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Everything posted by SteveOFD

  1. From the August 29, 2008 The Journal News - Legal Notices: "A resolution authorizing the purchase of 75 pagers, and associated communications equipment, for the Montrose Fire District...". Anyone know if MFD paging will remain on 46.26MHz, go to 33.96MHz (where IMO all paging should be), or go to another private frequency?
  2. Rob According to the FCC's database, Montrose FD is licensed for, in addition to the above UHF freq, 460/465.0250MHz, 460/465.2500MHz, & 460/465.2750MHz. I also found this site Bill's Frequency Site (which I have no info on) which lists 460.0250MHz as Fire Police, 460.2500MHz as Ops1, & 460.2750MHz as Ops2.
  3. bump No one knows anything?
  4. Hope you feel better Doc.
  5. Just heard at our Officers Meeting that the new Trunked System is supposed to go live September 10th. Anyone hear anything else about this?
  6. I just came across a pending application for additional frequencies for the North Zone of the Trunked System at The proposed frequencies for the six North Zone towers are: 470.9000MHz 477.0250MHz 477.0500MHz 477.0750MHz This request seems odd to me because it only lists one half of the pair of frequencies required for repeater (trunked) operation, and it is listed for FB2/MO (conventional) operation, not the FB8/MO (trunked) classification of the other system licenses.
  7. Saw this article at and was wondering if anyone else here will be attending this convention to vote. This is an important vote to change the International Building Code (which the Building Code of NYS is based on) to require the installation of fire sprinkler systems in one and two family homes. The above noted article, which I post a portion of below, describes what you need to know before you go: Myself, and three other OFD members, will be attending to cast our votes in favor of this life saving proposal. I heard that at last year's ICC convention this proposal was defeated by forty seven votes, so every vote is important.
  8. Over the last couple of weeks I have heard the TMFD using the Trunked System for responding to alarms. Anyone hear anything about if this is permanent, or are they testing its use?
  9. I've heard that dispatched numerous times. Maybe they need to have someone service the system.
  10. Happy BD DOC.
  11. Check out these frequencies: 453.2000, 458.2000, 460.1125, 465.1125, 462.9500, 467.9500 453.2625, 458.2625 453.0250, 458.0250 154.3400, 453.6750, 458.6750 153.9800 153.8300, 153.8900 153.8300, 154.1600 478.0500, 481.0500 156.0000, 453.1875, 458.1875 460.0125, 465.0125, 460.2375, 465.2375, 460.5875, 465.5875 453.2750, 458.2750, 453.6500, 458.6500 453.4125, 458.4125, 460.0250, 465.0250, 460.2750, 465.2750 472.0500, 475.0500 153.8300, 154.1450, 153.7700 460.1000, 465.1000, 460.4625, 465.4625, 465.5875, 465.6125, 465.6375 460.5875, 465.5875, 460.6125, 460.6375 453.2250, 458.2250, 453.8750, 458.8750 453.7875, 458.7875 453.3500, 458.3500, 453.9750, 458.9750 460.3500, 465.3500 154.2050, 154.3100 154.1000 155.7750 156.2250 472.2500, 475.2500 453.5000, 458.5000, 453.5500 453.3250, 458.3250, 453.5625, 458.5625 484.7125, 487.7125, 453.6625, 458.6625, 465.5500, 465.6000 These are frequencies that individual Westchester County FD's are licensed for according to Database Search. The above list contains 87 individual frequencies. Everyone knows that there is a shortage of frequencies available for Public Safety use. This shortage is the main reason why starting next year everyone will transition to digital TV. This transition will make available frequencies in the 700MHz frequency band that TV broadcasters will be leaving in this switch over. These 700MHz frequencies will be available for Public Safety use. I did a calculation and found that within each 1MHz of spectrum (i.e. 470.000-470.9875) there are 80 available frequencies (channels). This is calculated on the current standard of 12.5kHz spacing (0.0125) between channels. Of these 80 channels not all can be be used in each area. Adjacent channels to other users (co-channel use) is not allowed due to interference possibilities. This means if you are licensed for 470.5000, the frequencies 470.4875 & 470.5125 are not available for use within a geographical radius around your location. So, with the individual licensing of these 87 frequencies, these individual FD's are not just using the spectrum of these 87 frequencies, but also preventing the use of the 174 adjacent frequencies. With 80 channels per 1MHz, this means that individual licensing by Westchester Co. FD's is actually affecting the usage of over 2MHz of spectrum. This affects not only users in Westchester, but also adjacent users in Putnam, Rockland, NYC, NJ & CT. If we were to include individual licenses of all other Municipal users (PD, EMS, DPW, etc.) there is a lot of spectrum that is being used just because everyone wants their own channel. I am not saying that we all need to go to a trunked system (which does increase spectrum efficiency), what I am pointing out is that we all should review our individual communications needs and look at the big picture of why there is a shortage of frequencies. *Note - no names are listed for the above list because this is an overall problem, not blaming any individual agency.
  12. The points I was trying to make is that when a frequency is assigned, the adjacent two frequencies become unavailable, and that the assignment of that frequency just does not affect us in Westchester, but also adjacent Counties and States that these frequencies become unavailable for use also. So, yes the reserve of frequencies by NYC affects us by not allowing us that freq and the adjacent channels, and this is also the same with agencies in adjacent Counties and States with reserve and existing frequencies.
  13. Capt, I did a little research and found this: NFPA Standard 1221 - Standard for the Installation, Maintanence and Use of Public Emergency Service Communications. Section states "A separate simplex radio channel shall be provided for onscene tactical communications." This can be found at a ROP (Report on Proposal) at Section 8.3.1 is the Genereal section and seems to address some of this. A lot to look over, but this seems to be where your answer should be. The way I read it, no repeaters, but then NFPA Standards are only "recommendations" not law unless adopted as such.
  14. TR, I've heard them since at least 8/1 periodically. Above post from Trunking System Question If anyone has info on SHFD starting use of, or MFD stopping use of, the New System let us know why.
  15. Found this at Responder Knowledge Base.US The full article can be read at Responder Knowledge Base.US - Vests
  16. I just finished reading this commentary. Finish reading the full commentary at - Harry Carter. This is something all of us can relate to, and would do or will do sometime in your lifetime.
  17. Suggest you review NFPA 1500 - "Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program". Under section 4-2 "Driver/Operator of Fire Department Apparatus", section 4-2.4 states "Drivers shall not move fire department vehicles until all persons on the vehicle are seated and secured with seat belts in approved riding positions". Although there is no NYS law that says you have to wear seat belts in fire apparatus, when you, as the Officer or Driver, are ordered to appear in court to defend your action of not requiring your members to wear their belts, the odds are that you will be held responsible both criminally(possible jail time) and/or civily (held financially responsible). As I have stated in previous threads, National Fire Protection Association Standards are not law unless they are adopted as law in that jurisdiction. These Standards are what are considered "consensus standards" which means that they are formulated, and adopted by the members of the NFPA. When you are in court the prosecuting attorney will question you as to why you did not abide by the common practice (NFPA Standard) that your Brother and Sister Firefighters have formulated and approved and are abiding by. So, even though you are not responsible by NYS law, a jury will hold you responsible because you were not enforcing nationally recognized regulations that your Brother and Sister Firefighters enforce. Litigation against Fire Department Drivers and Officers is happening more and more. And, they are being held responsible in court. Stay safe, BUCKLE UP.
  18. I am not familiar with the BC246T. The North and South Zones are only for frequency assignment. Program each set of frequencies in separate Banks. With a Motorola UHF system (as Westchester has) the Base, Step and Offset information aslo has to be programmed. Find how to do this at the "Easier to Read" link above in section "Edit System Options Menu" then "Edit Band Plan". The Base, Step and Offset info can be found at EMTBravo Trunked System info. So, in each Bank you need all the frequencies, Base, Step and Offset info for that Zone. You will also need to program the Talkgroups you want to listen to in each Bank. Talkgroup listings can be found at Westchester County Trunked System. Lastly, when you are in the area you need to verify that you are receiving the Control Channel. Manually go to 470.5750MHz (North Zone) or 476.2375MHz (South Zone) and verify that you are receiving constant "noise" on this frequency. This is the datastream that controls which frequency is assigned to which Talkgroup for each individual transmission. All Talkgroups are assigned to both Zones, as stated above you do need to program them all in each Bank (Zone). Hope this helps. Also, try looking through our thread at EMTBravo Trunked System Thread
  19. If you are hearing one half of the conversation you should hear the other half, they both work from the same towers. On a trunked system conversations do not go directly from radio to radio. The transmission goes from the transmitting radio to the nearest repeater tower then to the receiving radio. So, if you are receiving one half of the transmission (from the tower), you should hear the other half (also from the tower).
  20. The theory behind the Westchester County Fire/EMS Trunked System is that agencies (FD/EMS) will be dispatched on their existing paging system. Response and communications to 60 Control will be on the Trunked System. On scene communications will be on the eight UHF Fireground frequencies. This is how it was designed to work. No one is mandated to use this system or abandon their existing systems. I posted the above questions to find out more about who is, and who isn't, using the new system.
  21. I have a couple of questions regarding the Trunked System that I have heard this week. Today I have heard Sleepy Hollow FD responding to calls using Fire 12 on the System with communications to 60 Control. Is this use permanent or is their VHF system down temporarily? And will they be using 60 Control for dispatch? Second, Wednesday evening I heard Montrose FD tone out to all members that they would not be using the Trunked System and would revert back to 46.26MHz for all responses. Anyone have any info on why this change?
  22. Try looking through this Easier to Read Scanner Manual BC246T.
  23. Driving up Mamaroneck Avenue in Mamaroneck this afternoon noticed BMFD's new E94 Seagrave in the bay at Excelsior Garage getting preped for delivery.
  24. Found out at our Officer's meeting tonight that MetalCraft Marine will be stopping at Ossining tomorrow Tuesday July 29 with three boats. These boats are on their way from Troy,NY to the Providence, RI area. The reason for the visit is for the Village Board to view what the OFD is interested in purchasing. No specific time was announced but it will be sometime after 12PM. Anyone interested in seeing the boats is welcome to stop by.