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Everything posted by irishfire2491

  1. Nothing that we Knew of as being sick, He was in the Gym at least 3-5 times a week. RIP Jeff you will be Missed a loss of a great Firemen and a hard worker.
  2. Just look for some help I am trying to find out what number I could call or even an address that I could write to to get copies of all my Fire Training Certs, I have some now but there were other certs that never made to me and was wondering if any one had a clue who I could reach, at the Fire service to recieve a copy of all my Cert's in the mail. Thanks for your Help.
  4. Ok I know the other day I called 60 when I got the Ipage and the tone never hit and was i was not sure what was going on and it happen to MFD and CCVAC with the Bad Car Accident last week
  5. Haha John just hope it is not a windy day or foggy day and your luck you send up a smoke signal and someone will call in for smoke in the area. lol But on a Serious note is there any way of fixing the towers becasue i know in the past week there were time we had a call and the fire house and ambulance pagers never acatived
  6. This has also happened on Cortlandt VAC, Peekskill VAC and 46.26 Montrose, Peekskill, Croton that I know of at the same time.
  7. Do you have to register to show up or only if you are going to bring a DEMO How much is it to go?
  8. As I sit at the Ambulance Corp with only 3 hours of sleep waiting for the sales rep. to drop off a New Electric Stretcher, I was wondering How many depts have them? Do they Like Them? Have Any of them been Broken In the Past Beyound Repair. We had the Trial one for 30 days And my Believe Why make things Harder. I think they are to Heavier and To easy for something to get broken or jammed or a battery to die on scene. The only good side to the strecher is the up and down motion from floor to air. However placing it in the ambulance is another story!!! There is too Much weight for someone to hold waiting for the wheels to come up to the base of the strecher, to be placed in the ambulance. That is just my Theory on the use of the strecher. I would love to go back to the Old Fashion Light Weight Sretcher's
  9. As a Member of Verplanck Fire Department I would like to take this time and thank everyone that came down to our dry down. Hope everyone enjoyed themself and had a great time, We did go though alot of Cornbeef. As For the members of Verplanck we were also giving a wonderful treat today with reappearence of our old MACK E-127 as see in prev post. As some of our olders members were able to take it out around the block a few times. What a Treat. I was able to go through the truck and take some really good shot hope to have them up sometime this week under protection from the Past. The owner even said he wants to clean it up and bring it to our upcoming parade in July. It is Amazing to outcome that has come for an old truck to a brand new truck. but once Again Thank you for coming out and hope you all had a Wonderful time.
  10. Just to add on here is a picture
  11. May he RIP OFFICER MATT MORELLI My Prayers and condolence to his family and friends and COWORKERS Thomas O'Brien (Irishfire2491) Verplanck, NY
  12. All extricatation tools are connected to the truck in the rear back step compartment
  13. The Stoke Basket is Easy to get to You dont have to jump over the hose bed there are three side steps on the driver and passanger side near the pump panel that you can use to get up to the Deck gun and to the stoke basket I like it up there because it does not take up to my compartment space. But Thanks to all I hope the trucks gets put to good use Now that it will be doing the work of two Trucks
  14. notice the Irish color flag on the truck Orange Basket to white hood to green body lol
  15. It is around that price Not sure on the Right Amount!!!!
  16. Yeah we all ready do have the New Stair Chair and I have to say they work Great Now only if the track can go up the stairs that would be the greatest invention since can tuna fish lol . But our old strechers are the same as the on located in your second picture with the other ambulance and they are not so great because if the head is not all the way up on the angle the legs will not move
  17. O SORRY MR. LT Is was Leaning more towards MVA's not regular EMS calls MY BAD. Unless you guys are really that bored and really want to come out and play (Does not Bother ME one bit) but if the EMS crew does not feel safe I would always call the FD to shut down traffic if needed (So Keep Your PAGERS ON). But as for 9A Buchanan will send a Rescue truck to ALL EMS calls between the hours of 7am and 7pm during the week
  18. Happy Birthday To ALL Hope you all enjoy a wonderful day
  19. We carry a Set of Irons because you never know the type of call you may get but for any force entry we will always call the FD but it they are tied up on another job we have the tool to gain entry
  20. In Cortlandt VAC We cover 9A and Route 9 and we have State Police, Montrose Fire with poss 2 Engines and 1 Rescue and 1-2 ambulance, before any of the EMS crew get out of the ambulance they must have a Reflective type of vest or jacket on to be seen.
  21. Duane, I like to Express my Condolences and prayers to your family at this most diffcult time.
  22. Nice Video Came out Really good
  23. You know your a Buff When you walk out side and can Smell the Job Before the Tones Him Or your name is (642) Or as it is down here your Hear Ossining Tones go over and everyone Is Slient till we figure out the call and it is sad that your try to figure out the call before you hear it and 95% of the time you are right
  24. They are look for Snow Again tonight!!!! Is it SNOW or Shine
  25. Yea John that is the one they took up to Broom County and We Made the Back Floor All Muddy before it was in service