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antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle
From a Forbes article recently...
"Is .223 M855 ball ammunition currently a problem for law enforcement? Or, more precisely, is M855 ball ammunition when shot from handguns killing law-enforcement officers? According to the FBI’s “uniform crime reports” about 2.5 percent of all murders are committed with rifles of any caliber. The FBI does not break out its statistics by caliber. I was also not able to uncover a single murder of a police officer in a shooting where someone used a handgun chambered in .223—much less one using M855 ball ammunition. (The spokesperson for the ATF has thus far failed to respond to questions.)"
Remember, Eric Holder's "biggest failure" was to not enact tougher gun control, even through a Democrat-controlled Senate..This ATF move is a squishy feel-good measure that will do absolutely nothing to effect crime and once again only affect law-abiding gun owners . This M855 ammo was deemed obsolete by the US Military and was sold as surplus to the plinking/target shooting crowd.. I agree about the Executive Orders being the real thing to fear. Whats next? One more degree hotter for that frog in the pot... Sheeez
antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle
From a Forbes article recently...
"Is .223 M855 ball ammunition currently a problem for law enforcement? Or, more precisely, is M855 ball ammunition when shot from handguns killing law-enforcement officers? According to the FBI’s “uniform crime reports” about 2.5 percent of all murders are committed with rifles of any caliber. The FBI does not break out its statistics by caliber. I was also not able to uncover a single murder of a police officer in a shooting where someone used a handgun chambered in .223—much less one using M855 ball ammunition. (The spokesperson for the ATF has thus far failed to respond to questions.)"
Remember, Eric Holder's "biggest failure" was to not enact tougher gun control, even through a Democrat-controlled Senate..This ATF move is a squishy feel-good measure that will do absolutely nothing to effect crime and once again only affect law-abiding gun owners . This M855 ammo was deemed obsolete by the US Military and was sold as surplus to the plinking/target shooting crowd.. I agree about the Executive Orders being the real thing to fear. Whats next? One more degree hotter for that frog in the pot... Sheeez
antiquefirelt liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Obama to ban bullets by executive action, threatens top-selling AR-15 rifle
From a Forbes article recently...
"Is .223 M855 ball ammunition currently a problem for law enforcement? Or, more precisely, is M855 ball ammunition when shot from handguns killing law-enforcement officers? According to the FBI’s “uniform crime reports” about 2.5 percent of all murders are committed with rifles of any caliber. The FBI does not break out its statistics by caliber. I was also not able to uncover a single murder of a police officer in a shooting where someone used a handgun chambered in .223—much less one using M855 ball ammunition. (The spokesperson for the ATF has thus far failed to respond to questions.)"
Remember, Eric Holder's "biggest failure" was to not enact tougher gun control, even through a Democrat-controlled Senate..This ATF move is a squishy feel-good measure that will do absolutely nothing to effect crime and once again only affect law-abiding gun owners . This M855 ammo was deemed obsolete by the US Military and was sold as surplus to the plinking/target shooting crowd.. I agree about the Executive Orders being the real thing to fear. Whats next? One more degree hotter for that frog in the pot... Sheeez
sueg liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Hartsdale Firefighter's Make Great Save
Just re-read the original story and want to apologize if I came off as critical. Sounds like these guys had their hands full and made the best out of a sh**ty situation...Good job guys..
sueg liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Hartsdale Firefighter's Make Great Save
Just re-read the original story and want to apologize if I came off as critical. Sounds like these guys had their hands full and made the best out of a sh**ty situation...Good job guys..
Stepjam liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Researching a past Yonkers fire, information sources?
Stepjam…don't know if this helps, but..I was on 12 Engine that night. We grabbed a good hydrant off Groshon, and stretched all the way up to the back of the building. We then humped a single 3 1/2" supply line all the way up the fire escape (via a fire escape hook..remember those?..) and broke out an upper window & made entry w/some donuts & S/P kit in hand. Hooked up w/another engine Co. & operated two hand lines off that supply with great effect. Before the fire came in, we did some in-house training and the Capt. that night just had us go over that fire escape hook and what it could do..
RIP Chief Webster.. he was cool under fire & a great guy...
redtruck75 liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Sad - Yonkers Antique Truck 5
A few years ago I had the honor of driving the old "truck 5" from Cook (Redmond) Field back to Station 12 on Fortfield Ave. (Maybe a mile or so...) Its a gas engine and needs to be double-clutched. It also has a set of wipers on the inside of the windshield. Check the old "screw jack" outriggers. I agree the restoration was very well done . Me , Redtruck75 , Eddy Money & Lt. Triz all had a ball that day...
redtruck75 liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Sad - Yonkers Antique Truck 5
A few years ago I had the honor of driving the old "truck 5" from Cook (Redmond) Field back to Station 12 on Fortfield Ave. (Maybe a mile or so...) Its a gas engine and needs to be double-clutched. It also has a set of wipers on the inside of the windshield. Check the old "screw jack" outriggers. I agree the restoration was very well done . Me , Redtruck75 , Eddy Money & Lt. Triz all had a ball that day...
7586 liked a post in a topic by 1911 in NY SAFE Act of 2013 (Gun Law)
The above pic is spot on....I can't wait to move outta this state..
tglass59 liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Union: Study Shows Yonkers Firefighters At Disadvantage In High-Rise Blaze
Article is spot on......3 guys per crew can't be expected to work a high rise properly.
tglass59 liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Union: Study Shows Yonkers Firefighters At Disadvantage In High-Rise Blaze
Article is spot on......3 guys per crew can't be expected to work a high rise properly.
tglass59 liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Union: Study Shows Yonkers Firefighters At Disadvantage In High-Rise Blaze
Article is spot on......3 guys per crew can't be expected to work a high rise properly.
1911 liked a post in a topic by x635 in Union: Study Shows Yonkers Firefighters At Disadvantage In High-Rise Blaze
1911 liked a post in a topic by jack10562 in NY SAFE Act of 2013 (Gun Law)
While something needs to be done, an assault on The Constitution and The Bill of Rights for LEGAL GUN OWNERS is not the answer.
We all know Gov.Cuomo is aspiring for a future presidential run, and (IMO) this is nothing more than a hot-button topic for him to ride on.
For a snapshot of the effect that the toughest gun laws in the nation are capable of, all one needs to do is take a look at ChIcago, the guns-down, murder capitol of the country.
Is this what you want for NY, too, Mr Governor?
1911 liked a post in a topic by ffdude13 in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
In this post anonymity has been used for a reason, as it is in the past, and not to detract from the point of this post.
I noticed on the yonkers tribune this morning, which for those of you who do not know, follows the coy and yfd matter very closely, and noticed that a negative post here on emtbravo regarding yfd was splashed across more than one article on the yonkers tribune in the comment section, with a preface explaining, look at what this person thought of a medical call with yfd. I personally do not see any evidence it was the original poster here on emtbravo himself who posted to that website, however, I would say 90% of members on emtbravo if not more, have or are currently involved in either police, fire, or ems and since you have to be a member to view posts, it is unfortunately probable, that the other person here on emtbravo who has been copying this post is mos. Regardless, this type of behavior and attempt to undermine the yfd is weak, extremely dissapointing, and leaves me shaking my head vigorously.
I do not and have not ever worked for yfd or empress, however as a resident of yonkers I do follow this matter. In a neutral view and my own opinion, it is clear that all backs have been turned against yfd despite attempts to convince me otherwise. I have yet to understand any reason at all why this is the case and why no one will reach out to them, all the while they move forward with dismantling in less than 12 months the cfr program; a cornerstone of public safety in yonkers that has been in place for over 20 years. I can never turn my back with so much left unanswered.
1911 liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
I rarely comment on this guys posts because they are usually so incredibly off base, incorrect, disrespectful, and inflamatory when it comes to YFD. However, I can assure all that this has never been discussed at any time during the last 7 years that I have been a member of senior management and to be absolutely clear, it is not being discussed now, and I do not anticipate it will be discussed or considered at any time in the foreseeable future.
1911 liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Gun Control in America
I understand your sentiment and respect your feelings, but until those who seek to eliminate firearms or restrict certain type or magazines can speak with some knowledge on the subject, it's hard not to be frustrated. The Bushmaster rifle used in Newtown is by no means a high power firearm, this and the term "military grade" are merely buzz words used to illicit a fearful response. There is nothing more deadly about a military grade firearms (one built to mil-spec?) or the caliber common to these firearms. In fact most hunting rifles are far more powerful in terms of "knockdown power" and range. The anti-gun pro-ban media, politicians and celebrities have latched onto a "look" and have whipped it up into a frenzy of fear amongst those who do not understand firearms and/or ballistics. Once all the embellishments and grandstanding is stripped away, we may be able to have a rational discussion on making the US safer, which likely should include forms of tighter gun control along with many other things.
1911 liked a post in a topic by antiquefirelt in Gun Control in America
The issue is little to do with "training" and nearly everythingto do with densensitization of feelings regarding the lives of other humans, especially during the most formative years of those minds. The fact that kids are allowed by anyone (we know there are tons of crappy parents out there) to play games (top of the market no less) that reward the player for killing or injuring innocent people is a true issue. Kids grow up with a greater acceptance of death outside their immediate family, as they see it everyday. Seeing innocent people die and the aftermath is so routine in our daily lives that I fear that most of us likley take it all in stride unless it somehow strikes a personal chord or is just so heinous (Newtown, Columbine, etc) that we cannot help but stop and reflect. But the other 14 times we'll hear about someone dying in a day we feel nothing. The more often the more heinous things are in our face, the more likley we're going to to acclimate to them as well. Like so many things in life, they get easier with each passing incidence, there's no reasont o think that feeelings regarding the death of those not close to us are any different.
Bnechis liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Gun Control in America
Read a NY Times Bestselling book called "On Killing" by Col. Dave Grossman. I believe its required reading now for West Point, Annapolis, and the USMC, etc...This guy Grossman nails it ...Its about why we kill, and the cause & effect of it on the human psyche...Its all about desensitization....Violent video games in the hands & minds of 13, 14 & 15 year old kids is a surefire cause of desensitization & moral disconnect in those young & impressionable brains. No offense, but you cant compare Madden Football with Grand Theft Auto where you get a big point bonus for running over multiple Uniformed Police Officers, and killing innocent people with your bare hands (& with guns & knives). Not talking about casually playing it once or twice...some kids LIVE on this stuff...Add in games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty where you get weapons training.....You're kidding me, right?
Add to this an over-prescripition of drugs like Zoloft, Prozac, etc. causing a further disconnect.. There are few common threads in these mass shootings, but one that can't be overlooked is these shooters almost all were heavily medicated, had a history of playing violent video games, and were social outcasts. Another interesting common thread , observed with these shooters is the desire to hit "soft targets" i.e.. "gun-free zones" These guys dont want ANY confrontation....This trait is right out of the terrorist's playbook. Where do they hit? Churces, Mosques, buses, planes, schools? Thank God there was an armed guard at Columbine to take on the shooter with the homemade bomb...The guards actions negated the kid from deploying it....
Getting back on topic, gun control DOESNT WORK...We had a comprehensive "Assault Weapons Ban from 1994 to 2004, with a 10-year sunset clause wisely built in it. The liberals were screaming how America was soon to be a Utopia, free from gun crime...The "after action" report done in 2005 or 2006 showed NO REAL impact on violent crime. The only thing it did was affect LEGAL GUN OWNERS. Funny how Hollywood stars have all "joined hands" to fight for more gun control and "stop the gun culture of violence".....If you admire any of these Hollywood types, or take heed to any shred of what they ever preach, or think "hey, they're pretty cool..."please do me a favor and watch this...
1911 liked a post in a topic by gss131 in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
Well, as someone who has been a part of the first response in the YFD for the past 22 years, I couldn't care less about what you Bull might find overdramatic, or what you Jack might find unnecessary and unprofessional. I've spent the majority of my career in SW yonkers and have seen good and i have seen bad when it comes to Empress. I, like JFlynn believe the 2 entities work well together (give or take a nut in a safari hat). But I believe the first salvo fired in this episode came from the bosses at Empress when they stated blatantly false response times in an effort to seize sole control over EMS in Yonkers, knowing full well it would cost jobs in the yfd, and worse yet, put the lives of the citzens at risk. So what would the main benefit be ? Greater profit maybe ? I don't know what was uglier , the false numbers being produced by Empress, or the roll the dice attitude exhibited by the city for the sole purpose of breaking contracts. It seems to me the Bosses at Empress were well aware of what the repercussions were to be had the first responder program ended . For the most part , the buses arrive in a timely manner, but I have witnessed 10 minute plus response way too often, and for Empress to tell the city that there would be no difference in service without the YFD is misleading at best. That to me is unprofessional. This, coming from someone who has delivered 2 chlidren , shocked and initiated cpr on too many to count, all because Empress wasn't on scene in a timely manner. Capt. Geo. Smith YFD
1911 liked a post in a topic by Yfd73 in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
State the facts, The city wants to close two companies. Making a Department that is already spread thin, even thinner.
The city knows very well Empress could never duplicate our service. Not because of the Empress employees, but simply because our services are dedicated to the residents of Yonkers. We are always within the city limits, unlike Empress, who will do what they can to make a buck. So there is no "claim" that Empress is for profit, it's the truth. You did fail to mention this "free" service you will be providing will cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. Also, "your mostly at your own cost" Haz-mat equipment was provided to you by the taxpayer, through the fire department.
As stated you'll be receiving A MEDIC, who will not be able to transport and who will not be able to provide CPR efficiently. As you emphaszed on, our very good pay, benefits and great pension ensure that our staffing leveles are well maintained. Unlike Empress, where there is constantly new faces, there is consistancy in our department. Our manning not only Gaurantees when you dial 9-1-1 you will have a quick response, but also that if additional aide is needed, it's there. What will Empress do when they are short of staff?
Many times our members have been asked to drive the bus or ride in the back because the Empress crew could not handle the situation with only two people. So when you say "we dump the patient care" on you to do the "meat and potatoes", I have to disagree. Because we're doing the "meat and potatoes" before Empress is even there. Again, this is not an attack on the crews, it merely states the truth. In fact, their Local should be concerned with the greater risks their members are going to be taking. Empress would have to fly through intersections, drive at dangerous speeds just to make it there in 8-10 minutes. Not to mention other risks like responding to projects where the YFD would send two units, or lifting heavy patients. It's only a matter of time before someone gets hurt.
I also find it ironic that you state that our full time job is fighting fires, not EMS. Yet you also state that 80% of our calls are EMS related, contradicting yourself, no?
628 is in no way attacking the Union, so please do not come on here instigating that our union is attacking the union of the Empress employees. Your post seems like more of an advertisement, scripted for you by the city, to turn the private sector unions against public sector unions. The facts are the city is breaking a contractual agreement with 628 and making an agreement with Empress without putting it out for bid. Back room deals which are all too common in Yonkers, and result in the taxpayer paying more for less. So again, please stop claiming that we are trashing another union. But if this what you must do, I guess desperate times do call for desperate measures.
1911 liked a post in a topic by JFLYNN in YFD Union Creates New Website (Yonkers CFR-D Program)
Part 3.
Disclaimer- my apologies for spelling and grammatical errors in previous and future posts- there is a lot to cover here and I don't have time or emergy to dot the i's and cross the t's- I hope I am making some sense to most of you nonetheless.
Here we go...I agree with the poster who stated that Empress is "clinically progressive" and who espoused the value of Empress' EMD pre-arrival instructions. However, I should point out that the "Haz-Mat Special Ops support to YFD" provided by Empress is done with equipment purchased with federal grant money (UASI and MMRS), and training conducted by YFD. The nature of this support is generally to provide a secondary technical decon only.
One point that was made by a brother YFD member, above, should be emphasized. Empress has so very many dedicated and professional members. However, the majority of these individuals do not spend the majority of their working lives in EMS, and particularly not with Empress, although some do. Many Empress employees move on to Fire or Police Department careers, elsewhere in emergency medicine, or on to other careers altogether. The Empress work force is nowhere as stable as YFD. This is just reality and I believe is pertinent. I won't give my opinion regarding the effect of a stable vs. a more transient workforce because it is just that, my opinion, and we all know what those are worth. However, these facts should be provided so that all of the stakeholders (particularly city residents) might be able to deternine relevance.
1911 liked a post in a topic by okcomputer in Gun Control in America
Guess what GTA and COD are sold under the mature ratings title of the ESRB. So a 13 or 14 year old isn't allowed to buy it, yes like everything else it happens but for the most part parents must buy their kids the game.
You can also get weapons training by reading books and going on YouTube. Heck, moby dick is basically a whaling manual.
Back on topic.
In Austria in the 1930's they elected a man named Adolf who besides socializing healthcare and jobs required that all gun owners register their weapons and were known by the public and police.
I think we all know what started to happen next...
Bnechis liked a post in a topic by 1911 in Gun Control in America
Read a NY Times Bestselling book called "On Killing" by Col. Dave Grossman. I believe its required reading now for West Point, Annapolis, and the USMC, etc...This guy Grossman nails it ...Its about why we kill, and the cause & effect of it on the human psyche...Its all about desensitization....Violent video games in the hands & minds of 13, 14 & 15 year old kids is a surefire cause of desensitization & moral disconnect in those young & impressionable brains. No offense, but you cant compare Madden Football with Grand Theft Auto where you get a big point bonus for running over multiple Uniformed Police Officers, and killing innocent people with your bare hands (& with guns & knives). Not talking about casually playing it once or twice...some kids LIVE on this stuff...Add in games like Medal of Honor and Call of Duty where you get weapons training.....You're kidding me, right?
Add to this an over-prescripition of drugs like Zoloft, Prozac, etc. causing a further disconnect.. There are few common threads in these mass shootings, but one that can't be overlooked is these shooters almost all were heavily medicated, had a history of playing violent video games, and were social outcasts. Another interesting common thread , observed with these shooters is the desire to hit "soft targets" i.e.. "gun-free zones" These guys dont want ANY confrontation....This trait is right out of the terrorist's playbook. Where do they hit? Churces, Mosques, buses, planes, schools? Thank God there was an armed guard at Columbine to take on the shooter with the homemade bomb...The guards actions negated the kid from deploying it....
Getting back on topic, gun control DOESNT WORK...We had a comprehensive "Assault Weapons Ban from 1994 to 2004, with a 10-year sunset clause wisely built in it. The liberals were screaming how America was soon to be a Utopia, free from gun crime...The "after action" report done in 2005 or 2006 showed NO REAL impact on violent crime. The only thing it did was affect LEGAL GUN OWNERS. Funny how Hollywood stars have all "joined hands" to fight for more gun control and "stop the gun culture of violence".....If you admire any of these Hollywood types, or take heed to any shred of what they ever preach, or think "hey, they're pretty cool..."please do me a favor and watch this...