Tanker 10eng

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Everything posted by Tanker 10eng

  1. I wonder who will get the bill when FDNY is the cause of the MVA ??
  2. A little ??? maybe the upper portion of the side of the neighbors house.... and good size section...
  3. I can only comment on what I know and saw, .... E119 was out the door pretty quick ( FAST team ) and when I reach Route 9 south bound and as we crossed over the Croton Point Avenue overpass, myself and 2082 could see a large cloud of black smoke off in the distance, so it was burning pretty hot by then...
  4. from what you hear and see on News12, it seems far from safe... I'll stay up here in the north...
  5. bottom line, when in doubt, stay out... the good thing about this, it was truss construction ( I believe from what was left when we got there ), so until it collapses, stay out... well with that much fire...
  6. Saturday morning ( around 6 am ) I went for a ride on my mountain bike, and being from a river town, nothing is better then a ride along the river. I started out from Sanasqua Park and headed south, along the trail to Croton Point Park, past the football field and marsh were dad and son were stuck.... then past the old weigh station for the old dump......... At this point my eyes drifted left up the mountain of buried garbage, and I spotted watch looked like a small huskey.. I stopped my bike and yelled up to him, as he watched me, then 6 more pointy eared heads popped up in the same area... A pack of what I saw, 7 coyotes... were on patrol looking for food.... Had dad and son not gotten out of that mud, I would hate to see what might of happened, as it was their hurting grounds... So, thanks to the Copter crew and FD for getting them out, and thanks to the Dad for having his cell..
  7. Thanks Steve... nice..
  8. Question for OFD.... the picture with LT 42 bucket on the ground, and the nozzle on the bucket, can we get a closer look at that ? Is that a straight tip which can fog ??? ( not a ladder guy here, so I am clueless )
  9. Not many depts. in Westchester have spare rigs....
  10. WHITE CASTLE stickers to be applied this week...
  11. EFD - nice pictures... question, this Mack looks like it " just " fits into the firehouse, what was the head room clear ??
  12. ok, first of all, great pictures... questions ? 1.) What was the source of the fire ?? 2.) The ladder, was it backed into the yard ? gutsy move, it it was me, I would of sunk... looks like it was the right spot for what they needed...
  13. Great picture, would be nice to show people what NOT to do.... you never know, one day it could be your house... Thanks for the answers, I have a clearer picture to my question... but what was the fire ???
  14. Being an engine guy, its hard to think of allowing the ladder the front row, but your right Barry, the driveway would of been ideal... My wondering was the ladder placement, between the front shrubs... looks like it fit well and was place right... I just take my hat off to the guy who gave the ok to do it... thinking outside the box... bigger balls then me.... hahaha
  15. When ever we do a tanker drill in the Croton/Yorktown/Millwood area, we always have the units coming to the drill clock their time of travel, so that once it begins, ( we figure time to get to the FH [ 2 to 3 minutes ] + the time for travel ) so that once the IC calls for tankers we have to wait our estimated times before rolling in ( no jokes on rolling )... works good for us...
  16. ditto, twice !!
  17. are we allowed to ask questions here in this tread or not??? I forgot the rule on this...
  18. I would say you are correct, thank you sir..
  19. Nice !!! is there a pump ??? maybe hidden behind the front roll up door ?
  20. Nice looking tanker, the best of luck with it... In picture # 5, what are the 2 red strainers ??? floating or turbodraft ?
  21. I always love looking into our ponds after a " tanker call ". you find so many rocks, pebbles, sand and dirt.... I always heard of the joke about fish and frogs... but I have yet to see that...
  22. Not being from Yonkers, nor knowing anything about this building... but .... is it a commerical building? apartments above ? looks like there is a sea of parking around the fire building... Apparatus placement seems to of been tough, was this true ? Great job Yonkers FD..
  23. VERY SMART !!!
  24. will the owner of the 1937 tiller planning on purchasing the recently retired girl ?
  25. I love what they did to the old rescue ( when FDNY was done with it )and what it looks like now... great job...