the limits of what a rescue can be! Also Seth, excellent job with the photos, every shot is good and the lighting is perfect... you couldn't make that truck look any better period!
  10. Definitely a good move moving the ladder to the rear. I support this kind of setup mainly because it adds a great deal more compartment space allowing for more equipment or just better layout of normal gear.
  11. Seth, I respect you a great deal, your willingness to never step down from what you believe in is damn admirable. However, none the less, we differ greatly on the issue. I will agree that things need to be done to improve the quality of healthcare in this country, though near me we have some of the best medical facilities and that cannot be denied. No one is condemning Michael Moore and his point of view, no one is calling him a criminal. When you posted your opinion you should of been prepared for the fierce criticism many would say on the issue. Moore's movies are a massive moot point and will be disputed for years to come. When you speak about how many of us blindly follow the media, corporations etc, can the same not be said about you? You speak about not following one source so blindly yet I see a massive gap in your statement as your proof all goes back to one place, bottom line in this question is people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Finally, I will address your question about why people in other countries live longer than ourselves. The answer my friend is simple; lifestyle. We need to look out the way we eat, live, and go about our lives. I have been to Europe, they're all thin, incredibly enough they all smoke as well! They do eat much better than us. However at the same time I have seen the healthcare system of parts of Europe, needless to say it is lacking, the ambulances they use seem antiquated compared to ours and the hospitals don't look pretty. I do have to apologize for my previous post, it is very harsh and also poorly worded. However I stand true to what I say. Perhaps it is just the way I choose to live my life, I am a staunch libertarian and believe strongly in rugged individualism. I have always had a great dislike for socialism as I believe in the end the people lose more than the small benefits they receive. That's my opinion, and I also took a stab at answering your questions.
  12. Not to mention how the hospital system in Europe is failing, dirty, disgusting, and since healthcare is socialized people have to wait months and months to get the basic operations. Socialism does not work, why do you think France had those massive, massive riots a couple of years back?
  13. And now we arrive at Memorial Day, a day that has been forgotten by much of this country... this year some even decide to protest on it. Lest we forget what it is all about, lest we forget what this day stands for. Until that day comes, may we honor, remember, and preserve the history of our military and its endless fight to preserve our rights as human beings and our rights as free citizens of this great nation. Always honored, never forgotten. God bless, -Mike
  14. How long Ford will be out of the loop is the real question... we saw at the Auto show how ford had several new generation Vans with a massive F-Series style front... when they will enter production I don't know... fast I would think... it would crush Ford to leave the van industry.
  15. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaw! Let's keep rockin' and rollin!
  16. The cab is a Spartan... not AS ugly as that garbage looking new Sutphen cab... still pretty bad none the less.
  17. I know that he knows that, hes a veteran of the service, I was just reinforcing what he said after someone disputed it.
  18. Your darn right it is but I am only defending his point.
  19. No, I don't believe thats what he was getting at all. He was talking about when we sometime say things to each other in the back of the bus after a call.. what it's about is not to be discussed here of course but you always get that one patient that just makes you chuckle. Working those long calls can be draining a little chuckling never hurts. Bottom line however is what they did was wrong... keep it verbal and for God sake's keep it in the rig.
  20. Well considering HMEs are the budget of all budget rigs.... I am not surprised... 62 from my understanding also had some issues with its structural integrity and that put it OOS for some time. Personally I dislike HME because of their lack of a good track record... Stamford seems to be no different.
  21. Yee haw.
  22. I heard this rig already had some tranny problems? Anyone have more details?
  23. Bah this thread is child's play compared to other thread killer threads I've seen!
  24. Once a thread killer thread is started... it cannot die. It is impossible.
  25. I think just maybe E-One was trippin' on massive acid when they rolled this thing out... just maybe.