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  1. dmenace208 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Greenburgh PD Car 73 Over The Years   
    Here are photos I have of all the Greenburgh PD cars assigned to Car 73, which is a Patrol Car and ALS Flycar staffed by a Police Officer who is also a Paramedic. These photos stretch from 2003 to this morning. I believe I got them all (not sure about 2008-2012 when I lived in Texas). I'd love to see photos of previous Greenburgh PD Car 73 vehicles, post 'em if you've got 'em.





  2. dmenace208 liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in 5 things a company officer should never say...   
    Whaaaattt..... Leadership isn't about telling people what to do?
  3. dmenace208 liked a post in a topic by JM15 in Thornwood Job   
    I would assume from not being there that the FAS Teams were put to work and needed to be replaced.