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Everything posted by ex-commish

  1. There was a very wll written article in this months FASNY magazine. It highlights what the brotherhood is all about and how it relates to recruitment and retention. Alot of what is highlighted in there is slowly dwindling. I encourage all to read it.
  2. I have to say I agree with this. There is no pride today wether it be for our country or our communities. As a parent of a 16 year old it is tough today raising kids because of the influences mentioned and the liberal element in this country that seems to say it is ok to be bad and afraid to put fear in the hearts of our youth. There are too many self proclaimed experts, many who never fed a screaming baby at 3:00 am who seem to know what is best for our kids. Even some of the kids that join ( not all) at times can be disrespectful and think they know it all. They defy authority and justify it and when some of us try to correct them we are accused of picking on them or we just don't understand. You have to tell them to pack hose or clean the rigs when years ago if it had to be done it got done becasue we had a sense of duty and pride. Maybe it is our faults for letting it get like this....
  3. May they rest in peace.
  4. I don't know if I like this idea. I understand the concept of saving money but this could set a bad precedent. I am surprised the beloved ACLU hasn't cried foul with this taking the stance he was tricked into the plea. How about the guy who called 911 because his Subway order was wrong?
  5. I am embarresed...22..and History was my best subject.
  6. Hope they are resting comfortably at the bed and breakfast.
  7. AllthooughI respect your position we will just to have to agree to disagree on this one. I believe in an ounce of prevention.
  8. May he rest in peace and may God protect all our troops.
  9. I dont believe anyone is trying to scare people. Statistics are just that..statistics. We are in the preservation of life business, including ours and if wearing seatbelts has a minimal effect on the reduction of FF LODDS than it is worth it. I am no lawyer but I believe chief's and districts can be held liable wether there is written policy or not. I recall a case in upstate NY where a firefighter was killed and two others severly injured during a live burn. The result was the chief did time in jail and also faced ( or is facing) civil suits because there is a standard out there that regulates live burns that were not followed. There are also standards out there that say wear seatbelts. Not having a written policy is no defense.
  10. Well said Capt.
  11. You are correct. I have seen people get "amped" including some officers who make a simple MVA sound like a plane crash and it creates a climate of confusion and panic.
  12. Excited to what degree? To a point where tunnel vision sets in? Where you forget the ABC's of safety? No I don't get excited. My heart may race a bit but in the end I want to go home to my wife and son the same way I came and anyone that has ever taken any classes I have taught including people in my own department when I did training there I always preached slow down and tbink about what you are doing. If this equates that there is something wrong with me than I appreciate your obversation and welcome any furthur comments.
  13. If you are that excited when you are responding to a fire than maybe it is time for some re-training. As far as our Quint...I go back and forth on the Quint concept but like anything else we will work with it.
  14. I feel judgement should wait untill the facts are presented. Being the guy on the bike was not wearing a helmet could it be the officer ordered him to stop and he refused?
  15. Congrats and best of luck. I have 39 months and 30 days left.
  16. Congrats from another proud father. Start the college savings, feed him good, throw a baseball, football, whatever to him as soon as he can walk. Time flies so enjoy it while it lasts.
  17. Gov Patterson portrayed a doomsday scenario in his publoc address. With a multi-billion dollar deficit and his proposed cuts to state agencies has anyone heard how this will affect OFPC and training for the fire service? EMS as well?
  18. You are correct Danger. I was referring to the post where people were in the firshouse and didn't go because they didn't feel like it. I understand we all have lives, families, and sometimes when you are home you can't go but to be in the firehouse and not go because you didn't feel like it....
  19. I used boots for many years untill 1991 when we went to bunkers. Would never go back.
  20. I don't know if there is any law but I can honestly tell you if a member does not go because he/she don't feel like it than as a former chief I would of held them accountable along with thier keys to the firehouse because they would of been suspended on the spot.
  21. Not so sure about that. Had Pierces for years and nothing but trouible, especially electrical.
  22. This is so true. I have seen good, well trained people with safety in mind passed over while other useless, backwards, gutless, and untrained people who were afraid to rock the boat put in positions of leadership. The election process is old and dangerous. Time fo change...
  23. Nice shot but this fire was mid-90's. Two of our guys were hurt when they were blown down the stairs.
  24. The MPO has to make sure the 3-4 guys inside have the necessary amount of water so they can do thier job. A bit critical I would say.
  25. I noticed there is no minimum age limit to take the test allthough the appointment age is 20. Can a 16 year old take it?