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Everything posted by IzzyEng4

  1. THanks for the information and hope it serves the town well. Might be the way the angle of the tank curves or the space they had for the lettering Didn't really notice that in the picture of the lack of a space.
  2. Is this in addition to the ET or a replacement? I was lead to believe Engine 21 was an ET.
  3. PCFD ENG58's back yard is my second guess.
  4. Okay, first off it is not a city service truck, you can see the stabilizer piston on the left side running board. With that style only going down and not out, it has to be around a 1930s model year. Also you can see a piston right behind the driver's position thus giving a hint that this was a straight framed aerial ladder truck, or some sort of crane type vehicle. I can't tell if the rear wheels are "tillered" as many straight framed aerial ladders of that era were made this way. I would suspect that this was a wooden aerial ladder truck or early metal aerial ladder. The rig's body and chassis looks similar to Toronto's ALF Type 233 Service Truck but for some reason I don't think its an ALF. Seagrave never built a complete rig like this with the engine out before the front wheels but I do believe it could be a Autocar or early FWD chassis. Angelo, is this all original or did this get a "rehab" at some point? The round front fenders are throwing me off.
  5. Google is your friend!!! Moto's site for the pagers. http://www.motorola.com/Business/US-EN/Business+Product+and+Services/Two-Way+Radios+and+Pagers+-+Business/Pagers/MINITOR+V_US-EN
  6. At least they are checking on thier policies.
  7. Wasn't this Romeo Toro the same guy who was a former member of Vallhala FD and arrested for stealing equipment? Didn't he take a plea bargain of 3 years probation on a misdemeanor charge?
  8. More than likely it's an agency / private company policy that you will be required to operate with a valid CT license more than likely to drive their rigs and for their insurance. Each one is different, AMR Bridgeport and AMR New Haven actually operate slightly different from each other (why I don't). But anyhow as for having a CT EMT / Medic license, yes you have to have that but unless th4e agency states otherwise, you shouldn't have to get a CT diver's license unless you are driving a vehicle in state that is a municipal vehicle, is over 26,0001 lbs. for emergency service (aka fire trucks) or a vehicle that requires a CDL.
  9. One of the other site or news articles says they are "membership funded", basically they purchased the equipment themselves.
  10. JBE, the ALF rig was refurbished after WTC. Then they lost the building they were in and all the equipment sat outside. They had two other trucks also, a donated E-One and a new Luverne(?) that was purchased for them. Those two went bye-bye during the scandal when all the money went too. PCFD ENG 58 I believe had something to do with getting that rig up to Andy's place upstate. He can let us know more on the rig I believe.
  11. You have to pick up the book "Boston's Fire trail". It is actually the same trail for the most part as the Freedom Trail. pretty much all of Boston's infamous fires occurred along the route.
  12. Because Warden is a word older than you!!! I had too! Sorry Ang!!! Hahahaha! The only time I have heard the term Fire Warden used was pre-organized fire protection, basically they were the fire marshals during the colonial era enforcing fire protection rules and for forest fire coordination.
  13. Rut-Rho Rorge!!! Not good, hopefully its to collect evidence against the scum-bag "chief" that stole from them!
  14. Did Hartsdale paint their Gamewell Boxes lime-yellow like Lynn, MA did to match the apparatus? Seriously, there are many towns, cities and villages that still utilize street pull boxes and master station throughout New England, mostly all of them are in MA. My city still operates around 300+ telegraph alarm boxes and utilizes a "cherry picker" for repairs, which we share service with the public works department. Actually its a good asset as well as the fire marshal's office has used it in the past in their investigations for an overview of a incident. Unfortunately the systems are expensive to maintain but they are full proof and will work during a blackout or power outage. Many of these systems are being removed from service, ours may be gone forever soon.
  15. In the first news article, the fire chief stated the FD could handle between 50 to 90% of the calls. The article also stated if the FD only handled 50% of the calls, the profit was over $300,000, which is the high end of the profit the private ambulance firms said the city would make. Also MoFire, the FD may not be able to bill for BLS transports, but if its an ALS transport, they can bill if I am not mistaking but also I'm only taking in account what I know, I do not know what NYS law is for that. It depends how the service is actually set up if its a municipality-provided service or added on.
  16. Must have been made of the leftover metal from the Chinese nuclear plant!!!
  17. If you want to work your butt off, then work in New Haven, Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury, Stamford or the Lower Naugatuck Valley areas. Also N.D.C.P. covers medic service in many parts of Litchfield County and like it was previously stated, it can be a good foot in the door.
  18. Not sure what you mean. As for the previous question of ASM/Aetna, ect, I'm not sure. Also VinTech is a staffing service. They will staff a town's ambulance corps for them. Derby and North Branford are two i can think of who's paid staff is is provided by VinTech. I know their EMTs are, as for North Branford's medic, I think they are also but I'm unsure (Derby is a BLS and Intermediate service, a regional paramedic service is in the area).
  19. Campion is based in Cheshire and serves Cheshire, parts of Waterbury and New Milford areas. ASM - Ambulance Service of Manchester covers the town of Manchester and other towns in the area. Aetna is out of Hartford serves the city and some surrounding areas. AMR us totally based out of New Haven which is also the comms center for New Haven. Bridgeport, Hartford, Waterbury / Southing, ect. Yest Bridgport ops is totally different thatn New Haven, primarily because they are in a different region. Hunters is out of Meriden and services Meriden, Middletown, parts of the shoreline area Middlesex county. Nelson / Access like Joe said do a lot of transports but they do have their primary service areas ffor 911 are are availiable in New Haven county as a primary responder for M/A. All the private services above are contracted to be primary transports for several towns or at least part of a town. Greenwich, Stamford and Madison are towbned based EMS services for their respective PSAR (town).
  20. OMG! It never ends! LMAO
  21. The aerial is an ALF, you can tell by the design. There were tons of sisters to this truck in my neck of the woods. I can get the S/N numbers if you want. As for the new ladder truck, I do not know what it is.
  22. Haven't had time to reply back but thank you and everyone else for the info on the relay pumping. I asked the question because no where did I see in the posts was there any indication that a relay pumping operation was set up and I commented on relay operations for those who don't know. I must have missed it in the thread and IA, it happens. But is seems like a lot of other issues being discussed were trumping that. Rural water supply is a hard thing, trust me I know, 90% of our M/A where I work has to do with drafting and trucking in water. Not at anytime was I trying to quarter back anything, I didn't know, that is why I asked, there are no stupid questions. Also with the discussion of residential sprinklers, there are a lot of facts both on the construction side and the ownership side that are against it. Also another problem would be the water source in a rural setting if it can supply the proper GPM. Also there are a lot of other questions including the fact that water damage to a house can cost more than fire damage, at least the way some insurance adjusters / agencies look at it. It can be a double-edged sword for home-owners. In this day and age, many people don't want to pay for the added cost of maintenance, up keep and monthly / quarterly testing of sprinkler systems, check valves and pumps. REMEMBER, SPRINKLERS ARE NOT MADE TO PUT OUT FIRES! THEY ARE MADE TO KEEP FIRES IN CHECK!
  23. I've been sitting on this one that was told to me. "2-XXX-4 to XXXX" "Go ahead." "Doing a baseball standby at XXXXXXX HS field..........Have you seen my baseball?" "Funny, gotch-ya doing the standby." 10 minutes later "2-XXX-4 to XXXX!!!!" "Go ahead." "Well my partner found his baseball, line drive to his head. Can ya send out supervisor and another car please?" Unknown key-up: "At least he didn't catch something in his zipper this time!"
  24. This type of numbering system is utilized out in Eastern CT. Designation Type - Apparatus number - department number. It's not that complicated but there are better alternatives.
  25. I'll have to find the article but this ALF was tested in 2011 and passed. I think it was on The Secret List. Hate to judge by the picture but I hope that the aerial was not over extended at such a low angle and the set up in the picture was the after affect of the failure. We'll have to wait until the report comes out. Glad to hear the firefighter will be okay.