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Everything posted by ex-commish

  1. If you feel you need a break perhaps a leave of absence is in order. And volunteers do not go 24/7, never did. That saying may look good on t-shirts but it is simply not true. I have been a volunteer for almost 27 years and do not recall operating 24/7.
  2. Basically the same with volunteers. You have your dirty dozen who do all the work and than you have your sponges who join and soak up whatever benefits there are and do as little as possible. As far as burnout, I see more of it on the EMS side mostly due to the fact there are more EMT calls and you spend more time on EMS calls. Most fire calls you are back in the house within minutes unless it is a fire or other major incident.
  3. 1. Be yourself 2. You are responsible for others 3. Be fair and consistent 4. Be a good listener 5. Be a good teacher 6. Be an advocate for safety and training 7. Take officer type classes ( Fire officer, Incident Command, etc) if you havent done so. 8. You will be tested so be ready 9. Dont let friendships interfere your judgement when it comes to safety. 10. Remember, you don't know it all so don't pretend that you do. Like another person here said, dont be afraid to ask for help. Good luck !!!!
  4. If I may put my 2 cents in here being a former chief. First, what was case here? Was this an assistant chief with the main chief or IC outside? As an assisant I went in many times with my crews because the head chief was there to run the incident. When I became chief of the dept and I had both my assistants with me I designated one as ops and one as interior ( if i had that luxury). For the most part I believe the IC..wether it be the chief, asst chief, captain..etc should be and also remain at the command post. As hard as it was for me to stand outside and hold a radio while everyone else ran in it was my job to do so and my crews relied on me to do my job to help them do thiers and allow the line officers to manage the crews inside. Great topic !!!
  5. You have to eliminate the hazard by getting to the seat of the fire and to do that you need penetration which you will get with a smoot bore.
  6. Obsessed with his niece on top of arson? I feel a padded cell is in order. I also feel he should do twice the time a non-fiefighter would do.
  7. I hear your frustrations and agree with you to a point only to say while a politician may go nuts if you bring up past dirt try and do that in some other countries such as Iraq where you would of been arrested and possibly killed for disrespecting your government. Our country has alot of issues, is not perfect nor do I like what has happened lately especially this elcetion but I would not live anywhere else and thank God I am an American.
  8. Yes this is very true and when one radical dies more step up to the plate. I also feel he should be locked in a room with family members of the victims and allow them to carry out his sentence. One of his favorite means of torture was to put people in barrels of battery acid. Maybe a taste of his own medicine is in order....
  9. Happy Birthday !!!!
  10. As long as you have the forms that verifies that you have taken the other classes than yes you can attend but you need the form.
  11. Evoc class has been re-scheduled for 11/12/06 beginning at 8:00AM. Andy
  12. I am researching required training for officers in my department. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Please respond here or my e-mail which is AManc2196@aol.com. Thank you.
  13. ALS is right....this is no big deal. In fact each time I teach I-200 I am amazed at how much depts allready use the IC system to some degree....the class just helps fine tune it.
  14. I agree and do the same thing when I do the I-200. I like to make my students think about delegation, accountability, etc. Also, interaction is sometimes the best way to learn. For my department...I simply ran the I-100 and I-700 and had the members take the test. Wasn't a hard task just time consuming.
  15. I noticed on the OFPC website the state is advertising Rope Rescue Operatiol Level, Rope Rescue Technician Level 1 and 2. Are these classes replacing Intermediate and Advanced Rope rescue?
  16. Our rescue-pumper carries our jaws and all other vehicle extrication equipment.
  17. Good comeback however. Shockey needs anger management!!!
  18. Thank you. I try to get a good one in once in a while....
  19. Slap on the butt? Wish I was that lucky. I got whatever was within reach of my parent's hands. My mother who was all but 5'1" had a left hook that would put Mike Tyson to shame
  20. You can expect to learn the basics of firefighting from hose to the mask, knots to ladders, forcible entry to venting. As an instructor ( not this class) I can tell you you will be expected to be on time, have a good attitude, ask questions, pay attention, grasp the teamwork concept, and to represent your department in the most professional manner you can and go back to your department with the skills you have learned. Good luck to you.
  21. As a parent of a 14 year old we are faced with a liberal society that will lock you up for raising a hand to your kid allthough those who know me know what would happen to my son if he ever raised his hand to his mother. Not knowing the circumstances of this incident there could be more than what was printed in the paper but something isn't right for it to happen. I was given advice from someone when my son was born....you have to put fear in thier hearts the day the are born and stay on them always. You also have to spend time with your kids. Seems to work as I have never hit my son with the excpetion when he ran into the street at the age of 5 and he never ran in the street again. Better the back of my hand on his a** than a car hitting him. I hope things work out for this family.
  22. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Just goes to show parole is a waste. I hope the book is thrown at these animals.
  23. Amen. Never forget !!!
  24. Without a doubt and it starts with stiffer penalties.