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Everything posted by Remember585

  1. Maybe I am dumb.... What is kit bashing?
  2. I also went and saw it last night - very good film. Not just from a Firefighter's perspective, but overall the story was good. Extremely sad, but good. A tear jerker to say the least.
  3. #-o
  4. Our FAST Gear is stored all over the rig - the downfall of an older unit. When we arrive, we throw it all in the stokes and bring it to the staging area. Once we determine our assignments and goals, we generally divide up the "common tools" and leave the "special tools" at the staging area.
  5. Date: 10/3/04 Times: 00:24 hours dispatch - now 00:54 (In transport) Location: Croton EMS - Van Wyck Street (Near Police HQ) Frequency: 453.025 DPL503 / 46.26 Units Operating: 55B2, 36M1, Croton PD Description Of Incident: Dispatched for a subject with a hand injury from an explosive device. Writer: Me 00:28 - 55B2 responding, requesting to know if scene is secure, CPD confirmed same. 00:48 - (Roughly) 55B2 10-85 WMC ALS "Code 1" 01:00 - 55B2 10-86 WMC
  6. I was told it was an M-80 firework.
  7. How about a fleece blanket and slippers for the long night tours....
  8. It's already painted in Croton black and white. Would make a nice patrol car, and wouldn't block more of the hydrant then the Crown Vic would....
  9. Baloney......should of had a penthouse sweet. Not to mention this dude was NASTY looking and was using a nebulizer to boot.
  10. I hear you on the foam tanks Ed. We opted not to do it with our new rig, even though some upper management wanted us to do it. Our E118 has a 100 gallon foam tank (1993 HME/Saulsbury) that IMO is a waste. It never gets used for what it is designed for (because we don't have calls warranting it) and we generally use up the tank once a year on a fire that water would suffice just to use it. I think part of the problem is a lack of understanding when it comes to foam, but sometimes old-fashioned firefighting works better.
  11. Sent you a PM about the rigs and the prices...
  12. In reference to the Security... On one of my recent trips to the WMC ER, the crew I was with all thought it was funny that the white-haired security guard was so deep asleep he never heard us walk in. I haven't seen the new ER - but from what I hear it isn't that exciting. From Personal case history - I hate the place. I actually had to SHARE my bed with a guy having an asthma attack. Not cool! If I need trauma care, take me to the morgue and call it a day. If it's medical care I need - call Dr. Mom.
  13. That'll compliment the "steak and crayfish" from Inspection right? 8)
  14. As of right now no Bids have been awarded.
  15. The only thing I noticed that's missing is a Nationwide "check and advise" policy of all the Police Departments. I wonder how good of an administrator this guy was as a Police Chief. Someone with such far-fetched ideas must of been interesting to work under. "And today, we will no longer issue traffic tickets, but in turn we will make the violating operators cook dinner for all of us, or if they are mean, wash and wax the entire fleet of patrol cars...." In the immortal words of Homer J. Simpson..."D'oh." ](*,)
  16. In Sunday's Journal News there was an article discussing the old King's College. The new developer reportedly would give $500,000 to the Fire Department towards a new apparatus. Does "anyone in the know" have any idea if that money would help purchase the new "TL40?" Good luck with the rig, Briarcliff.
  17. Ahhhh. Got it now. Thanks.
  18. Cop: "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?" Driver: "Because I am speeding Officer?" Cop: Well, yes. But mainly so I could take this bad a** ride out myself." Driver: "OK, but you are buying the rocket fuel." Cop: "Deal." 205 mph?! That's insane! It's amazing that we can create vehicles that go this fast, but no matter what computer or internet connection I use, they always go TOO SLOW.
  19. RWC - PM me or nextel - got a list for you.
  20. BUMP for a reminder only! Sign up now before its too late!
  21. **Update** Those Holmatro tools are in as of 9/12. I believe one is assigned to E118 and the other E119. That puts a combi-tool on all 3 engines, and the whole setup is still on R18.
  22. Here's an open reminder to everyone out there.... School's are open!!! Remember to drive with extra caution - especially during school hours. Remember to NEVER - EVER pass a stopped school bus. And don't forget - when finger-painting to wash your hands before eating dinner.... :roll: