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Everything posted by ex-commish

  1. I have always said the greatest title a man can achieve is " Daddy". Happy Fathers Day to all and to those like myself whose father has left us the memories never go away.
  2. Amen!! Time to hold those accountable for thier actions, not make excuses. A little boy lies in a coma in the hospital due to a reckless driver...period. We need to pray for this child.
  3. What "good intensions" did the KKK start out with?
  4. I dont defend the Journal News often but it is the police that will not release the name of the defendant due to a policy the have not the paper.
  5. Oil closed was at $138.54 per barrel today last I looked. Pathetic. I wanted to buy a boat for this year but thats been put on the back burner.
  6. Very sad but what even makes me more sick is another hit and run. We have had a few hit and runs that lead to fatalities right here in Westchester. How can someone hit someone knowing they have caused harm or possibly death and just drive away like the persons life is meaningless? Has society lost it's human element? What baffles me more is with all the technology out there those who have committed these acts can not be found.
  7. Yes and I also remember how she said she was a Yankee fan, was going to fix the upstate economy along with a whole load of other promises. She only won because Lazio put his name in the ring late in the campaign and was not a strong candidate.
  8. I dont want to preach but I quit smoking New Years Eve 1989 and have not smoked since. I can honeslty tell you it was one of the best decisions I had ever made. My doctor prescribed me a gum called Nicorette which is now available over the counter. Trust me just quit and think how it will impact your health as well as your wallet. Good luck to all who are trying.
  9. ALS...you have to understand...the poor women hasn't been the same since that awful day when she came under heavy sniper fire and her sleep deprivation is clouding her judgement....
  10. In my experineces the system has worked well. It was kinda nice having someone to reach out and get resources so I could handle the incident. As far as hiring full time D/C's I don't see the necessity but perhaps raising the stipends for the coordinators we have now for the time they put in which I feel would be well deserved. I don't think the taxpayers want to see any more county jobs created when many in the county want county government abolished.
  11. I thinkwe are being a bit technical here. LOSAP may not be a "pension" but the end result is we receive cash benefits each month after completed service just like a "pension".
  12. Like you I am a civil servant which means I am struggling like most civil servants. I have been watching very closely not only my fire tax which went up about 30% but also other taxes inreases such as school, county, etc. I am trying to find out why I have 3 sewer tax districts all with different amounts on my bill. My Escrow increased about $100.00 per month due to the tax increaees. I plan on moving south within the next 7 years as I will not be able to afford to live here . I hope to be sucking down Michelobs in sunny Florida....I may even take my wife
  13. Get home safe guys !!!
  14. This topic may or may not have been discussed before but what are your requirements to conduct training in your departments? Do you require any type of specialized training? Does conducting training come with being a line officer? Is it a seperate position than line officers? Allthough I welcome all opinions and comments my question is directed to volunteer depts because I know in career depts they have MTO's who have to be certified instructors by NYS.
  15. If you are interior than chances are you may end up in a situation to have to save another fighter.
  16. if I remember correctly it was a prerequisite issue. If FF1 was a pre-req for a class and you had the other classeds mentioned it was considered to have met the pre-req.
  17. Allthough NYS does not regulate volunteer depts training regulations I do believe it also does not reckognize any course but FF1 as a basis for interior firefighters. FF1, FF2, Survival, Building Construction at a minimum should be a basis along with a comprehensive in-service trainig program. I encourage all to read this month's issue of Firehouse Magazine about the Carver Mass Fire Department.
  18. Being a parent of a high school varsity wrestler I can appreciate when two people who train very hard to go up against eachother and give it all they got. It is the spirit of competition. Those who participate in UFC in my opinion are probably the best athletes ever in organized sports so I would have to say yes it is definitely a sport.
  19. I agree with ALS. Doing it at a local level can be costly and time consuming. What is ideal about a county or regional team is you are pooling resources. I feel the decline of involvement is also due to lack of activity. There are not that many hazmat calls so the interest level may drop.
  20. How about marching without a band?? You can still have fun and save money.