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Everything posted by RWC130

  1. WOW.... LOOKS GREAT!!!!!!!!! Best of luck with it to Cataract Hose, glad she is home!
  2. Thanks for the info guys!
  3. As MPACE mentioned Buckshollow Emergency Equipment in Mahopac has them. Rontan, Winglux, and Slimbar I saw the Winglux Lightbar at a show back in the spring, it's pretty impressive and very noticeable!
  4. Chester Ambulance (Orange County, NY) Has 2 Horton/International
  5. Peekskill Fire Department Department 234 Westchester County New York (The website is still under construction) CHECK IT OUT! Kudos to Car 2341 Chief John Pappas for getting Peekskill FD on the web.
  6. No, NYPD Auxiliary Police Officers are NOT allowed to carry any firearms even if they have a permit. Let's PLEASE try to stay on the topic of "NYPD Auxiliary RMP Color change"
  7. Yeah, just like EJS1810 just said it will be our little secret we only have 8,353 members of EMTBravo! lol No one heard anything, Got it? (Tony Soprano Look)
  8. Captain Realmuto of the New York State Police also stated at the Press Conference that a Blue Light was used.
  9. I am told as per the BOLO issued over the radio he may have had some type of NYPD insignia on the shirt. (Not Confirmed)
  10. VERY GOOD IDEA! Now... the important question here for 2083 and Batt 10 Will White Castles be served?
  11. Date: 9/16/08 Time: 1216 HRS (Approx) Location: 602 Willow Grove Road - Action Metal Corp. Frequency: 46.18 Units Operating: Stony Point (Dept 18) & Thiells (Dept 26) Description Of Incident: Explosion w/ Working Fire Metal Pile on Fire with Acetylene Tanks Writer: RWC130 - I/C requests Haz Mat to the scene - EMS at Staging Area
  12. As Boothe161 mentioned Cortlandt Hook & Ladder also has an antique hand drawn cart, maybe KRF178 can add more information? MoFire390 & ajsbear the Fire Engine Antique at the Car Show belongs to one of our Peekskill FD members Al Fisher. He's a member of the Peekskill Road Knights. I believe it is NOT an old Peekskill antique, he just put "Peekskill FD" on it for Parades and other stuff. I could be wrong? As MoFire24 said our old 1955 Mack from Centennial Hose is privately owned. I have also been told it's just rotting away. Centennial Hose 1974 Mack CF600 is now in service in Lake Carey, PA This was Lime Yellow in the late 70's early 80's and refurbished to Red/White in 1985. Columbian Engine GMC Muster Truck is company owned, it was formally Buchanan FD The Fire Patrol GMC Rescue truck was sold and now privatly owned. I've seen some footage on youtube of the apparatus and engine running, etc. I HOPE THAT HELPS!
  13. Westchester County Police Officer Exam # 60-006 Last Filing Date: 9/22/08 The list will be used to fill vacancies as they occur in the Westchester County Department of Public Safety and in all Westchester County Towns, Villages and the Cities of Peekskill and Rye.
  14. Trauma74, Thanks for sharing that information.... Interesting! Like most people in Emergency Services I like having the Direct Connect. Currently I have the Nextel BlackBerry 7100i Why? Because that was my ONLY option. I've had some problems with it freezeing up, Text Messages both TX and RX. I have to do the "Master Radio Reset" at least once a week. Voicemail notifications are sometimes delayed, the list goes on... I am happy to hear about the new Nextel BlackBerry Curve 8350i
  15. Kudos to FDNY Bronx! On Saturday September 6, 2008 at approx. 3:15 AM I was on E. Fordham Road in the Bronx. Why at 3:15 AM do you ask? WHITE CASTLE! Anyway... I am standing in the parking lot talking to a friend when I start to smell smoke. The smell starts to get stronger and stronger. That smell you know as a Firefighter is a Structure Fire! The smoke, now a large amount is visible and making it's was up E. Fordham Road to the point I have no doubt "10-75" someplace very close. I start looking up at the windows checking for visible Fire of Apartment Buildings near by and over at Fordham University as I am dialing 911 on my cell phone. I told the FDNY Bronx Dispatcher I was at E. Fordham Road & Lorillard Place with heavy smoke in the area. As I am on the phone I can hear the sirens off in the distance coming my way. I start to walk down the street towards Arthur Avenue and I notice the smoke getting thicker and thicker. I turn the corner on Arthur Ave at the Shell Station and BINGO Heavy Fire! It was blowing out the Windows and Roof of a building behind the Shell Station on Arthur Avenue. I could feel the heat standing on E. Fordham Road. The Brothers of the FDNY were on scene within minutes. Just as they say on the radio "lines are being stretched" and "truck companies are opening up" They sure did.....No chaos, very well organized. I don't think it took 10 minutes and ALL visible fire was knocked down. I don't remember all of the units on scene (numerous) but I was standing right next to E75, TL33, and R3. GREAT JOB FDNY!
  16. Yes, L56 was the first to roll up. I saw a FF up on the roof of the gas station, I could feel the heat standing on Fordham Road. It was HOT! I hope the FF is OK. Again, GREAT JOB FDNY Firefighters and the FDNY Dispatchers! DAMN... I wish I had my Camera!
  17. Photounit and RocklandFires, THANKS SO MUCH FOR SHARING, ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! This should be done EVERY SINGLE September 11th.... Forever!
  18. 1978 Mack CF 795 Bidding Ends September 14th 21:55 PDT
  19. I am surprised he didn't notice the new Fire Apparatus with special rays in the LED Lights that will burn through your skin. I've heard the ONLY way to stop it is to wrap yourself in aluminum foil! LOL Sorry, I just had to.
  20. 7505 I remember when they got the one they have now. It's a Nissan Pathfinder, I am gonna say it's a 95-97? If they need a new one they should get one. In fact they should have got a new one a long time ago. Very well deserved! It gets a lot of use as a Officer/First Responder vehicle. Peekskill VAC does a lot of calls. As mentioned they are a Volunteer Ambulance Corp with a daytime paid EMT to help with staffing from Empress EMS 6 AM to 6 PM. Peekskill VAC is a Good Group of People! Except for that guy Mitch 7511 (Just kidding Brother!)
  21. September 11, 2001 I find it hard to talk about that day, including type it out without getting choked up so here goes.... I was home asleep after just having worked a midnight shift. I got a call on my nextel two way from a friend in the FD telling me a plane had hit the WTC. Honestly, I didn't pay much attention thinking it was some type of accident. I put on the news and watched live on TV the second plane hit WTC. Now I knew this was no accident, it was a direct hit! They played it over and over again. I got up took a shower and sat it total shock watching the news calling some family and friends. I then saw both WTC Twin Towers fall. I heard all the radio traffic over 60-Control about stand-by's and it was not long before my Peekskill FD pager went off requesting all manpower to Station 5. I got in my car and off to the Firehouse I went. We stood around for a while all talking about what had happened. I remember hearing our 2nd Assistant Chief say "We need a crew of Volunteers to go down to NYC they are Staging at 60-Control for deployment" I volunteered to go down with several other Volunteer Firefighters and Career Firefighters. We boarded Engine 131 and off to 4 Dana Road we went. After waiting at 60-Control for a short time we left for the Bronx. We stood by with numerous other Westchester County Fire Department on Bailey Avenue at Engine 81 / Ladder 46. I remember later that night one of the FF's at E81/L46 getting a phone call that his Brother was missing. Our 2nd Assistant Chief drove him right down to WTC in the Peekskill FD Chief Car. A lot of our FF's started talking about FF Sam Oitice of FDNY Ladder 4 who was a Volunteer with Peekskill FD. We were all wondering if he was working or not. We found out later that night he was also missing. RIP SAMMY! Late that night we returned to Yonkers Raceway to the Parking Lot. I spent the night sleeping on the ground with my turnout coat, some how knowing what had just happened that didn't bother me one bit. How could it? I was alive and a little cold but THOUSANDS were dead. In the days following September 11th I did make it down to Volunteer at "The Pile" it's an experience I will never forget for the rest of my life. I don't really like to talk about it. The Firefighters who I went down with, We now all have a special bond. The ride home was TOTAL SILENCE! America as we knew it changed forever that day. Well, that's my story...... BE SAFE! God bless the Troops!
  22. WOW... Central, put a Rush on that Bus to Bellevue....K! EDP!
  23. NObama
  24. Sadly my camera was at home. I was so pissed. I could have taken some great shots that would have even impressed Truck 4. As far at "Da Box" I think it was Box 3373 Arthur Avenue at E. Fordham Road White Castles were pretty good, the Smoke added a little flavor! lol