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About lemonice

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  1. Why is this not about the firefighters also? People have lost their jobs. You seem to have forgotten where you came from and that is sad.
  2. Can you please increase the font size? It is ridiculously small.
  3. Is it really The Platters if zero original members remain? More of a Platters cover group.
  4. I remember back when we used to just take the test and hope for a letter. This back and forth about possible scenarios is ridiculous. If you get a letter, great, follow the instructions. If you don't get a letter, you weren't good enough. Take another test. End of story.
  5. This is a link to a fundraising account for Fired member Pj Maldari who is going through some very rough times. Please take a moment to read and PLEASE SHARE!!!! > http://www.gofundme.com/j4am4o