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Everything posted by celticmedic643

  1. The vehicle was involved in an accident and totaled by RHFD's insurance carrier. NDP then purchased the vehicle and repaired it. The vehicle is now NDP fly car 84-88.
  2. Nice pics Mark. I missed ya.
  3. Tommy doesnt know what he wants.
  4. might be able to stop by.Rob you at 21Franciscan Wed???
  5. "366 to Eagle 1". ( Some of you a will get a chuckle outa that)
  6. Dan, That photo is a couple years old. I dont know if its Doug or Kyle.
  7. I was at Putnam Valley VAC and saw the bird flying in the rain hauling the plants. Nice job to all involved.
  8. Welcome home. RIP Capt.
  9. Come on people EVERYONE turns over calls. MLSS, Alamo, TC, NDP. It happens to EVERYONE! And I heard the call, Alamo was dispatched in less then a minute after the second call. Transcare notified DC 911 right away that they had no unit for the call. Some companies would have sent a unit from Newburgh or some where far far away. It is not about transports or any other BS its about the patient. You dont have a unit you send someone else. You people really need to get a life and stop listeningto the radio 24/7. So what TC turned over a call. Ifyou have a problem with the coverage in any of these towns talk to the people that set up the contracts. ( The politicians and fire dist.)
  10. Good news indeed. Hopefully this gives a little closure to the family. The sign his kids made in front of the garage is heart breaking.
  11. You know I dont really like the title of this thread. Why cant it be " Good Luck to all the Alamo staff". By saying people are getting hosed arent you bashing Alamo or Transcare by saying they are hoseing their employees. Just my opion. Oh and by the way good luck to all the Alamo employees no mastter where you go or what you do. See ya on the streets.
  12. The Buffman with the Babes!!!! Looks Like he is enjoying the new uniform. Put on a Transcare uniform and look what happens.
  13. Nick calm down. EVERYTHING is for sale. If you knew anything about EMS you should know that rumors are a BIG part of EMS. Always have been and alway will be. Dont take it so personal.
  14. I have a feeling that this will be a VERY interesting thread.
  15. Turbo, Very proud of you. You have come a long way grasshopper.
  16. Thats my point. Does the County recognize the exempts in any way?
  17. That is not the first time the exempts have said" they are the voice of the volunteers in Dutchess County" . This quote has been in the Journal every time there is an article about the exempts. I think we really need to find out what the exempts do/are. The only thing I know about them is they all sit out on their deck/ bar on North Clinton St and drink til the wee hrs of the morn. I think they get a lot more credit then they deserve. Yes the memorial is nice and all, but I agree with Don a little over the top. Plus I feel the Dutchess 911 center would have been a better place for the placement of the memorial rather then the "Ghetto" park.
  18. http://www.lohud.com/article/20090513/NEWS...436/1023/NEWS07 The time is about right. Interesting article.
  19. Rob, I told you I would hit the siren when I went by. Were you still there at 10:45 when I went by?
  20. Where are the pics from the Grand Union fire???
  21. I had heard a rumor several years ago that the DEC released 2 Mt Loins in Dutchess county to help control the deer population. They were both tagged and had GPS on them. I know several people in the Town of Clinton that said they saw them. I cant think of a better place then Westchester that needs help with the deer population. You never know.
  22. No comment. However those of you that know me know what my comment would be.
  23. A cop buddy of mine told me this one. E- Evidence M- Mutilation T- Technician