Tanker 10eng

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Everything posted by Tanker 10eng

  1. Ok, ALS.... so now I know what I missed when I feel asleep during that day in Earth Science... Thank you for the infor...
  2. Izzy, thanks for the information... good points about also keeping drifting snow/ice build up from the underside, never thought of that !! What I was referring to, was what is the source of the " heat " ?? Do they take the antifreeze from the vehicle's engine and run it through a coil to heat this area ? or is it electrical heat ? or do they run a seperate motor to create heat ? I did not mean the pump's cooling system.... my bad, I should of been clearer...
  3. Let's face it, this is EMTBRAVO... it will always be like this... I just hope when the shoe is on the other foot and questions are asked, they will not be deleted, and others are not bashed for asking questions... Like it or not, we are all in GLASSHOUSES, and one day we may be in the hot seat...
  4. My dream would be the JETS against the Vikings, and us beating Brett...
  5. Ok, I can buy this reason, what else is done to keep the pump warm ??? is there a floor under the pump ? Yes, I know heat rises, but when the rig is moving around ( to the calls, fueling up, or what ever ) there is allot of wind chill under there... is this a heater system apart of the engine's cooling system, electri our taken off the exhaust ? I am NOT trying to battle with you, just looking for more information on this...
  6. sadly enough she does have a point.... your property does extend upward from the earth, and it is her " air space " .... you would not let you neighbor erect a structure up 100 ft and over your house. Same thing here. In NYC property owners actually sell their " air space " above, to their neighbors. Bottom line here, we are here to serve the public, as stupid and silly as they can be( and yes they can be ).... bit your lips and deal with it... we need to think from the other person's point if view....
  7. personally I am not a fan of it... being an engine guy I like to see the panel.... yeah, there might be some road dirt and dust, but its not an issue....( well it has never been in Croton ) I would be more worried about the dirt build up inside the pump/panel from inside and from the open bottom.... plus a roll up door is just another thing to break and get in the way... my 2 cents...
  8. Now I like that name.... its plan and simple....
  9. the center of gravity has got to be at least...... 5 ft. if not more... so how is it not top heavy ? Tankers in general are top heavy, add on the 4x6 feature, and that baby is really top heavy... but it is what they need so it works well for them....
  10. true, but Monty what were the out comes ???? no readings ? I know 95 % of the ones we go on in Croton are battery issues... and most of these " owners " have no clue on reading the instructions on the back of the units... I hate the 3 am calls for CO, and the unit's batteries are dead... seems like there are allot of clueless people out there in the world today...
  11. geeee my Mom always told me your brain was the most important muscle, guess not here . lol
  12. thats what I thought, but you never know !! Thank you Sir
  13. Question - item number 7 for the 2 pumpers... the quote of $ 447,000 is that for 2 rigs - or - price PER rig ???
  14. WOW, I could feel the heat from here... sad for the family, very sad...
  15. although they are not the best looking things in the world, as it appears they were just dropped from outspace, they are a wise use of space... on our Seagrave, we had and area above our driver's side compartments and the hose compartment, were we had a Aluminum storage box built to fit the space. This is were we store our brush tools, floating strainers and other " stuff " not used everyday... smart moves
  16. sounds like the same problems with that trunk radio thingie in my tanker !!! I keep smacking it when I can find a channel and now its not working right... might be the same thing...
  17. so they used the hydrant system and tanker ops ???
  18. no quarterbacking here ..... but what does this area have for water ? Hydrants ?
  19. wow, with comments like this, you can FULLY understand why the general public, and Municipal leaders are trying to cut back on man power, and can you really blame them ???
  20. a question, the ladder rack, can I get more information on this... looks great and it could really be a good idea here. Likde is it a power unit ? how much more does it go down ?
  21. Not know the lay out of Potsdam, I would have to assume it is your normal up state town with allot of land to cover... the main issue would be to get the rig and equipment to the scene, as members show up things will start getting done.. if they arent' already on the scene.... In Croton some of us carry our gear in our POV's and depending on where the call is, still respond to the firehouse... but there are times when its next door, and you head to the scene.... I guess the main concern is to make sure to toys are there and you have the right things to do the job and safety...
  22. come on now, those 2 yellow things from Yonkers are Uglier !!! ( # 307 & 310 ) those appear to be GMC's, right ??? I love GMC, but what happen to the front, ??? Nose thing ? yuck...
  23. Barry, totally out in left field here.... what is the truck in the second picture, the yellow one !!! looks cool...
  24. The roads are not KILLING people, its the idiots driving the vehicles... period... to many people are in a rush to go now where, talking on their cell phones, texting while driving, driving drunk, and many other stupid reasons.... I am sure if the truth every comes out, she was doing something she shouldn't be doing... While driving from my office in Montrose to Croton for a fire call, and with the blue light on... doing .......maybe... 65 on route 9, I still get passed by a mini vans full of kids amd a mom.... bottom line, we need to slow down and just drive...
  25. was he responding to a call ? the damage to the bus looks like a lot for 40 mph...