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  1. mfd7112 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Transcare Ceases ALL Operations   
    Way to just put up an idiot post and start all kinds of rumors! This is why I'm never on this stupid site anymore but I got an email and felt obligated to reply to this bs. Get the facts before posting something like this. All you are doing is starting a massive rumor and getting people worked up for no reason. TC Hudson Valley is separate from TC Westchester, NYC, etc. Putnam will not be losing their service and the HV division as well as Pittsburg will not be ceasing operations.  Also, I will not be replying or coming back on so.. aha, got ya last.
  2. mfd7112 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Transcare Ceases ALL Operations   
    Way to just put up an idiot post and start all kinds of rumors! This is why I'm never on this stupid site anymore but I got an email and felt obligated to reply to this bs. Get the facts before posting something like this. All you are doing is starting a massive rumor and getting people worked up for no reason. TC Hudson Valley is separate from TC Westchester, NYC, etc. Putnam will not be losing their service and the HV division as well as Pittsburg will not be ceasing operations.  Also, I will not be replying or coming back on so.. aha, got ya last.
  3. mfd7112 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Transcare Ceases ALL Operations   
    Way to just put up an idiot post and start all kinds of rumors! This is why I'm never on this stupid site anymore but I got an email and felt obligated to reply to this bs. Get the facts before posting something like this. All you are doing is starting a massive rumor and getting people worked up for no reason. TC Hudson Valley is separate from TC Westchester, NYC, etc. Putnam will not be losing their service and the HV division as well as Pittsburg will not be ceasing operations.  Also, I will not be replying or coming back on so.. aha, got ya last.
  4. mfd7112 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Transcare Ceases ALL Operations   
    Way to just put up an idiot post and start all kinds of rumors! This is why I'm never on this stupid site anymore but I got an email and felt obligated to reply to this bs. Get the facts before posting something like this. All you are doing is starting a massive rumor and getting people worked up for no reason. TC Hudson Valley is separate from TC Westchester, NYC, etc. Putnam will not be losing their service and the HV division as well as Pittsburg will not be ceasing operations.  Also, I will not be replying or coming back on so.. aha, got ya last.
  5. mfd7112 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Transcare Ceases ALL Operations   
    Way to just put up an idiot post and start all kinds of rumors! This is why I'm never on this stupid site anymore but I got an email and felt obligated to reply to this bs. Get the facts before posting something like this. All you are doing is starting a massive rumor and getting people worked up for no reason. TC Hudson Valley is separate from TC Westchester, NYC, etc. Putnam will not be losing their service and the HV division as well as Pittsburg will not be ceasing operations.  Also, I will not be replying or coming back on so.. aha, got ya last.
  6. mfd7112 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Transcare Ceases ALL Operations   
    Way to just put up an idiot post and start all kinds of rumors! This is why I'm never on this stupid site anymore but I got an email and felt obligated to reply to this bs. Get the facts before posting something like this. All you are doing is starting a massive rumor and getting people worked up for no reason. TC Hudson Valley is separate from TC Westchester, NYC, etc. Putnam will not be losing their service and the HV division as well as Pittsburg will not be ceasing operations.  Also, I will not be replying or coming back on so.. aha, got ya last.
  7. BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in "Call the bird!" Why?   
    So why call? Most people think of a helicopter as a "fast ambulance". While this is true, the abilities of the flight crew are far greater than the average ALS ambulance. I agree that if the transport time is going to be 20 minutes then by all means go by ground. Just remember that the air crew offers more than just a fast ride. Some of their capabilities include video laryngoscopy, RSI, surgical cricothyrotomy, pericardiocentisis, intraosseous infusions, and mechanical ventilatory management . They carry some familiar equipment like EZ-IO guns, pelvic binders, and CAT tourniquets. Some additional medications that are carried and not found on ambulances are Ancef for open fractures, warmed Lactated Ringers solution for hypovolemic patients, Mannitol for head traumas, and Tranexamic acid to help slow internal hemorrhage. All of these measures are greatly beneficial for patients with extended transport times but can also be very useful and sometimes necessary for patients that may be within driving distance to a trauma center. Hope this helps!
  8. paratrooper75 liked a post in a topic by STAT213 in "Call the bird!" Why?   
    Having worked for STAT Flight and two other air medical programs, I can hopefully offer some useful tidbits to this discussion.
    The helicopter is a resource like any other. It is supposed to provide faster transport and a higher level of care. If either of those will help your patient, then use it. There is VERY good evidence to show that two things are happening right now with helicopters. 1) getting patients to LEVEL ONE trauma centers quickly and efficiently helps them. 2) there is some overuse of aircraft leading to patients being discharged within 24 hours of arrival to the receiving facility.
    The days of mechanism based transport should be done, just like mechanism based treatment. So, think. Will using the a/c benefit your patient? Will it get them there faster? I have done flights 6 miles from the med center. Stupid. It takes longer to fly in that case. I can tell you though, it's really tough for a number of different reasons to show up at a scene and not take the patient.
    There are a number of STAT Flight horror stories from the early years. They made some poor choices in their staffing model and did not adequately train their crews as to the mission in the eyes of the pre hospital providers. Gotta ask your customers what THEY expect. There is a great photo somewhere of Air 1 on the sprain running with a patient in the back all by themselves. Rest of the wreck had cleared. ALL OF IT. and there they were stabilizing the patient as the capt said. Dumb. But, they thought they were doing the right thing. In a way, they were. In a way, they weren't.
    Enough rambling. Peekskill may or may not be a good spot for a/c usage. Waiting for life star from CT with a patient who is lying in the road, prolly not. Load and go, do your best on the way.
  9. Medic137 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Ambulance - Half A Crew   
    My favorite is when two neighboring VAC's each have one EMT/driver on and get toned out and neither can get a full crew! Why not consolidate and rotate departments with a full crew? These two VAC's have a very low call volume so one full crew would be much more beneficial then two incomplete crews. The phrase "take it with the medic" is common place now.
  10. Medic137 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Ambulance - Half A Crew   
    My favorite is when two neighboring VAC's each have one EMT/driver on and get toned out and neither can get a full crew! Why not consolidate and rotate departments with a full crew? These two VAC's have a very low call volume so one full crew would be much more beneficial then two incomplete crews. The phrase "take it with the medic" is common place now.
  11. Medic137 liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Ambulance - Half A Crew   
    My favorite is when two neighboring VAC's each have one EMT/driver on and get toned out and neither can get a full crew! Why not consolidate and rotate departments with a full crew? These two VAC's have a very low call volume so one full crew would be much more beneficial then two incomplete crews. The phrase "take it with the medic" is common place now.
  12. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Who's Dispatching Somers FD?   
    Nice to see a factual, non-biased, and non-opinionated answer. What a concept!
  13. paratrooper75 liked a post in a topic by FDNY 10-75 in WEMS 45-Medics Recieves Generous Equipment Donation From Lewisboro VAC   
    I have only seen 2 'large' scale studies comparing the use of the Lucas II and manual CPR, one was conducted in Europe, the other in the US. The European study indicated that there was almost no difference between mechanical and manual CPR in ROSC. While some people view this is a negative result for the Lucas, I have to disagree; citing, that the device frees up an extra person at the scene. This enables that provider to perform other interventions (while CPR is in progress) and should the patient be transported, less manpower is required to take the patient to the ED. With the Lucas and a transport vent in operation you can literally transport an arrest with one medic in the back, whereas with mechanical CPR you would need at least two people. It frees up resources in EMS systems that are already limited. While a matter of convenience for me or any other provider doesn't justify the price tag, it is an exceptionally helpful device when working an arrest.
    The US study did indicate improved outcomes in patients that received mechanical CPR coupled with an impedance threshold device. It's not clear to me why Physio doesn't push the use of ITDs with the Lucas to improve outcomes but it ma have to do with copyright, advertising, etc. The Lucas 'haters' never seem to cite this trial conducted by the AHA.
  14. 99subi liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    How about etiquette in general? How many parades have you been to where you see guys in uniform with their shirt untucked, tie falling off, hat all crooked, drinking beer? And some ff's wonder why the publics perseption isn't always favorable. Ever see military personnel look like that? Nope, because there is respect for the uniform and what it stands for.
  15. 99subi liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    How about etiquette in general? How many parades have you been to where you see guys in uniform with their shirt untucked, tie falling off, hat all crooked, drinking beer? And some ff's wonder why the publics perseption isn't always favorable. Ever see military personnel look like that? Nope, because there is respect for the uniform and what it stands for.
  16. 99subi liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    How about etiquette in general? How many parades have you been to where you see guys in uniform with their shirt untucked, tie falling off, hat all crooked, drinking beer? And some ff's wonder why the publics perseption isn't always favorable. Ever see military personnel look like that? Nope, because there is respect for the uniform and what it stands for.
  17. 99subi liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    How about etiquette in general? How many parades have you been to where you see guys in uniform with their shirt untucked, tie falling off, hat all crooked, drinking beer? And some ff's wonder why the publics perseption isn't always favorable. Ever see military personnel look like that? Nope, because there is respect for the uniform and what it stands for.
  18. 99subi liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    How about etiquette in general? How many parades have you been to where you see guys in uniform with their shirt untucked, tie falling off, hat all crooked, drinking beer? And some ff's wonder why the publics perseption isn't always favorable. Ever see military personnel look like that? Nope, because there is respect for the uniform and what it stands for.
  19. 99subi liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Etiquette At LODD Funerals   
    How about etiquette in general? How many parades have you been to where you see guys in uniform with their shirt untucked, tie falling off, hat all crooked, drinking beer? And some ff's wonder why the publics perseption isn't always favorable. Ever see military personnel look like that? Nope, because there is respect for the uniform and what it stands for.
  20. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Who's Dispatching Somers FD?   
    Nice to see a factual, non-biased, and non-opinionated answer. What a concept!
  21. Jybehofd liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Who's Dispatching Somers FD?   
    Nice to see a factual, non-biased, and non-opinionated answer. What a concept!
  22. paratrooper75 liked a post in a topic by thebreeze in Hudson Valley Fire Equipment Delivers New Command Vehicle To Mount Kisco FD   
    Uh I don't know what you think a buff is, but this vehicle is the epitome of buffiness. Whoever the person who speced it was, they felt they were better than having to drive around in a vehicle that actually displays what it is. You want to be the Chief, be the Chief, not some undercover incognito guy rolling around looking like he could be part of a Blackwater mercenary squad in the Middle East somewhere. Its a shame the Commissioners of this district, or whoever signs the checks, allowed something like this to be purchased, its not the Chief's personal car, he should have input only into what he would like to have inside it that might be usefully applied towards the job he is supposed to be doing, he shouldn't have anything to say about how it looks, he gets a free car and free gas, take it as it comes.
  23. bad box liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Hudson Valley Fire Equipment Delivers New Command Vehicle To Mount Kisco FD   
    I guess no one in MKFD wants anyone to know they are a volunteer fire chief. Ghost graphics, slim line, and black???? Buff much? lol
  24. bad box liked a post in a topic by paratrooper75 in Hudson Valley Fire Equipment Delivers New Command Vehicle To Mount Kisco FD   
    I guess no one in MKFD wants anyone to know they are a volunteer fire chief. Ghost graphics, slim line, and black???? Buff much? lol
  25. paratrooper75 liked a post in a topic by SageVigiles in Stiloskis Automotive Military Surplus Oshkosh Wrecker   
    Maybe its just me, but I'm much more concerned that there are towns that have 9 Chiefs cars in service but only 5 Engines than I am with a PRIVATE company buying a large military tow rig.
    Last I checked the owner of a private company can spend his money as he pleases. This being America and all.