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About alextom

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  1. I agree with a voting block but action also needs to be taken now. I have no idea when these board members terms are up. At best its probably Jan 2017 . 8 months is a long time to be out of a job. These members have mortages and families to support. Very sad.
  2. Now we're gonna see if the Port Chester Volunteers are truely Brothers. They should all resign immediatly. All of the westchester fire depts should remove themselves from Port Chester mutual aide response until the Board reverses the descision.
  3. Sounds like a little touch of union bustin privatisation goin on. A million bucks for a fly car to hopefully show up with 1 person tryin to do compressions and ventilations. Any first responder knows its impossible to do alone. The polititions could care less as long as there buddies in big business are making the money. Something smells fishy...