Oh yeah.. looking @ the c3 Sq. 61 right now as a matter of fact.. wondering about the current hoseloads on the squads though... 3 1/2 in hose? never heard of it... Oh well... I'll go back to my upstate LDH state of mind I think it's so interesting to hear the ideology behind firefighting in the city... It's like a totally different world down there. Think about it though... about the only FD above the city (that I can recollect) that doesn't have preconnects is Mount Vernon (on the new engines at least)... aside from that just about every dept. has @ least 2 crosslays and 1 preconnect off of the back... interesting reasons why they do (n't do) it. The idea is great though, I mean, If you take away the preconnects it leaves no margin for error. The apparatus placement O/S is taken care of automatically secondary to water supply (IF the 1st due is forced to reverse lay), and the worst that can happen with the 1 3/4 or 2 1/2 line is you just add to the line prior to charging... thus taking the guess work out of advancing preconnects at structural fires. So, since we're all on our soapboxes, do you guys (if first O/S) tend to hit a hydrant or wait for the 2nd due? If not waiting do you lay a length of supply-> an appliance (water thief/gated wye/manifold) ->handline or something else for a taxpayer or multi-story residential? I would love someday to see some sort of SOGs/SOPs just for shits and giggles... is that info in that super buff "operational reference guide" that was put out a few years ago? May be getting over my head here... but just wondering (eh... this should certainly be enough to start the week off) Rich