I am 21 years old and I am an engineer. I don't agree with saying 21 is to young, depends who you are. (I'm not full of myself) yes there is more for me to learn, alot more. but i know i can get my crew in get the job done and get out....together.yea certain occasions things may hapen but thats part of the job. Now in my department we are having a large problem with the kids...yea i may be one but we just got a group of 5 kids from the age of 18-20 in the past year. thhey are having a hard time picking up the idea of respect for not only myself but all the line officers and old timers. Since i am around there age they don't want to listin to me. Now in my house we have been disscussing ways to appor this problem and we are debating between incentives and punishment. With insentives they most likely would do alot more but they would be spoiled more then they are now, If punished, it could drive a couple kids away which are hard to find. anyone have this problem in there department?