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Everything posted by x129K

  1. We had a great spot to watch at the end of the Intrepid, right by the 9/11 memorial.
  2. OK...we pulled a fast one on my 9 year old today..he got to play hookie, but we surprised him by going down to the Intrepid to watch this whole show...and him being a plane nut - it was awesome. He aspires to do time as a Navy jet pilot before becoming a Captain of a Tower Ladder...I only hope it all comes true for him. Here are our pics - taken by either my wife or me with a small point and shoot with a decent zoom.... The procession and the FDNY 343
  3. Wow,,...holding that SAFR grant "hostage" as a bargaining ship...in the words of CBX - "Douchebag committing douchebaggery!"
  4. Soon they will replace "first due" with "pole position"............. ...but if it saves jobs....go for it.
  5. "Funny thing about firemen...is night and day...they're firemen." Good work!
  6. Seriously? My post on this thread was deleted? Is it not unreasonable to ask for a work warning heads up reference a link that shows a topless girl in bunker pants? What if I opened that link with a Boss in the room? Bravo is allowed....Breasts are not. Guess looking out for a Brother is a thing of the past?
  7. Facebook is well on it's way.....actually, make that, The INTERNET is on it's way to ruin the fire service. And yes, I understand I use both...alot.
  8. I just think they want to make this site something that it will never be. It is what it is....a buff site. Not a training site...not a cutting edge tech site...it's a buff site that "used" to have good posters with lots of knowledge and experience that we COULD learn from..if we wanted to. I know personally I have.
  9. As well as our pocketbooks. Once less criminal to house, feed, educate, and clothe.
  10. RR - check with the guys on www.firepics.net - ALOT of them go and can offer great advice, incuding where to "stage" so you can hit the different areas fast.
  11. Not all.............
  12. The only plus side of FD doing lift assists is that they get to see buildings without smoke in them. Someday they may be back...for a call involving smoke and that hot red orange stuff...
  13. For all of you guys pushing the "EMD Angle"; Falls; Public Assist (NO injuries and NO priority symptoms) 17A3 = EMS Only on my cardset....so to answer the question, where I work, lift assists are handled by EMS. I will go on record as saying, again, that I am not a firm beleiver in the entire EMD concept. The pre-arrival instructions for CPR, choking, and hemmorage control are true lifesavers, but the majority of the other "fluff" is just that, and almost all callers in an urban area, are not receptive to it. "Just send the MFing ammolance!". The check and advise system is set up for failure UNLESS the responding officers or firemen are at least EMT's AND carry gear... THIS GUY right here F'ing gets it! Great post!
  14. CAN WE PLEASE MERGE THIS THREAD WITH THE "TROOPER THREAD"????????? It's just too much work to keep up with TWO pissing matches at the same time.....
  15. I havnt seen Peter Mac in over 12 years ...back when he was a LT on the Rescue (I think)...but I picked him out in a flash in the pics!
  16. Why not just go to Empress? You will be MUCH happier.
  17. I'll agree with that for sure...but you can not dispute the fact that several of the high quality members are MIA...
  18. I would MUCH rather see them in the View new Threads..... I know you changed it to free up some clutter with other posts and such...but if you havnt noticed...there hasnt been many "other posts".....Where have all the cowbiys gone? Hmmmmmmm....food for thought
  19. Unfortunatley, these pictures are RACING around facebook and other social media outlets....most often with demeaning captions...you can see them on many fire organizations FB pages... Sad. Some of you are very narrow minded....even moreso than I consider myself.
  20. Put turnout gear on these guys and what do you have - a disciplined company operating as a team with a supervisor.......
  21. Yes Sir, that was me. A few years back my department went mutual aid for a house fire with our Truck. I lived between the fire and the firehouse, so I drove directly to the scene where I was paired up with a good friend from another department to do a search as there were reports of a trapped civillian. The house was "going good" with heavy fire on floor 1, side 4. As we walked up to the front step, the TROOPERS and another firefighter pulled the victim from the house, he was right behind the front door. Since we thought there was another victim inside, we pushed into the front door. My partner was already inside and I was a few feet inside when the fire rolled out the front door. Fire was to the right, we went left...the fire blocked our exit if need be...the TROOPER took the line that was on the front steps (unattended) and knocked back the fire in the doorway, holding it in check until we completed the primary of the room thought to hold another victim. We then took the kine and attacked the fire. We know it wasnt an ideal situation, but thats the reality of rural firefighting....I was thankful for them.