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Everything posted by irishfire2491

  1. VERPLANCK FIRE DEPARTMENT 07-08 OFFICER FIRE OFFICERS Chief 2491~ Brian Curry 1st Asst. Chief 2492~ Paul O'Brien 2nd Asst Chief 2493~ Joe Curry Captain 2494~ Warren Bonds 1st Lieutenant 2495~ John Schembari 2nd Lieutenant 2496~ James O'Brien EMS OFFICERS 1st Lieutenant 8311~ Kevin Burckhard 2nd Lieutenant 8312~ Sandy Cotic CONGRATS TO ALL AND THE BEST OF LUCK (ALL OFFICER TAKE OFFICE MAY 5, 2007)
  2. I agree 100% It feel like to me it happens alittle to often and i will go to the extar extent and call M/A and jump on there ambulance to get the call covered when it happen I have seen some dept can't get a crew call M/A and turn around and go home and then the M/A dept have a hard time to get out. If you are going to go then go if not dont sign on and hope for M/A and go HOME. If I cant get a crew in 3 tones or 8-10 mins TOPS it goes M/A and i Respond to the SCENE to assist PT care and the M/A service that are HELPING your dept get YOUR call covered
  3. Irishfire because i am from Verplanck and Irish in to firefighting had to switch it when the new switch becuase the system did not reconize me so i kept it close to the old one irishfire and added the dept chief number 2491 and came up with (Irishfire2491)
  4. Great Post i alway wonder WHY they called a FAST to respond and put them to work when you have a engine and a ladder on standby right next to you, To tell you the truth i never knew what a fast team did and how importain they were on scene till i taken FAST a week ago. Why do they take the fast team that has set up and did there 360 and then place them to work on the fire/ overhaul when it takes appox 15 mins for another Fast to get dispatch get a crew and then respond and then set up on scene and then do a 360 again. What happens in that time frame when the old fast goes to work and the new fast team is responding. Yea I agree Fast is not always the most interesting job on a fire scene but it is made to help us and we go around it !!!
  5. They hold you Mandorty OVERTIME every shift for max of 3 hrs which always lead to more cause they send you to the middle of nowhere on a ALS JOB and they send a BLS CREW because there passion is money!!!!!! and not PT CARE WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE WE BECAME EMTS/MEDIC TO HELP PEOPLE NOT TO TURN AROUND AND GIVE THEM BLS WHEN NEED ALS AND THEY SAY JUST GET THERE FAST EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. or the change your PCR so they can get more money.(-SOB they change it to 10 lpm o2 non rebeather) so they can bill more i seen that happen once before with my PCR i was not HAPPY TO SAY
  6. friendship night april 14 saturday
  7. Yes No one quilfiled wanted to run and The people that did were not Quilfiled to do so. (ByLaws states 3 years + 6months probation to run for firematic office)
  8. Verplanck FD had No Elections for Chief all ran solo We Did have an election for the Position for 2 EMS LT
  9. Verplanck FD and Cortlandt VAC use Hudson Valley (8 out of 10 times) about 10 min, Phelps if needed about 15 min and Westchester Medical Center for Trauma about 20 mins.
  11. March 3,2007 with 46 post
  12. that quote went out the window a Long time ago i am Assuming Late August early Setember That is why i had to bail out IT got to the point were it became a JOB SECURITY CONSERN EVERY DAY U WENT TO WORK.
  13. It is about time eles someone agrees with me Real Fire Apparatus are Lime and NOT RED
  14. If we keep this going I am going to say this one is going to be the topic with the Most Post LOL
  15. SUBMARINE 1 (Verplanck) SUBMARINE 2 (NEWPORT) there is another boat for under water rescue No Divers Needed>
  16. What IS March 14, 2007
  17. Thanks Trauma Hope to get alot of good use out of it. With the ambulance out of the way we can focus on our New Fire Truck to Replance E128 and R42 with a Recsue Pumper.
  18. To add a little more to this the old R41(old Ambulance/Dive Truck was donate to C&O4 in Peekskill and the other Ambulance was placed on a trade in and i belive it iis going to the State of Washington
  19. I am going for the Winner So no matter what happens I WIN lol
  21. Just wondering how many Dept had MVA today Do to the Snow on the ground. I have heard alot of Traffic of different depts responding to MVA rollovers, car vs tree car vs pole etc... Drive Safe Everyone the roads are ICY
  22. After Fire Surival I went out and GOT my own a Few dollars spent on rope so i Could live in case something goes wrong. Sound to EASY.