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Everything posted by x129K

  1. Sorry guys - gotta bail on this one...taking my little guy to band practice in Putnam...and Saturday is the opening day of deer season.
  2. No sir...no problems - in fact you and Gamewell opened my naive eyes a bit more - thank you. I agree with the dedication and honor of the FDMV...having worked there with Empress for a few years I got to see that first hand...that and Ken Flood taught my Essentials class!
  3. Rescue 1 on scene....2 cars into a tree.....wait...one car into a tree....wait........awww screw it, show us out!
  4. How the hell....in this day and age where racism is supposed to be for all practical purposes..eradicated - especially in the workl place - is a racial group like the Vulcans allowed???????????? This is another prime of example of the racism double standard....and makes me sick!
  5. http://thatwillbuffout.com/
  6. *DISCLAIMER* The above post was made via mobile device between writing parking tickets...... ........to justify one's job.
  7. Rob - the lady OBVIOUSLY GRABBED him, catching him off guard....he wasnt covering the patch, he was securing the radio strap so it didn't swing wildly and injur someone, thus saving the City from a multi-million dollar lawsuit...he is smiling because he is a FIREMAN...AND HAS THE BEST DAMN JOB IN THE WORLD! At least thats is how I see it...K.
  8. Barry - that is slick as crap! I loved the old Rockwell (wood?) nozzles...we had them on our engines when I first got in....there was NOTHING better to clean your undercarraige after a good day of mussing then the wand!
  9. Good post Seth! If you never been blindsided by a drunk hottie sporting her Victoria's finest..I am here to tell you...you never get used to it!
  10. Skelly of the JN/MetroMix..100 percent. Hope the Admins of the WPFD realize there is nothing that half naken, drunk women love MORE than a fireman...
  11. You only make THAT mistake once...I promise you that!
  12. Impressive regardless....... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTQWNCeCBvQ
  13. SOOOO many utilize PPV as an alternative to traditional, more effective, and "safer" ventilation....it is sad..I cringe when I hear "get the fan!" early in a fire...
  14. Get well. Your bravery and dedication were not in vain.
  15. Get well. Your bravery and dedication were not in vain.
  16. That was also mentioned...short staffing and the LCC had to assist in throwing a ground ladder apparently..not ideal, but real world when you talk anout 2 man truck "companies"...
  17. More pics up at local596.com
  18. From what I read about it - you are dead nuts on
  19. Great job by the witnesses, the cops, and all involved....we all still pray for you all.
  20. Good job by the PFD...once again, understaffed and taxed from a night of runs that accompanied the opening of the Walkway Over The Hudson.....