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About SteveOFD

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  • Name: Steve Pendzuk
  • Location Ossining, NY
  • Agency Ossining FD

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  1. Where did you get this information? It took me less than two minutes to go to their website which says they are an all volunteer department.
  2. The information you are looking for is in the links mentioned previously in this thread.
  3. From The Journal News legal section 11/01/13 "The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Pleasantville Fire District...invites the submission of sealed bids on a Custom 2000 gpm opening December 2, 2013..."
  4. According to the WCDES Annual Report 2012 48 of 58 FD's and 25 of 45 EMS agencies use 60 Control as their primary dispatch.
  5. Not knowing the specifics of the FDNY rigs, but from seeing pictures of how they operate, the hard suction line in the bottom rack (smaller one) looks to be of heavier construction and is most probably used for hydrant operations. The other three look to be of the lighter construction and are used for drafting operations. Being a long time Engine Company member and Officer, this is what I have seen over the the years. The lighter ones typically would not be able to withstand some of the higher pressures from hydrants, whereas drafting operations would create a negative pressure within the hose.
  6. An FYI for anyone who hasn't been up close to an FDNY rig. Look at picture number three ( the Chauffer side pump panel) the compartment to the right of the panel. Check out the carabiner (lock) on the door. The "D" (the round handle) handle does not turn, if this is the same as what I had seen on Rescue 5 when it was at the Long Island Show two years ago (?). You do not have to turn the "D" ring, just pull the door open, interesting concept.
  7. Not looking to defend or support this, but the 2% funds are a surcharge on fire insurance policies written by foreign (i.e. out of state) insurance companies. No tax money is involved. An interesting interpretation from the NYS Insurance Department can be found here .
  8. Looking at this web page, Airport Fire Officer seems to be a new designation for ARFF operations. "Airport Fire Officer 259x", "AFO 259x", "Fire 259x", "Duty Officer 259x" could be some suggestions.
  9. Confirmed, Elmsford PD is now 151.0625MHz DPL054
  10. Unknown at this time. The Village of Elmsford has two new FCC licenses: WQPL677 (FD) 153.8525MHz (PL/DPL unknown) & 159.3975MHz DPL306 WQPP946 (PD) 151.0625MHZ (PL/DPL unknown) & 154.7100MHz (PL/DPL unknown) The previous licenses for both FD & PD were not narrowbanded, so they are probably not going to be used (FD confirmed not going to be used).
  11. New frequency & PL/DPL is 159.3975MHz DPL306.
  12. Today I got confirmation from a member of EFD that 159.3975MHz is their new frequency, and that they had to give up 153.9800MHz. Haven't heard anything on the new freq. yet.
  13. Just heard a page on Elmsford FD's freq. (153.9800MHz) for all members to drop off their pagers Monday so they can be reprogrammed with the new frequency. On the FCC's website I see that this frequency "may" be 159.3975MHz Looking at their current license KKG536, it does not appear that they got 153.9800MHz narrowbanded, so they "may" be transitioning over to the new frequency whatever it is.
  14. The Scott 4.5's heads up display runs on two AA batteries.
  15. The Judge does not need to know anything about emergency services. He/She needs to decipher (and rule on) what the terms of the contract intended.