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Everything posted by x129K

  1. This picture gives me chills....one of the best ever...featuring some of the best ever.
  2. I love old FDMV.............reminds me of my very first fire instructor, who taught me Essentails of Firemanship nearly 20 years ago, Chief Kenny Flood!
  3. Who is that SSEXXXXY Chief in the middle??!?!?
  4. Is this guy SULKING!? "Awwww.......I WANNA go play!!!!!!" Who loves ya Burkie!?
  5. Awesome Bill!!!!!!!! I spy the BESTEST firefighter EVARRRRRRR!, A great Cub Scout Co-Leader (6 Den K! LOL!), JHK lookalike gear, and some good old fashioned firefighting - from the inside out!Way to go PFD!
  6. I remember back when Dum-Dum and I worked Thursday BLS shuck truck.....we would wear our cowboy hats....tape a homemade spitoon to the doghouse in the cab....run around crazy...we were the only unit to pick up Ms. T in the Bronx by ourselves...and she was a BIG ONE! We did an e-job in Schroeder Street.....complete with cowboy hats....NO ONE would talk to us....they was scared of the tobbacy spitting rednecks in cowboy hats.
  7. God bless Sonny
  8. Ohhhhhhhhhh.....she's a BIGGUN! Nice!
  9. NIce shot Bill! Glad they left a little orange stuff for you! Another great job by the PFD.....despite the first due truck being OOS........
  10. Man that old rescue is a beaut!
  11. One of the strongest pictures I have ever seen. Amazing capture. Good eye. God Bless.
  12. Great Story, thanks for sharing.
  13. Sorry Boys - on VACATION! See y'all in 2.5 weeks!
  14. Speaking of Ashburton...back in the day, we could monitor YPD on the portables... I was in a gas ambulance, Ambulance 29, on a Saturday 4 x 12......one of the last 3 gassers we had... I was going up Ashburton, hammer down....now if you REALLY were hammering, put it in neutral, turned it off then back on REAL quick - it would backfire and blow a HUGE a** flame out of the tailpipe........but towards the end of it's life, if you merely let your foot off on 29, same thing... So up Ashburton I go...everytime I let off ***BANG***!!!!! I heard YPD put out shots fired Ashburton and Summit.............then ifo YGH..........Ashburton and Warburton.......LOL...they never realized it was little ole me in a beat up bus.....thank goodness!
  15. Dat's mah Birphday!
  16. IOWA rules! I am trying to convince my wife we should move there!
  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......................(lightbulb CLICK!) Good catch!
  18. I was Tommy's chaueffer for a long time in Car 2....I own the same style Tahoe now and sometimes reminisce the good old days driving it! LOL... As Tommy would say..."You have three simple jobs.....Get me there...set me up...and clean up my mess."
  19. Post of the year................ Simple....basic...and all too often forgotten!
  20. That seems to be a recurring comment on the paper comments and such...Yes, people called in an erratic vehicle that fit the description - but WHY wasnt it stopped!? Those with any sort of law enforcement background know just how many of these complaints are called in dailey, and how hard it is to locate them...cops stretched too thin, tied up on other calls, manpower shortages, wrong place, right time...whatever the reason, many, many times it is difficult at best to locate each "BOLO".....
  21. The snake was a pet of one of our best ladies ever - Lisa...it snuck into her bag one day and she unknowingly brought it to work...it crawled out, caused quite a stir, but I managed to get the testicular fortitude to hold it.....I was freakin out!
  22. Quick one before I go for the night....sitting on Post 1 - up at Dunwoodie Gold Course before they kicked us out of there (running a "private company from a county property").......nice afternoon...working with my favorite partner ever - Billy "The Hammer" Rothschild... It is quite - he is napping and I am reading a magazine, enjoying a dip of Skoal....spitting into a bottle... We get alerted for an E-Job, so I start off down the hill..Billy awakes and takes a drink from his bottle....except.....he actually picked up my swill bottle....and took a big gulp of my chewing tobacco spit... Without skipping a beat - I pass him my full bottle of Gatorade, and he downs it.....not a word was spoken... He kept lunch down....amazing!~