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About danb

  • Birthday May 8

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  • Location Monroe, NY
  • Agency 28

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  1. we have 3 Chiefs all from different companies. If as the chief from my company I go away for 48 hrs or more the car gets passed to captain from my house. If he doesn't want to take it/can't it gets given to one of the other captains. If they dont take it it generally gets passed to a LT but that could change to a past chief based on the current climate in the department
  2. Final Inspection was last week, no set date for delivery yet. And you are correct
  3. Monroe FD T-537 75ft rear mount Smeal should be delivered by mid December Monroe T-538 is in committee to replace current 538 a 95 Sutphen Woodbury FD is in committee for a commercial cab engine from what i have been told Chester is looking for a new Fire Police Unit as well
  4. Alright here in my department ( a rather large department with a high call volume) We have some basic requirements to even be on the FAST team. 1) 3 years as an active interior member in the department- thus you have to be 21 to be a official "member" of the FAST team. Although this could be waived for someone coming from another department -we haven't had that situation yet. 2) FF1 or equivalent and the NYSOFPC FAST Class 3) Our FAST team drills on its own at least 1x a month. You are required to make half the drills a year some months they drill only once others there are 2 drills. 4) A member who does not meet 3 years interior can still train with the FAST team, but is not a "member" until they hit the 3 year mark. Although if manpower is tight and they are responding to a job, and are 1 short ( our minimum staffing is 4 FAST members and officer) the officer of the FAST team, or the OIC of our response can give the thumbs up for that member to respond with the FAST We also have a FAST team Captain who is appointed by the Chief of Department after submitting his/her training records, resume and letter of intent. My own personal opinion especially here in Orange County I think you will see dedicated FAST teams go by the wayside over the next 3-4 years. I can think of a handful of teams that have been placed out of service permanently due to training and staffing levels. I would much rather as an officer call for a FAST team from 15 minutes away, as opposed to the one 5 minutes down the road that their training or staffing is questionable. This past weekend our team held a drill on just one thing, our department oxyacetylene torch. How many teams train on that? Soon we will have another drill on the same topic but also include our neighboring teams. I really think teams drilling together and cross training on everyones tools is a major step in the right direction. Who's to say that they won't need it at our job, or if they are going as a 2nd FAST after god forbid we get put into operation? Our FAST team drills with a few other FAST teams a few drills a year and cross trains on their equipment and the like.
  5. Shame this does not appeare to be open to FD's. I can think of a handfull of searched for at risk subjects in the past 3-4 years that my department alone has assisted in....
  6. Sailsbury is purchasing a 75ft Sutphen from Greensboro NC I beleive Washingtonvilles Engines should be in any week now Tuxedos twins went out to bid Monroes quint is out to bid
  7. We did it here in the Town of Monroe. Well 3 fire departments ( 2 villages 1 private) into 1 FIre District just last year. I was heavily involved in the setup and organization on the firematic end and my best piece of advise for anyone from any of those departments that are reading this is go into it with an open mind, look at the big picture and make sure the right people are setting up the department/district.
  8. such as cornwall
  9. Monroe-Lakeside Fire Rescue Co took delivery to this 2010 Seagrave Engine 2500gpm 1500 tank 8 man cab 30 gallon foam cell
  10. Because officers of law should be honest citizens who follow the law and are expected to follow the laws that they enforce?
  11. Why don't we let Sexual Predators become EMT's while we are at it?
  12. It gets better. She has a criminal background ( Shoplifting in Town of Clarkstown) and even though the Investigators did NOT recommend her-the town board decided to appoint her anyway! She is THE ONLY person on patrol at RPD that has Steady RDO's AND steady tours ( she works 4x12's) I find it screwed up that if the PBA is indeed the bargaining unit for the Members that this "officer" was allowed to pretty much make up her own contract
  13. Too bad their server has been down since 5:30ish PM
  14. Training Officers around here are usually a junior chief officer How about to be appointed Deputy Chief what is everyones requirements to be appointed?
  15. What about the "superglove" anyone wear them?