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dwcfireman liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Chiefs weigh in on paid vs. volunteer fire depts. following Seaside fire
The two Chiefs both make valid clams for there cases, However hindsight is 20/20.
grumpyff liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Grand Central Terminal 100th Aniversary Parade of Train May 11 and 12
here is a video care of Greg Grice with the trains coming down the line. Amtrak eng. & MNR work eng.
grumpyff liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Grand Central Terminal 100th Aniversary Parade of Train May 11 and 12
I just came back, there was a employee preview day this afternoon. I am no train Buff but it is pretty cool. There are Sleeper cars on one track, and the other set of cars on the other side of the platform.
the hallways are very narrow, but very impressive from what we have today
Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
I could be reading into this the wrong way but here are my observations:
As a Yonkers resident I am reading local 628's website and am a little confused. What is the city plan on cutting to the fire department? Are the cuts, manpower layoff's, closing fire houses, and not doing EMS response?
The website is very vague about what the actual problem's are, another point to add how do you want me to contact the mayors office and city council members when I don't know that the exact problem is.
Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
I could be reading into this the wrong way but here are my observations:
As a Yonkers resident I am reading local 628's website and am a little confused. What is the city plan on cutting to the fire department? Are the cuts, manpower layoff's, closing fire houses, and not doing EMS response?
The website is very vague about what the actual problem's are, another point to add how do you want me to contact the mayors office and city council members when I don't know that the exact problem is.
Bnechis liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
I could be reading into this the wrong way but here are my observations:
As a Yonkers resident I am reading local 628's website and am a little confused. What is the city plan on cutting to the fire department? Are the cuts, manpower layoff's, closing fire houses, and not doing EMS response?
The website is very vague about what the actual problem's are, another point to add how do you want me to contact the mayors office and city council members when I don't know that the exact problem is.
SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in CT Fire Science Students Get Experience Living in Fire Station
When I went to UNH I didn't go the Live in FF route, From what I have read this looks like a great program. I was back on the UNH campus Last month for the first time in about 10 years and a lot of stuff had changed since I left in 2002.
SageVigiles liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in CT Fire Science Students Get Experience Living in Fire Station
When I went to UNH I didn't go the Live in FF route, From what I have read this looks like a great program. I was back on the UNH campus Last month for the first time in about 10 years and a lot of stuff had changed since I left in 2002.
EdAngiolillo liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)
Of A revolution or OAR's song "heaven" off there album King is on promo's for the show. FYI they are a great band to see live if you get a chance.
FDNYDCHI liked a post in a topic by dave0820 in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)
It was very bad, I got through about 10 Mins and had to turn it off.
EdAngiolillo liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)
Of A revolution or OAR's song "heaven" off there album King is on promo's for the show. FYI they are a great band to see live if you get a chance.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
JM15 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Yonkers Layoffs
To quote the artilce from lohud:
"The new budget proposal also restores $560,000 to the Yonkers Public Library, allowing it to stay open Saturdays and evenings.
Erich Schoen, president of the Friends of the Yonkers Public Library, called the restoration “good news” today but said the city will likely have to issue bonds to purchase new books that the library sorely needs.
“We applaud the mayor and the council for putting money back in,” Schoen said. “In this economy, people need the latest library services.”
In my opinion I would much rather have seen more money go to "public Safety" then making sure the public Library can be open on saturday's.
will the yonkers public Library come to your house when there is an emergency?
The last time I steped foot in a library was in college over 10 years ago.
x4093k liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in "Chicago Fire" (TV Show)
I too think that is pretty cheesy don't know if I will watch it. If you are going to make a "firehouse" type show at least get the Job down (ie no SCBA's in the fire scene) and when they were at the "pin Job" no one had there shelds down too.
gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter
When I was in the volunteer service I "had" a blue light and was using it. Then After awhile I stoped. The reason being is I felt it is more of a hinderance and causes panic with other drivers on the road.
When The pager goes off The fire will still be there, Getting into an accident you are no help to anyone.
Also with a blue light you have to obey all traffic laws. So as you have your blue light on flashing away siting at a red light waiting it to turn green. What good does it for you??? It draws attention to yourself.
Stay calm and you will get there....
gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter
When I was in the volunteer service I "had" a blue light and was using it. Then After awhile I stoped. The reason being is I felt it is more of a hinderance and causes panic with other drivers on the road.
When The pager goes off The fire will still be there, Getting into an accident you are no help to anyone.
Also with a blue light you have to obey all traffic laws. So as you have your blue light on flashing away siting at a red light waiting it to turn green. What good does it for you??? It draws attention to yourself.
Stay calm and you will get there....
gamewell45 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Jury Awards Woman 825g in Crash with Firefighter
When I was in the volunteer service I "had" a blue light and was using it. Then After awhile I stoped. The reason being is I felt it is more of a hinderance and causes panic with other drivers on the road.
When The pager goes off The fire will still be there, Getting into an accident you are no help to anyone.
Also with a blue light you have to obey all traffic laws. So as you have your blue light on flashing away siting at a red light waiting it to turn green. What good does it for you??? It draws attention to yourself.
Stay calm and you will get there....
M' Ave liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Does FDNY Ride Metro North For Free?
I work for MNR and the only people that ride for "free" is MTAPD and Other Police officers, along with MNRR Employee's If you want to ride for free get a job with MNRR. \
It all depends on the conductors that are operating the train, other then that but your ticket, Why should a conductor risk his job and get jamed up just so you can say "I am on the job, and I don't want to buy a ticket".
islander liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Online degrees
I was also looking into this and with my schedule is crazy, I was looking into getting my masters degree and Check out American Public University/ American Military University. The college is accredided and stuff. There per credit cost is a lot cheaper compared to other online schools. I Tried one class but droped it becuase I haven't been back in the school enviorment in about 10 years.
Also With undergrad work with APU the textbooks I think are included in the class fee.
If you want anymore info PM me
BFD1054 liked a post in a topic by FDNYDCHI in Out of control
What I really don't understand with people today that it is only a GAME that's all. To beat someone up just wearing a different teams Jersey is beyond stupid.
I don't know what else to say but **insert expletives**