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Everything posted by SRS131EMTFF

  1. Rescue Me at last check used a 2006 Pierce Rearmount....
  2. I think the greater point out there is that there is man power out there willing and able to assist but is not being utilized due to politics. Throwing money at this issue will not solve it, reorganization, restructuring and accountability should be the new name of the game in Stamford.
  3. sounds like LRFC has some explaining to do...
  4. Its not, because of the Reserved Powers section the 10th Amendment to the US Constitution prevents the Federal government from regulating what is essentially a state by state problem. The 10th Amendment states "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." this means that any power not expressly given to the Federal government belongs to the states and it is up to the people in those states to regulate themselves according to that power. Anything that takes place between states like trade is in the power of the federal government. That being said, one of my friends was killed by a drunk driver when I was 14 before I joined the department. I am all for stricter penalties for DWI/DUI especially for at risk groups such as repeat offenders and the youth. What needs to happen is we need to educate the adults as to the dangers like financially, physically, emotionally etc because when we convince adults not to drink and drive that knowledge and wisdom can be passed from person to person and adult to child. We need to instill the true consequences of drinking and driving and change our social norms because for far too long has it been socially acceptable to drink and drink. That needs to change and that needs to change fast.
  5. Nope the super pumper has been out of service for years...
  6. Rest In Peace
  7. Considering the officer that tazed that 10 year old for not getting in the bath last year is still on the force where ever he is I wold expect nothing to come from this what so ever... Incidents similar to this one warrant real and meaningful review of SOG/SOP for tasering subjects IMHO
  8. Irvington's Former Engine 177 is up for sale on
  9. Video of new FDNY GMC Conditions Car
  10. Lohud Article: Lohud Pictures:
  11. Pizza Station in Chappaqua which is excellent pizza They did it in Bedford Hills and Katonah at different times I believe also
  12. I agree with everything you said accept the last part. Perception is reality until proven otherwise.
  13. defeated:
  14. Can you open the right hose bed cover if the ladder rack has not been deployed? Rig looks awesome, congratulations.
  15. Why don't you then fill me in on what I am missing because I am pretty sure I have been educated American History, the Constitution and Political Science/Theory. What "other parts" of our history am I missing? Is there some kind of secret document they show to conservatives and christians that explains anything you believe or have said? I am curious to know what I am lacking and what special information you have. I do not believe this is over until you provide some substance to your arguments. Just because you cannot prove your point does not end this, your refusal to participate will only reinforce the misinterpretation that you seem to have.
  16. Does the phrase no taxation without representation mean anything to you? Well if it does then you would realize that is what brought the constitution, not belief in god, not some invisible conservative force but the belief that one should have their ideas represented in the halls of their leaders. If you want to play this country was founded on god card you are wrong, plain and simple, the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Rhode Island and other colonies were founded on their principles of god but certainly not this country. While god did play a role in the foundation of this country, it was not the reason for its foundation. Our forefathers did not found this country so you could solely practice their brand of state sponsored religion, they founded and settled this country to get away from that. In fact the pilgrams came to this country to escape state sponsored religion. My constitution came together from a love for liberty and independence, not religion and god. It came together in response to conditions at the time that do not include god. I do not know what it says in your constitution but I can assure you it says nothing of what you just said, it appears your version of the constitution has a lot of implied innuendo but no hard facts or phrases. I suggest you go back and brush up on your American/Global History if you really want to have this debate because I am positive that my sources are a lot more legitimate than yours. By the way, you should really back up everything you say because it looks like you are just spitting your biased and grossly misinterpreted facts ideas and interpretations.
  17. That is if you believe in the New Testament; considering Utah is mostly a Mormon state, your idea of "well its against god" does not fly with me and certainly does not fly with them. EMSer, please quote from the constitution where it says to follow the law of god first and then follow the constitution because last time I checked, there was a separation between the two, I think they call it the first amendment. Second, please show me where anyone says anything along the lines of "one cannot be a true conservative unless they understand this proper order and how this order has been so skewed over time".
  18. I phrased it wrong, that is what I meant to say thank you
  19. According to the NYTimes, by law one rifle of the five is randomly loaded with a blank, other than giving the element of surprise to who actually kills the inmate, I see no reason for that measure.
  20. sorry about the soot on the walls....
  22. Lohud Article: Initially Lohud denied reports that the Mustang was stolen. Speedy recovery for PO Osso, were all pulling your ya....
  23. It is a Sutphen is one of a few early model Sutphen tillers, there are several more out there but they are much more modern than this one. I remember hearing that this was one of the first sutphen tillers.
  24. The scuttlebutt from a year or two ago was that they were going to replacing R10 in time for the completion of the new addition. I am willing to bet this is going to replace 199 while YHFD is going to replace 275 maybe?