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Everything posted by Dondestro

  1. Putnum Lake won best tanker in lake carmel.
  2. It was a great parade!!!....thank God for the cooler weather or else that slight incline would of felt alot longer!
  3. Wasn't able to make it....
  4. Just got a phone call from one of our guys...... Ball Pond,New Fairfield wins Best Tanker!!!!!!
  5. New Fairfield is going to Lake carmel....ALso a bump to there pig roast coming up i believe the 16th (i think thats the right date) It was a good time last year!
  6. Visit My Website Go to the bottom of that link and you can see the building process and finsihed product of the sister boat to garison
  7. Squantz fire company in New Fairfield has same boat. I love it, Set up very well. almost water level in back makes it easy to pull on backboards and it has a quick response time. Not to mention it sounds like a dragster being it has a small block chevy in it. Great pickup for whoever buys it
  8. Anyone know the outcome tonight?
  9. Trying to figure out the best product to use to clean diamond plate. While we were in Baltimore we picked up a kit from "Chiefs Choice". Although it somewhat cleans the plate it does not make it brighter as it claims it should. I understand mothers polish or somthing of that nature would be the best but the type of plate we have on the truck it has the groves in each tread. Anything that works better, which wont leave a black residue ???? any input would help!
  10. ITS COOL.....I DON'T CARE IF ANYONE HAS ANY SECRETS...IT IS what it is! some people don't care some people do dosen't bother me none.. Thanks to eveyone for you help.
  11. EFFP411......I understand its parade season and no some people might not. I am asking not so much for parades but even for our engine which will never see another parade. After i posted this i thought that to myself, I also went to the firehouse and tested a couple areas with mothers, the engine comes out great the tanker on the other hand has little groves in each tred which all the black gets stuck into and makes it almost impossible to get out, i even tried washing it off with a stiff brush to get it not so much luck. I have a couple more ideas i am going to try out tomorrow but we will see......Thanks to eveyone who gave there input.
  12. thanks for everyones input....the problem is we have the new style diamond plate with the little groves in each tred.....mothers will polish but it is almost impossible to get the residue out of the little groves.....i tryed the chiefs choice a few times but it still dosen't impress me much.just gives a good cleaning. we were hopeing it would gget it done as we are a verrrry small company so its hard to find the time to do that among everything else......theres always a nice acidwash hahah
  13. anyone know who won what??
  14. Anyone have the rest of the results?
  15. Do alot of out-of-county depts still use westchester county parade judges? If so who is brewster using tomorrow?!? Anyone else going to the parade tomorrow
  16. My department has two pierces on order, a 3000 gallon international tanker and a engine. my company has one pierce tanker 1750gal frieghtliner. No complaints there such a well built truck
  17. Mount kisco: Independent fire company: 2 pierce engines Mutual fire company: 2 pierce engines and a old mack which was built by pierce i believe
  18. Link to Putnum Lakes New Tanker
  19. Anyone planning on heading down there next week....i'm going friday till sunday.
  20. i'll take the 50cent coffie from the guy on the corner in ny then either.......
  21. Putnum lake just got a sterling tanker ....its parked at Ball Pond Station 2!!!!!lol
  22. I agree with the past two posts....the only problem is in a vol. dept money can be an issue when it comes to maintance. We have a "Water commite" where they are in charge of making sure the upkeep and maintance are done. They let us know when a repair or new one is installed and we go out and check to make sure it is working properly. if we have to maintain all the tanks and dry hydrants we have in our town that are on private property we would be broke!!!!haha or be spending a good amount of money. we would be happy to fill the tanks and or test them anytime but when new developments come in it is the builders responsibility for everything including filling the tank, but we help with anything we can.
  23. Flushing the hydrants is a great thing to do on a normal basis. its my understanding that if the dry hydrant was installed on private property such as a condo it would be the association for the condo complex who would have to fix it and/or maintain goes with tanks. if the hydrant was installed by a homeowner (and was required to be there by the town) they must maintain it. if a contractor is required to put a tank in for a devolpment they must make sure it is in working order. if the hydrant was installed by the town and is not on private property the town must maintain. whenever using a dry hydrant make sure you backflush before you pull prime!!!! it dosen't hurt! In my department we depend on them because its all we have for the most part. we even hire people to dive in the ponds we have hydrants at to clean around the strainers to prevent possible problems. *also another good thing is make sure , all the driver KNOW where they are just incase they need them! mark them on a map and keep it in the truck......also maybe on the same map mark where house with pools are... just in case there is a major problem and ou need water fast, you can alwasy though a protable pump and a couple lines and you have quick water!
  24. Anyone have photos and or trophy results from tonights parade?!?