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Everything posted by FFD941

  1. It's unfortune that we see tragedies like this repeat themselves. While their wasn't as significant a life loss, though 3 is too many, we see some of the same things in the One Meridian Plaza Fire of 1991. Take history and learn from it. Train, Train, Train, and then Train some more. If you don't have the time or the ambition to ensure that you make it out of the next fire you operate at, then find a new job. Plain and simple. Read and learn. Everybody Goes Home
  2. The report that was released on the ninth is the draft copy, released early by request of city administration. The administration will then look the draft over and send comments back in by June 10th of this year. Then the report will be finally released.
  3. Hudson, The report was actually released late last week. Should be posted here in the forums. NIOSH Report Forum
  4. I do not know where the Explorer Post purchased the rig but I do know they will be restoring the truck and using it in parades
  5. Fairview Explorer Post 17 purchased the old HRPC L-1
  6. You even lost me on that one
  7. Photos courtesy of Firefighterclosecalls.com Another example of Boston's Amazing Apparatus Placement
  8. Full Article at Firehouse.com What's everyones opinion on this?
  9. Doc I'm trying to figure out the same thing
  10. Seatbelt Just a quick video that can be added to a Power Point Presentation
  11. Your Photo Your Time Your Profit
  12. Happy Birthday Bro... Maybe with a new year you'll be able to learn how to talk on the radio!!
  13. Best of Luck for a speedy recovery. God Bless
  14. That's the second use for the nomex.... it's not just for the heat but also for the misc (Helicopter Landing) that comes up on the CAD for 241 North Road in the winter months And then we get to go in and make sure that Nate is actually working and not just pretending!!!
  15. My personal opinion on this issue is that the news should not be receiving photos that have been taken unless the media can see them themselves. (ie... From the street or form the air) There is a reson why the press isn't aloud inside in the fire-line. This is one of the bigest reasons why I am hesitant to take photos at auto accidents and such as it's more of a personal scene rather than a public one. Granted the accident did happen in the public's eye, but taking a photo of an accident scene and then posting it in a new paper where victims faces can be seen is a little more personal than I'm willing to go
  16. If the helicopter is going to crash it's not going to crash at the LZ. Was recently told, it is useless to have a hand line streched at an LZ, you will more than likely have to move your operations to wherever the scene ends up.
  17. I had to do a double take when I saw this on the news last night. The news coverage also showed a video of two person adult CPR being performed on a streacher with just one hand???
  18. These are a couple weeks late there kid...
  19. How About MUTUAL AID??????
  20. Congrats!!! Best of Luck
  21. Sure if the ARROW stick actually had an arrow it may work. Otherwise it's just a big flashing light with patterns. So if you want my opinon it doesn't work