believe it capt32, I have been " playing " in the smoke house for over 20 years... grant it, way back when, being able to burn in it made it a great training tool. When we use it, most of our guys know .... ok... the hallway goes to the left then a door, then a split, then rooms here and there... and most times we perform our taining in complete darkness... yes, its a good site, what I have been trying to do is find out what others do there, and to get some new ideas... in most cases its better to train with other depts who operate a bit different then you do... one recent time, in the burn building we raised the main stairs to the rt. of the main door way... this pissed the guys off, as they knew the stairs where there, and it took them a while to adjust and search for a different means of getting to the second floor. so, to close, we are still looking for other FAST teams who want to cross train with, we go the first monday night of every month... let us know.